
January 2, 2007, 12:08 am
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okay well, nothing much has happened really apart from i had a sleepover and i cleaned out my computer and started a legacy [and im not making a story out of it, it gets boring… X___x] and i got rid of my defaults, and its weird looking at the sims all maxis-y, like the maxis sims, because i got rid off all my game, but i still have it backed-up and have all my sims in bodyshop, just maxis-y like, because i dont have all there skintones, but i know soon i will get my backed-up game and put it back it, its just weird without all my defaults and stuff. [but i do still have most of my CC…] so yeah. =D

oh and i got a black nintedo ds lite… and jill copied me. 😐 haha, yeah and oh i got a tv [wide screen..ooh. even ask jill!!] =o and other stuff but i can’t be bothered going through them all because, this is the second time i have had to write this because when i put it up, nothing appeared and i couldn’t get anything back so yeah. poopy.

that’s it for now anyway… tatatatatatatata =D

*tis going to copy and paste this now incase it doesn’t appear again =o*

Oh no… burst pipe!?!
December 19, 2006, 10:39 pm
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Yeah, today we got off school early, because of a burst pipe that is making the water all dirty and we can’t use the toilets. So… woo. 😀 But, it was so fun, the last week of school it so fun! 😉 But I sooo don’t want to go back to school. Urhg. 😐

Oh, and I got a peggy and rose donations. So, fun fun fun. Yeah, this week has been fun, but nothing really fun to talk about. Aprt from Mondy in P.E. Weeelll, for the last week[two periods a week] we use the last to to do what we want, so there is like PingPong, Trampolines, Uni-Hock, Football, Netball, in all the different rooms and stuff. So me and Emily tried PingPong, god, was that fun or whattttt!! I threw the ball fastly at Emily she hut it the wrong way, it turned to the court table thing next to us and bounced off it and came to me and I hut it, what skills, then we did badminton, and trmpoline and stuff, so twas fun. 8)

But otherwise there is nothing to talk about… really there isn’t the only time I get a blog to tell you my most cool life, my life then becomes boring. 😐 Hfffmmm.

Oh, and about my desktop, random I know but, you know the bar with all the stuff on it, like iTunes, IE ect. well I moved that in closer so there is 2 rows of the icons. YUUUSSH. Look what I am leved to… talking about… stupid boring stuff. God, I’m lame. Sorry guys!! 😐 😛

Love, boring Scott that doesn’t have a clue why is got so boring… so help him. 🙂

December 17, 2006, 3:18 pm
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Well I am really bored right now, and there has been nothing going on all this week… nearly. 😐 So I have nothing to do, well apart from sims. But I was thinking about showing you my desktop… well here it is. Yesh, very cool… right? 😎 🙂

My Desktop

Random I know, but there is nothing to talk about… apart from it’s the last week of school!! Wait, there is something we can talk about… Christmas!! Weeelll… I have asked for a nintendo DS, and some games. But I mostly want that Braintraining one.. see how smart I really am, and I am asking for a black one, dont want pink… the blue is.. a little toooo blue… I think it is anyway and I dont want a silver. BOORRIINNGG. 😛 😀 A new MP3 player, and maaybbe a Wii. Ooh. And new clothes and stuff but I was thinking of getting a Xbox 360… but dad says just wait for the PS3.. so yeah. This christmas I’m not getting a lot… I mean the makers that make all these stuff are getting lame.. there is nothing I want this Xmas!! 😐 😛

Woo. Soical dancing… my fav
December 13, 2006, 5:47 pm
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Well today at school in P.E we had soical dancing. We have it for about 4 weeks before the christmas party. But anyway, I liked it today. Because I forgot my shoes and had to dancing in my socks and I loved it, for some reason I felt “free” … weird. ANNDD… Karel I got to dance with Emma, 4 times!! Lol. And in science, we all got cards of these things, science-y things. And we would match them. Oh yeah, metals. We were revising metals for the test and because it was near christmas we got to play a game about it. So it went like .. if you had “Sodium” and “Cholrine” and “Sodium Chloride” [Or how-ever you spell it] you can match them up and thats a match.. get it? Well I had the idea to change it to snap. Because there was about 6 of everything. So, me and Jenny played snap and all you heard in the room was “SNAP!!” and Mr Houston [My teacher] was like looking and we would always go “Yeah, so if sodium went with.. blah blah…” Lol. 😀 So.. sicence wasn’t bad. 😐 Kindaa… 🙂

Oh, now this is a really weird story. Me and Brooke were in a voice convo on msn. When we are talking and blah blah Brooke goes to sent me a pic of her sim, when out of nowhere Izzy appears and says “Huh?” and me and Brooke were like “OMGOMGOMG” But we had no idea how she got there, because it didn’t say “Izzy Had Been Added…” So.. yeah. Weird.

