Rally for Public Education! UFF & GAU contingent sign up for Jan 13 2020!

Start: Monday, January 13, 2020 1:30 PM

On MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 — the eve of the 2020 legislative session — faculty, students, graduate employees, parents and community members will "Take On Tallahassee" and hold a rally for public education. Join us!

We must fight for the future our students deserve. Let’s remind the reps at the Capitol whom they work for.

Stand together for the public education system we should have in Florida. We have the 4th largest economy in the nation and 17th largest economy on the planet.  We must demand our representatives massively reinvest in Florida's K-12 public schools rather than over emphasizing standardized tests and bonus schemes that insult professional educators and staff. We are standing up for increased funding for colleges and universities that doesn't pit us against each other.

We want to see living wages and appropriate benefits for all education workers and we know Floridians want this too. We are filing a bill to end to the exorbitant fees charged to grad employees. No one should have to pay to work. We are speaking out against predatory lending and massive student debt. We are fighting to keep guns off campus and working to ensure resources go into our labs, libraries, classrooms and student needs over executive salaries. We are standing up for improved mental health services.

United Faculty of Florida and Graduate Assistants United members are organizing with local teachers to join the rally. FSU and FAMU members are organizing marches to the Capitol from their campuses. Some county FEA teacher unions, community groups and religious groups are organizing buses. Sign up here and once we have a headcount we will get back to you about specific logistics. If you want/need to drive yourself, funds may be available to support carpools. Inquire at uff@floridaea.org or contact your UFF or GAU chapter directly.

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Gainesville, Florida
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