The Dissident Dad – Explaining Money to Your Children

Screen Shot 2014-12-18 at 10.44.15 AMMoney is a very important part of all our lives. The understanding of money, how it works, and how we treat it can dramatically improve or diminish our quality of life.

Based on my writings and videos on YouTube, you might think my definition of money is gold and silver, but it’s not. Money is simply a medium of exchange. It can be represented by everything from gold to horse manure. Okay, maybe not horse manure, but it’s not a far stretch with the most popular form of money today being central bank notes loaned out into existence.

The state would love to have you believe that money can only originate from itself, yet people have organically started to use bitcoins and other crypto-currencies as a medium of exchange. Nevertheless, our culture continues to worship fiat currency as if it is the only type of money. I can’t change the fact that at this moment in time the U.S. dollar is the measuring stick for goods and services when it comes to prices. Trying to disprove and dispute this fact was something I struggled with early on when I used to teach my children that only gold and silver were money.

Today, I simply teach them about money as a medium of exchange.

Everyone loves making money. Just a few hours ago, my 3-year-old daughter brought me a cup of coffee with her mom. I thought it would be fun (since she helped make it) to hand her some change sitting on my desk, kind of like a tip. I told her “thank you” and handed it to her. Her little face lit up, smiling and giggling. She was so happy to run off to her piggy bank and make some new deposits.

In my house, while we refer to dollars as money, we also like to barter. I usually trade them their favorite fruit, pomegranate seeds, for kisses. We also enjoy going to the local coin store to buy some silver bullion.

While gold and silver are undoubtably honest money, bitcoin represents a really cool medium of exchange as well. It helps us realize that money is just an idea. It’s whatever proves most useful and stable to trade with over time.

There is so much to teach children when it comes to money, but to start, I think a good step in the right direction is to not simply philosophically and intellectually capitulate by framing money solely in terms of state-sponsored currency.

Central banks and fascist governments control humanity through a virtual monopoly on money issuance and distribution, which is why I am doing my best as a father to make it clear that money can be anything. No one truly gets any added value from holding a stack of paper. It’s our time that is of value, and the things we own that make our lives better. But money itself is just a means to an end.

– Daniel Ameduri aka The Dissident Dad

For more info see this author’s bio

9 thoughts on “The Dissident Dad – Explaining Money to Your Children”

  1. Try explain BITCOINS ..hehehe

    Actually it was a great idea in the beginning (check the wiki)… but now they start to “regulate” it and that will fuckup the whole idea of a non-gov-non-bank-controlled monetary system ;-(
    Even apple and microsoft accepts them now … that tells everything.

    But my advice: “money” is as overrated as “work” is… and people can live without both just fine ! Shurely it will bring down any system… but who needs a system to live ? You should see the world population of animals as a reference… there is no other lifeform on this planet except mankind, who needs money or a “job” to survive ! Strange, isn’t it ? I hope in my next life i will be a bird… must be cool to fly wherever you like to go… no passport, no ticket, no hussle with the security guys, no borders,…why can’t we humans live freely like that ??? Everything could be so nice… but instead ? we fuck up everything… I start to hate mankind ! Just a bunch of stupid, egoistic, naked apes,… Agent Smith was right: We are a virus ! We destroy everything that comes in our sight !

    • I was going to write about how Bitcoin controls are unenforcible, but then I finished reading your post. You’ve got some human-hate there that is very much in line with the plans of the oligarchs.

      “Humanity is a scourge on the planet, we shouldn’t be productive” is an elitist meme, concocted to keep you, the “lowly peon” small, fearful, and insignificant. In my experience, these ideas are usually seeded far earlier in a person’s life, probably in early childhood. Please consider researching this issue further — If you’re interested, I can offer some more information.

  2. I lived in Thailand for several years and both of my daughters were born there. It was a very educational experience since in Thailand they use a non dollar medium of exchange called the Thai baht. At first I was translating the price of every item in stores from Thai baht to US dollar equivalents, which stopped working quickly, as some items found in America did not exist at any price in Thailand (high chairs and car seats), some imported goods (i.e. avocados and camembert cheese) were hard to find and very expensive, while other items (in season longons, rambutaan, mangosteen) were either extremely cheap or free if you knew the right person. There was a socially flexible pricing based almost entirely on how much you were thought to be able to pay for everything from land to beach chairs. We are more than economic units…I sometimes think the current state sponsored atrocities can only happen because people have accepted this sad life that reduces us all to created fiat. Keep up the good work!

  3. You got it exactly right at the end. It is our time that gives money its value. Money is a store of labor’s value. Labor is a perishable asset. If not used to your advantage at the moment its created, its value is lost forever. This is where money comes in. Bankers have been allowed or convinced govt that money is where the value is, when in reality, if there was no one willing to trade their labor for fiat money, it would be worthless.

  4. Really ? NOT beeing productive is an elitist meme ? I think its the other way around my friend.
    Because its cristal clear that noone but THEM is profiting from the productiveness… Or how many people do you know who got “rich” through work their asses off ??? I know exactly 0 !
    All people I’ve ever met (from my grandparents to colleagues to friends and neighbours all have worked in different jobs, branches, etc. and all they got is a lousy retirement-pay, but most of them instead got sick through work, also myself (my back is fucked-up through heavy lifting, may eyes got bad through working with computers,….), and all you get in the end is a handshake or a kick in the ass because you are no more needed/productive as an 20 yr old… so pls, stop selling this BS.

    The other point is, that they give you false hope like “you CAN get rich”, like the lottery… and with this hope THEY prosper ! The rest of the money goes to the government and is wasted on weapons and war and so on ! So the best thing is to live free and not as a slave so your master can prosper and have a laugh about the idiots who work for him !

    What’s your business ? Bankster ? Lobbyist ? Government employee ? Or did you got rich by birth ?

    And why is it then, that all governments want you to work, making laws that “optimize” your life so you can be as productive as possible ?

    And from the money you make, you buy stupid plastic shit, especially on christmas, right ? Great… Think about it again !

    And have a nice xmas 😉

  5. true money has a store of value….federal reserve notes are fiat currency, worthless, at least manure can fertilize your garden.Get informed go to hidden secrets of money Mike Maloney and teach your children the gigantic ponzi scheme we are all unwittingly participating in the called federal reserve system …….


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