But anyway, Brooke is soooooo funny. So is everyone else but here is some other voice clips I saved of Brooke. 😉

School, school and … school. And Brooke!!
December 11, 2006, 5:05 pm
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Yeah, school. Not fun. Today we had P.E first, social dancing.. 😐 then English. We just read this play thingy, Maths.. don’t wanna go into how boring it was 😐 French! *dies* T’was verrryy boring, apart that me, Connor, Adrienne, And Bruce [Real Name Kayleigh, but I call her Bruce to piss her off :P], Technical, BBBOORRIIING.. well … kinda. Science, we did nothing. 😐 Because our teacher was busy so we did… nothing.. which is good, best when we all started throwing rulers and stuff. And thats a Monday for me. 😐

BROOKE BROOKE BROOKE. Gosh, is she funny or what. She is like the funniest ever, apart from Punki, Jill, Fidz, Zoe… okay you know what I mean.

Well that’s me today. Tatatata… or for now anyway.. MWAHAHA. :D:P

Well that was fun…
December 11, 2006, 12:18 am
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Okay, well today was not really any fun, apart from the sim I made. And I know I shouldn’t as I am running out f room, so I should keep of making sims and downloading stuff but I can’t help it. 😐 Anyway, here is my new sim. 😛


But, to tonight.

Twas fun. Zoe, Erica, Brooke, Emily, JayJay, Fidz, Slice, Amandi, Izzy and a lot more. So, I saved some voice clips and it became this… 😀

OMG. That was fun, until morning…
December 10, 2006, 12:24 pm
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Well, I got up at 7:30am and believe I couldn’t get back to sleep, and nobody else was up so I had nothing to do but sit around watching childrens tele. I watched this thing called “Lazytown” … omg. Is that the most awesomest/gayest thing ever. I thought it was quite cool with that guy jumped around but then after that it got really boring. Omg. I am rating a kids show. Dammit. 😐 Ok, ok. I have to tell you about last night. Well me, Emily, Zoë, Liz, Erica, Emma, JayJay, Brooke and some others were on msn chatting to each other until it got really funny, when we did tttooonnnnss of voice clips. Oh, that was waaaayy funny. But, right now I am bored and listening to… Dam Dadi Doo. 😀 Yush, I’m in love with it. Really pathetic. But anyway, here is Darci again, as I am running out of my computer and need to wait to christmas to get another new hard-drive, so here she is again. Sorry for being boring… 😛


And here is “Dam Dadi Doo” for you, and a really awesome vid to go with it. I love Kingdom Of Hearts 😀

Am I the only one?!?!
December 9, 2006, 7:17 pm
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Well, alot of people have a myspace and well I dont, mostly because not a lot of people at my school have one, we have bebos. But, I have made one, and I have no idea what the heck to do. It’s so… weird, and hard. But when I have got it done and finished you may see it. But, am I the only one who doesn’t have one. I mean really?

Oh, and I was on YouTube and found a funny family guy video. Tis very quick, but it made me laugh!! 😀

Hi, I am obessed with a new song!
December 9, 2006, 4:29 pm
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Well first thingy so lets make it good. Right? Yush. So today is Saturday for me and today has been so boring, I went cristmas shopping, kinda but I still need to get a lot more stuff. So yeah, today wasn’t any fun. Oh but I did get obessed with this new song. It kinda old but I love it now. — Nightcore – Dam Dadi Doo — I guess it could be old, I’m not sure and that doesnt even matter. But also I made a new sim and joined a contest with her. ENTM at SC [Sim Contest]. So, today was boring, BUT, I have a full night ahead of me, maybe something fun will happen then!

And about this blog thing. I am still getting used to it, so dont ever dare to laugh or I will eat your head off, then sip it out, I dont like the taste of blood…=S Oh and dont you just LOVEE my banner.

Laslty, here is Darci!!
