

Eine Ritualmordlegende sagt gesellschaftlich diskriminierten Minderheiten Ritualmorde an Angehörigen einer Mehrheitsgruppe nach. Die Kolporteure greifen oft unaufgeklärte Entführungs-, Unglücks- oder Tötungsfälle auf, besonders von Kindern, und... Wikipedia
The infamous May 1934 issue of the paper was later banned by the Nazi authorities, because it went so far as to compare alleged Jewish ritual murder with the ...
351-414; English summary, pp. xvii-xx). Jewish Ritual Murder. 699. Page 3 ...
4. Drawing upon the writings of other supposed specialists who wrote about the roots of Jewish ritual murder, Pranaitis insisted that Judaism dictated the ...
"blood libel" or Jewish "ritual murder" affair in modern times. In outline, the story is very simple. On February 5, 1840, an elderly monk-priest of Italian ...
Kieval, "Representation and Knowledge in Medieval and Modern Accounts of Jewish Ritual Murder," in: Jewish Social Studies (1994–95); I.J. Yuval, "Two ...
2 In the case of alleged Jewish ritual murder, the blood motivation is nearly always present which presumably accounts for the equally common occurrence of both ...
... Jewish ritual murder: Jews not only follow the alleged injunction from the Talmud that instructed them to kill Christians and consume their blood for their ...
02.02.2020 · In 2014, the Anti-Defamation League demanded Facebook remove “Jewish Ritual Murder” pages. Advertisement. A photograph taken following the ...
08.10.2021 · From the twelfth century to the twenty-first, the charge of “Jewish ritual murder” has been used as an excuse to persecute, torture, and ...
28.01.2016 · ... Jewish ritual murder was closely tied to the system of moneylending and debt at the time, a system tested by the failures of the Second Crusade.