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United Church of Christ

January 5, 2010

What Are You Looking For?

Excerpt from John 1:10-18

"He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him . . . . But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God."

Reflection by William C. Green

It's often said, "I've got to see it to believe it." When I can see how much someone cares about me, I'll believe it. When I can see the success I want at home, at work, or in the church, I'll believe it. When I can see the difference it makes when I do something worthwhile, I'll believe it.

Today's reading turns that thinking on its head. The message is, "I've got to believe it to see it." At heart, we find what we're looking for -- and when we don't, we conclude that something's wrong. We're easily given to self-fulfilling prophecy. Scientists and philosophers, grown wise in this multicultural era, remind us that we all look out at the world, not on the basis of fact, but through the lens of our own biases and beliefs.

Given all that is wrong in so many ways, it's hard to find the assuring spirit of Christ. Habits of doubt can color our personality and shape our whole outlook on life.

The empowering love of God is present working through us to bring about the best. That's been true since the beginning of time, and is so evermore. That's the bias of faith. It makes us want to look for and live out this truth. Believe it and you'll see it, however imperfectly.


Help us to believe you so we can find you, God.  So may we receive your power and guidance in all we care about and love.  Amen.


About the Author
William C. Green has served in the local, Conference, and national settings of the United Church of Christ.

The Stillspeaking Daily Devotional is a free service and is supported by your gifts to Our Church's Wider Mission. Scripture quotations are from New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America,adapted. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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