Google Rolls Out Home Energy Software

Google Power Meter Google’s Power Meter provides near real-time energy use information.

Google’s initiative to allow people to monitor their energy use on their computers took a step forward on Wednesday, as the company announced partnerships with eight electric utilities that will be the first to use its “Power Meter.”

Essentially, the secure software gadget will interact with the intelligent metering devices currently being installed by utilities for their customers. The software will “show consumers their home energy information almost in real time, right on their computer,” the company says.

Googlers testing the device, which includes a graphic-rich, Web-based interface, have reported learning which appliances cause the largest spike in home energy use — causing them to make changes like ensuring that an energy-intensive dishwasher or washing machine is fully loaded.

“One of my colleagues learned that her pool pump had been operating for years,” said Dan Reicher, the head of climate change programs at, with whom I spoke last month.

Another time, he said, while monitoring his own home’s energy usage from afar: “I called up my daughter and said, ‘I think you may have left the lights on in your room.’”

Google cites studies that suggest consumers could cut their electricity bills by 5 percent to 15 percent if they had access to information about how much electricity they are consuming.

The eight electric utilities include one in India and one in Canada, as well as six in the United States.

(These are: Glasgow EPB in Kentucky; TXU Energy in Texas; San Diego Gas & Electric in California; White River Valley Electric Cooperative in Missouri; JEA in Florida; and Wisconsin Public Service in Wisconsin.)

SDG&E, one of the largest participating utilities, says that its smart-meter customers should be able to view their energy-use profile on Google’s Web site by the end of the year.

Hal Snyder, the utility’s vice president of customer solutions, said in a statement: “This is about choice, control and convenience for our customers.”

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ConEd, please be next!!

This is great. Anyone who has driven a Prius and watched the energy display understands the impact that instantaneous, clear feedback can have on consumption. The company or utility that gets this right will drive behavior in ways that will have a huge impact on home energy consumption. Keeping it simple is key–the information needs to be easy to interpret and it needs to point to easy-to-take remedies, e.g. see a spike, know what it is, and change behavior based on seeing it.

It’d be great to add the ability to “friend” your neighbors so you could compare your energy use to those around you.

John, you have it exactly right. Quick, simple, clear feedback can have a big impact on behavior (BTW, it work on me in my Honda Civic hybrid)

How do I compare with my neighbors? is a question that my utility can easily answer today! Is my bill above or below average? Higher or lower than my neighbors?

Are the utilities motivated to encourage me to conserve? Do they make more money the more electricity they sell? If so, encouraging conservation is just bad business for them.

I am amused and disappointed with the mixed messages in the inserts that accompany my utility bills. Various admonishments to conserve accompanied by encouragements to install a dehumidifier in my basement or use an electric space heater to “save on heating costs.”

Perhaps there is a story there around the various state utility regulations that don’t encourage, or worse yet, discourage conservation.

PG&E where are you????

Where are the safeguards? Would everyone feel the same if a hacker could log onto your energy account and determine through usage data that you were on vacation? Or asleep at night? Seems to me a perfect tool to determine when you are not at home. Don’t reply with appropriate safeguards are in place. If someone can hack the pentagon systems this would be child’s play. Too often we see the whiz bang of technology without appropriately considering the pitfalls.

PGE – You know, the company trying to install LED lighting…..come on, how are you NOT on this list? Can one of you Google guys out there tell me?

I’m wired about this. May 20, 2009 · 6:05 pm

Which Canadian utility is on the list?

I’m rooting for Comed RRTP too, but I wouldn’t count on it since the meters they are using are the older logging/recording type.

I wonder if Google is open to letting others install energy monitors like T.E.D. (// and sending data that way.

How do utilities benefit from conservation? Simple. Because conservation is the largest, cheapest source of new energy available. Consider the costs of doubling power output vs. halving power consumption. Both actions could result in accommodating a doubling the number of users served. Not only is adding new power-generating capacity is FAR more expensive than conservation programs. Conservation soon pays for itself, while maintaining twice as many plants means providing twice as much fuel indefinitely. Not sustainable!

The sad reality is that the US consumes a cubic-mile of petroleum each year–much of it imported–and MOST of it wasted. It is now possible to construct buildings and homes which actually produce more power than they consume. That’s sustainable.

You don’t need a Prius to learn about consumption — any car with a computer on the dash will work. If you turn it to fuel economy, you’ll do better. I’ve pulled my average up 2 mpg (6%) in my VW, since I started watching.

Buy yourself a Kill-A-Watt, get an energy audit or make sure your next car has a computer. Save a few bucks along the way!

According to the link on this page for related posts the Canadian utility is “Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited (Canada)”

And by the way, clicking on the link to read the article I am taken directly to an ad. Doing that is disgusting, obnoxious, unwanted and all the other bad words you can say. I am here for news, not ads.

Our new Japanese house provides monitoring and control for the hot water heater. Electricity between 1 and 6 am costs 1/4 the daytime rate. Microcontrol from the power company sets the heaters to run during that time suitably staggered to balance load. The water heater controls also have a two-week memory that learns usage patterns so our 500-liter heater usually heats 250 liters each night. A monitor screen in the kitchen displays the day’s usage whenever a hot water tap is open – so you know you just used 8 liters to shave.

Our laundry machine also has a timer so that we can run it at night.

And home chargers for electric cars, planned for commercialization in a couple years, will also run during the cheap hours.

Great! Now I can tell which of my neighbors are growing pot!

Nice intelligent answer…but tell me again how utilities benefit from conservation. Conservation is the largest cheapest source of new energy??? Maybe to society in general … but certainly not to the utilities. It’s a business. The more they sell, the more they make. They’re only into conservation as P.R.

In the meantime…if you don’t mind doing manual entry of the data check out

// for home


// for your car

This sounds like great technology. Would love to see Dominion Virginia Power on that list.

Come on Judd!

@I’m wired about this: Toronto Hydro.


Erik van Erne, Milieunet Foundation May 21, 2009 · 9:00 am

Great, so it is time to start saving energy now:


@George – There’s a system called utility decoupling, that a number of growing number of utilities are adopting, that separates a utility’s ability to make a profit from the amount of electricity they sell. It works partially through gov incentives, partially through small rate changes as energy use drops.

Interesting about the PowerMeter partners, too, is that the largest utility is in Reliance Energy in India, which will account for 25 of the 30 million utility customers that will have access to the widget. More about it here: //

Is this a joke? I already have something like that. It’s called a meter. If the little disc is turning fast, you’re using a lot of electricity. If it’s not, then you’re not.

If I had this software on my home, I know exactly what it would tell me:

Your refrigerator and water heater come on several times a day and uses energy.
When you turn on your air conditioner, or do a load of dishes, or watch TV, or turn on some lights, you use energy.


With or without a smart meter, here are 53 ways to save on electricity. It’s posted on the LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) website and has some good tips.


(Also, if you want to learn about solar PV after you make these cuts, I write a basic info blog // Not an installer, just a PV advocate.)

Let’s assume that you have a job and are not at home watching the disc in your meter spinning. This smart meter/software system logs energy use over time. Your current meter integrates your energy usage between readings. This meter and software interface allows you to learn more about your energy use. This is an early version. I would bet that in the future, you will be able to command your appliances to go on when rates are lowest.

This is outstanding! the sooner it’s availble to everyone the better! Will empower home owners to be proactive about conserving energy.

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