Revalidation - all you need to know with Nick Kaye from the RPS

By Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee

Date and time

Mon, 4 Jun 2018 19:00 - 21:30 GMT+1


The Barnstaple Hotel

Braunton Road Barnstaple EX31 1LE United Kingdom


Update meeting on what will impact on pharmacists over the next few months.

Devon LPC has arrnged for the Nick Kaye from the RPS to provide an update on revalidation and the impact it will have on you..

The meeting will cover;

  • Revalidation - What is the new framework, who is affected and when will it be implemented?

We have arranged 2 venues on 2 different dates, you are welcome to attend whichever meeting is most convenient to you. Both meetings will be the same.

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