Session Submission Summary

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STS Across Borders

Wed, August 30, 9:15 to 10:45am, Sheraton Boston, Floor: 3, Beacon D

Session Submission Type: Special Event


This informal, pre-meeting will be provide an opportunity for STS scholars from different regions and networks to meet, and learn about different STS contexts, genealogies and approaches. Participants are invited to contribute reference material in advance, addressing preliminary queries that will help draw out critical differences and comparisons, shared concerns, and possibilities for collaboration. Contributed material will be curated and shared in advance of the meeting. The meeting will lay ground for continued dialogue and planning -- focused, in part, on the 4S 2018 meetings in Sydney, where the theme will be Transnational STS. To contribute material for this meeting, contact Kim Fortun ( All are welcome to attend.

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