Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recall Walker Poster - New and Improved!

One of my faithful readers, "Raven," saw a problem with a "Recall Walker" picture that I was using. So he took it upon himself to improve it:

Thus quoth the Raven:
Chris, on your November 10th CogDis blog, you had a nice "RECALL" poster, 400 x 300 jpg, but blown up to any larger size the color disruption was too visible for use. I've taken the time to clean it up and re-save the picture as a png, so it can be used in your website -- or blown up for a poster or T-shirt without color disruption. Also, I've fixed the eyes so they look like the real-life Scott Walker's (wink!).... Enjoy! -- Raven.
As for me, I don't think I'll be printing it out. Those googly-weasel-eyes seem to follow a person. Too spooky!

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