Wicomico Co. Sheriff takes hard stance on gun bills in Annapolis

WICOMICO COUNTY, Md. – Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis has a bold statement for Maryland legislators considering one proposed gun law.

“I will not comply with that law. I will not send my deputies into harms way to remove any weapon from anyone that they lawfully and legally purchased. It’s wrong, it’s unjust and it’s unconstitutional. It’s fundamentally flawed and I can’t do it,” says Sheriff Lewis.

Sheriff Lewis is talking about a proposed bill that he believes takes away the rights of law abiding citizens. Senate Bill 737 would add the heavy barreled AR-15 to the list of weapons that have been deemed dangerous in the state of Maryland.

It’s a gun that is commonly used for hunting and sporting events here in Wicomico County and across the state.

And if passed, those who legally bought these rifles would have to surrender it, something that Sheriff Lewis says he just won’t support.

Right now there are over two dozen gun laws being proposed in Annapolis and while he will not stand for that bill, Sheriff Lewis tells us there are others he’s in favor of.

Especially one that would make personal protection and self defense a good and substantial reason for issuing a handgun permit.

“If someone needs immediate police assistance and they’re dialing 911, it could take a deputy or trooper several minutes to get there. I want people to have the ability to retrieve a firearm from their home and not have to worry about in the middle of the night loading that weapon,” explains Sheriff Lewis.

Sheriff Lewis believes everyone has the responsibility of protecting themselves and their families. He adds when it comes to issues with gun control, mental health needs to be addressed first and foremost.

Sheriff Lewis is expected to return to testify before legislators again next week.

Categories: Check It Out, Maryland, Top Stories