Well, There You Have It


Text of emails:

From: Steve Jobs

Subject: Re: I Don’t Usually Do This

Date: April 9, 2010 5:16:14 PM EDT

To: Marc LaFountain

We think its great.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Marc LaFountain wrote:

Hi, Steve. I’m not usually one to write in like this. But, I’m so disappointed with the Apple iPad Case that I feel I need to share my concerns with you. The case is simply not worthy of you, Apple, or the iPad.

The tacky/sticky case surface is a magnet for dust, dirt, and (most unfortunately) cat hair. Putting the iPad in the case and taking it back out feels akin to performing surgery. The bottom of the case in landscape mode becomes the inside of the case in portrait mode, which gets stuff on the iPad screen. And, while the case is a huge pleasure to use at an angle in landscape mode, it is ungainly and uncomfortable to use in portrait mode. I would also love a case that works with Apple’s iPad Dock and am disappointed to see Apple’s own case doesn’t work with Apple’s own dock.

Thanks for listening. And, please know that I feel the iPad itself and iPhone OS 4.0 are grand triumphs. I simply want an Apple case to live up to the Apple product it houses.

Marc  :-)

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