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Mirabilis jalapa von en.m.wikipedia.org
Mirabilis jalapa, the marvel of Peru or four o'clock flower, is the most commonly grown ornamental species of Mirabilis plant, and is available in a range ...


Die Wunderblume, in historischen Werken alternativ auch als „Schweizerhose“ bezeichnet, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Wunderblumen innerhalb der Familie der Wunderblumengewächse. Wikipedia
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Familie: Wunderblumengewächse (Nyctaginaceae)
Art: Wunderblume
Weitere Fragen
Mirabilis jalapa von hort.extension.wisc.edu
The shrub-like, erect and spreading, multi-branched plants grow 2-3 feet tall and wide. The weak and brittle stems break easily and flop over if not supported.
Mirabilis jalapa von www.thespruce.com
10.02.2023 · Four o'clock plants (Mirabilis jalapa) are bushy blooming perennials. These tuberous-rooted plants produce slightly pointed oval leaves on ...
Mirabilis jalapa von www.gardenia.net
Mirabilis jalapa (Marvel of Peru) is a shrub-like, erect and spreading, tuberous perennial often grown as an annual, with clusters of fragrant flowers from ...
Mirabilis jalapa von world.comfortzoneskin.com
The extract of this plant, native to Peru, also known as “the four o'clock flower”, has a soothing action, primarily calming inflammation whilst also ...
Four-o'clock is a deciduous, semi-woody perennial in the four-o'clock family (Nyctaginaceae). It is native from Mexico to Central America and can be grown as an ...
Mirabilis jalapa von de.m.wikipedia.org
Die Wunderblume (Mirabilis jalapa), in historischen Werken alternativ auch als „Schweizerhose“ bezeichnet, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der ...
Mirabilis jalapa, commonly called four o'clock or marvel of Peru, is native to tropical North, Central, and South America. It is a bushy, tender perennial that ...
Mirabilis jalapa von northwesthort.org
01.10.2020 · Although Mirabilis is perennial, it dies to the ground with the first frost and is usually treated as an annual in our climate. Like dahlias, ...
Mirabilis jalapa von www.depts.ttu.edu
Mirabilis jalapa Plant Information ; Common Name: four o'clocks ; Family: Nyctaginaceae ; Suggested Uses: tender perennial often used as an annual beds & borders, ...