Womxn/Hacks Interest Form 2020
** This is only an interest form to gauge numbers! It is not a commitment. **

Womxn/hacks is a 36-hour all-female-identifying hackathon. Our mission is to diversify the field of computer science by giving womxn of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to delve into coding within a supportive and inclusive environment.  

DATE: January 17th-19th, 2020
WHERE: Student Resource Building, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Check out our website: https://www.womxnhacks.com/

If you have any questions or concerns, please email womxnhacks@gmail.com.
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Adresse e-mail *
Name *
School *
Year *
If you are a first year, would you be interested in interning for us?
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If you are a UCSB undergraduate student, would you be interested in volunteering instead of hacking?
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If you are a UCSB graduate student, would you like to run your own workshop or mentor?
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What is your level of coding/hacking? *
1 is no experience at both coding and hacking while 5 is confident in coding skill with previous hacking experience.
What would you want to gain/learn from this hackathon?
Additional questions and/or comments?
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