Rumor: Resident Evil 6: Final Hope, Revelations HD is real, and Operation Raccoon City gets a sequel

It’s time for some rumors! Said rumors come from Dual Pixels, who received the information from Geno, a reliable source that ended up being right about the new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow projects (LoS 2 and MoF) and Kingdom Hearts HD Collection. But this rumor isn’t for you ‘vaniacs and keyblade lovers! This is all about Resident Evil.

According to Geno, Capcom will be bringing the series to Wii U with the release of Resident Evil 6: Final Hope. This is pretty much the game’s Gold Edition and, as expected, will come with a brand new scenario. Said scenario stars Claire, and it’s said to be taking place after the events of Resident Evil 6 (perhaps this will set the stage for Resident Evil 7). This edition of the game will also fix bugs and other gameplay issues people had problems with, Geno says. The GamePad will be heavily utilized and you’ll also be able to play the game without having the TV on as well. It wasn’t outright stated that this will be exclusive to Wii U, though.

Remember Resident Evil Revelations being listed as coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360? Yeah, well, Geno says it’s true. This HD Edition will also be coming to Wii U. He didn’t say if there would be any extra content though.

Lastly, we have a sequel to Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Yes, you read that right. I’m not surprised at all by this, despite just being a rumor, because the game’s final Spec Ops missions did leave things at a cliffhanger and open for a sequel. It’s going to be called Operation Terrestrial Fear and it’s going to be hitting the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita and Wii U.

Take all of this with mountains of salt. Realistically speaking, stuff like this may not be announced until E3 next year, if these rumors are legit that is. The only thing I can see being announced sooner is Revelations HD Edition. What do you think about all this?



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