Romania Records Volunteer
Thank you for volunteering. The towns listed are the towns that we are presently working on or will be working on soon. While we would like to have you work on the towns that you prefer you might be assigned to work on another town.  Rather than responding to this form, please mail the information to

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Name *
Email address *
What language skills do you have? *
List other languages in Comments.
Bucovina Region
What town would you like to work on from the Bucovina Region?
Moldavia Region
What town would you like to work on from the Moldavia Region?
Muntenia Region
What town would you like to work on from the Muntenia Region?
Other towns
Have you ever filled out the JewishGen Volunteer Agreement? *
You will have to fill out this form to work on our records
Comments or concerns
Town assigned
For Bob's use only
For Bob's use only
For Bob's use only
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