Event Details
Event Title Genomics Workshop with Dr. Chuck Perou
Location Marsico 5004
Sponsor UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date/Time 11/14/2017 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Cindy Hoffmeier cindy_hoffmeier@unc.edu
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Genomic data coming from DNA microarrays, and now from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), has revolutionized cancer biology and cancer care. A myriad of genomic, genetic, and proteomic technologies are being applied to human tumors, which is resulting in data sets that may contain thousands of patients, and for each patient thousands to millions of features. Thus a great need for the optimal utilization of these extensive datasets is the ability to find patterns without using prior knowledge, and then the ability to classify new samples according to these novel patterns. Cancer genomics has been at the forefront of biology based big data as the differences between and across tumors can be dramatic. In this presentation, we will introduce and briefly cover the many topics that are an integral part of our Genomics and Big Data Class Discovery efforts.

UNC - Chapel Hill