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Created March 2, 2020 03:38
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How to generate and save vector figures in MATLAB

How to generate and save vector figures in MATLAB

This is how I generate .eps/.pdf/.png files for publications. This will produce nice vector figures and rasters at a nice crispy 300 DPI

Add this to the top of your script

fontname = 'Arial'; % or your favorite font, IEEE prefers Arial in figures. Helvetica is also sexy.
colors = get(0, 'DefaultAxesColorOrder');

When creating a new figure window

fignum = 1;
fig = figure(fignum); clf; hold on; grid on; box on;
fig.Renderer = 'Painters'; % this ensures that your figure will be vector/ps

When you are ready to save

fig.PaperUnits = 'inches';
fig.PaperPosition = [0 0 6 4]; % adjust this to the aspect ratio you want in your publication
figpath = strcat('figure_',num2str(fignum));
print(figpath,'-dpng','-r300') % or change this to 600 (dpi) for crispier figs
print(figpath,'-depsc','-r300') % or change this to 600 (dpi) for crispier figs

Optional: Use ghostscript-based eps2pdf MATLAB function to generate pdf

eps2pdf(strcat(figpath,'.eps'),'/usr/local/bin/gs') % second parameter is path to ghostscript exec

For best results, use the .pdf in LaTeX!

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