ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
76334 | LibreOff | Impress | libreoffice-bugs | NEW | --- | LO4.3 writes svg:viewBox="0 0 0 0" when convert a shape in pptx to odp. | 2023-11-07 |
122325 | LibreOff | Impress | libreoffice-bugs | NEW | --- | FILEOPEN PPTX shape with direct values in arcTo command is not rendered | 2024-10-31 |
122323 | LibreOff | Impress | libreoffice-bugs | RESO | FIXE | FILEOPEN PPTX large swing angles in arcTo command are not clipped to 360deg | 2020-06-14 |
File a new bug in the "Impress" component of the "LibreOffice" product