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Research Data Management at Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Hallam University is undertaking a survey of Research Data Management (RDM) practices within its research community. If you undertake research in any Faculty, the Steering Group of the Research Data Management project would like to hear from you!

The survey is designed to gauge:

   - what types and quantities of research data are held by SHU researchers
   - how these research data are currently managed, preserved and possibly shared
   - what support needs you may have for Research Data Management

This will help us to deliver a support infrastructure - both technological and human - that meets your needs and that facilitates good Research Data Management practices across the University.

For the purpose of this survey, research data refer to any type of data created, collected, or generated in a digital or non-digital form that are analysed to produce original research results.

Please answer the questions in this survey in relation to the research data that you currently hold, whether these are for a completed or ongoing project.

The survey should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It can be done anonymously.

There are 4 pages:

   1. About you (this page)
   2. Your research data and how you manage those data
   3. Sharing your research data
   4. Awareness of RDM and your training needs

If you would like further information on RDM or if you want to participate in a follow-up interview, please enter your name and email address at the end of the survey (page 4).

Please do not hesitate to contact Eddy Verbaan, Research Data Manager,, if you have any queries.
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1. About You
Faculty *
Research Centre/Institute
Research role *
Who is your research funded by? *
Please list all sources of funding
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