Hello! You are about to fill out a brief survey for the Program for Research on Women's Health and Disability (PROWHD) Research Registry. The purpose of the registry is to connect with women who are interested in being contacted for participation in future research studies focusing on Women's Health and Disability.

You will be asked questions about your address, phone number and to describe your disability. You will also be asked questions about your availability and the type of research you'd be willing to participate in. Filling out this survey is completely voluntary and will not penalize you in anyway if you decide not to participate.

The next page will contain the consent form, with information explaining the study in detail and will ask you to select whether you agree to participate in the study or not. If you do not select an option or if you select "I decline to participate in the registry" then you will not see any questions and will be directed to the end page. If you have any questions or problems filling out the survey, please contact us at whdregistry@umich.edu

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To save your responses and end the survey, click the 'End Survey' button below. If you have selected the wrong option by accident and/or wish to return to the survey, click the 'Return and Edit Response' button.