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For the horny nerd in your life: Meet the G-spot Mouse, a computer mouse that's shaped like a vagina, with a scrolling clitoris, and a — you guessed it — g-spot button. (Quick question: Does it feature realistic squirting action? Is it safe to get your electroics wet? Am I grossing anyone out? I'm sorry?)

What's the verdict? Sexy geek chic or just plain gross? Or both? (FWIW, I'm about to buy so many of these for my programmer friend's bachelorette party, you have no idea.) (Okay, five. I'm buying five.)

Photo via Andy Kurovets

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Laura Beck
Laura Beck is a Los Angeles-based TV writer and frequent contributor to Cosmopolitan.com — her work has appeared in the New York Times, New Yorker, Jezebel, and the Village Voice.