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Initially Posted - 12/21/2012 :  15:26:07  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Just got this 135,000 BTU heater for the "garage" to start my winter's projects on the boat... Jan will be busy. set=vb.100000167010838& type=2& theater

C&C 32 Smith Mountain Lake Virginia

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Response Posted - 12/27/2012 :  09:44:19  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Ok, actually bought some stuff for the boat now.... I got 3 quarts of VC-17 coming my way (thank you David Gonsalves)...
But I ordered some toys as well:
These speakers:
This stereo:

The intent is to have "music" on the boat, with very little draw (power), and decent sound quality. The CD-less music system seemed like an easy way to do this. I can throw a memory card in it, or a thumb drive. But I might use a new Christmas present, a Onyx
and plug it right into the AUX in. I'd need another car dock, but what the heck.

I've been using my phone with a Bluetooth speaker, but find the sound quality lacking, and it requires me to busy my phone out, and I'd rather use it for navionics.

A fellow racer told me I should "put as much weight on my boat as possible." Meaning he's hoping I slow down some. HA! He was dismayed when I told him I ordered new sails.

Oh those speakers come in pairs, and I bought 2 thinking they were singles... so I put them on my main stereo as "basement remote" speakers and they sound decent enough (better than most outdoor speakers anyway).

Edited by - shnool on 12/27/2012 09:45:25
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Response Posted - 01/05/2013 :  13:54:26  Show Profile
I started sanding with 60 grit... made a huge mess, and got very little done, JUST on the rudder. It took about 20 minutes and I got about 1/3 of the rudder done. On the other side of the rudder, I used Interstrip 99E.. I applied it and let it sit for 24 hours... after which I spent 5 minutes stripping all the paint off half the rudder. I think I know what I am going to use.
These are bottom pictures, they kind of stink, but they give a decent picture of what I am dealing with:

Edited by - Capri-25 Editor on 01/05/2013 13:55:03
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Response Posted - 01/05/2013 :  17:43:11  Show Profile
My projects for this winter consist of the usual:
1. Add a few more LED lights inside the cabin.
2. Replace/fix the anchor light with a LED. (Need to drop the mast for this)
3. Rough up the bottom paint with 80 grit and re-paint. (I got the bottom paint at the boat show discount!)
4. Sand the teak trim and re-coat with fresh Cetol.

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Response Posted - 01/15/2013 :  07:07:48  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Update.... scrape, scrape scrape... Oooh apply stripper wait... scrape, scrape, scrape... Turn blue.... scrape, scrape, scrape.

Tired, I retire to the house beer in hand, the retired old bird dog with me... Sitting on the sofa, wife comes home... she turns around looks at me.... and bursts out laughing.
Now you know I am pretty used to this, but generally I am naked when it happens.
"What's wrong honey?"
"I think you should join the Blue Man Group, cause your makeup is perfect!"

Covered head to foot in blue, I was pretty diligent to change, and wash my hands. Apparently I forgot to wash my face, and although I wore a respirator, and goggles, apparently my hair, nails, ears, and any exposed skin had turned a rather lovely shade of blue. Ah well, shower again to get all the crud off.

I am making progress, but it's real slow. Perhaps a few hours this evening, and some more this week. Wish me luck.

Meanwhile my radio is placed, but wiring needs to happen as yet, and my new depth sounder with through hull fitting has arrived. I have a tube of 4200 and 5200 ready for making sure the thing don't leak (haven't decided which I'll use for the tansducer yet). Brackets are ready for the speakers to be hung. Oh and new VHF antenna is hung at the stern rail (where it was before, but the new bracket required "tweaking" to work in that location). I have to install a new PL-259 on the cable (old one ripped off). I also purchased a VHF/FM splitter antenna sharing device that needs to be part of the installation.

I finally found my good camers's battery charger, so no more crappy cell phone pictures after this one. This picture shows the pink gelcoat stained by (I am assuming) the barrier coat. If I dig deeper than this pink color, I seem to cut through gelcoat so I'll stop at the pink and sand from there.

Edited by - shnool on 01/15/2013 07:08:56
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/17/2013 :  06:24:46  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Some more pictures...

Aft starboard

This is forward of the keel to port

This is another angle forward of the keel to port, you can see the ablative flaking off.

What you need is cute help (yes she wore a respirator, and glasses, she just took them off when I snapped this). She figured shoveling horse manure in the pasture was the most boring work ever, I showed her!

Oh, and don't forget a willing, able, and energetic 4 legged accomplice.

Edited by - shnool on 01/17/2013 06:26:43
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/18/2013 :  06:26:51  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
We're about 1/4 done on the boat, as of last night. Made it almost to the keel from the stern.

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Response Posted - 01/18/2013 :  09:08:33  Show Profile  Visit DaveR's Homepage
I always bit the bullet and opened the wallet. $800 later I had a nicely painted bottom and didn't inhale any ablative! I did however do my own waxing and with the hull being somewhat oxidized THAT was a boring arduous chore. Sure looks awesome when you're done though! You don't get a good idea of the wax job here but love that bottom paint!

Edited by - DaveR on 01/18/2013 09:13:35
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Response Posted - 01/18/2013 :  12:34:07  Show Profile  Visit Fleet's Homepage

The other Babe in the photos, is that a Brittany?

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/18/2013 :  18:54:24  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Dave if ONLY it was only $800 I'd have gladly paid that! I was quoted $2400 for a complete bottom strip, fair and paint.

Yes, that 4 legged babe, is actually my boy, Dual Champion Britthaven's Blaze of Glory, aka Blaze. He is a show and field trial champion.
We also own his "girlfriend" Hope's Dream Weaver (Tess).. and bred the two of them and kept 2 of the pups ourselves, Woodland's Forrest Fire (Forrest - my boy), and my daughter's dog Woodland's Water Fairy (Mist)
Blaze in his show form:


Forrest (flashy no?)

Mist (she's just perfect, my 9yo daughter calls her the BPE best puppy ever)

Edited by - shnool on 01/18/2013 18:56:50
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/18/2013 :  19:00:33  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
My wife's hobby before I met her was Field trialing... and collecting show quality Brittany's. She's been pretty successful as well, in both show and field.

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Response Posted - 01/19/2013 :  03:15:55  Show Profile  Visit Fleet's Homepage
John, Beautiful Brits. You are a man of impeccable taste. Fine boats and dogs! I've had a Brittany ever since I was a teenager. My current Brittany is Misty and she is 13 years old. She sails often with me but she hates it. I don't know if she just hates the boat or she doesn't think much of my sailing ability.

As far as the bottom job goes, I was quoted $100 a foot to do Kami's bottom. I choose to do it myself also.

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/19/2013 :  15:03:02  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Ok, I thought my local marina (the only one that does bottom jobs) was very high... glad to see it wasn't out of scope no question Dave got a great price, I'd have been ALL over that!

Love my Brits, and glad to hear someone else enjoys them like we do! May she be with you many more years.

I've tossed around the idea of bringing my boy Blaze sailing.. The dockmaster has a German Shorthair, I think he'd understand if I brought my boy with me. He's kind of anti-water though, hard to say how he'd do.

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/19/2013 :  17:01:54  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Fleet if you are ever looking for another Britt, we know someone who is local to you where we got one of ours... She has some really great pups.
The one we got from Bamma was Woodland's Spirit of Big Oaks, "Jenny."

Edited by - shnool on 01/19/2013 17:02:08
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/23/2013 :  06:36:06  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Update, VERY EXCITING... scrape scrape scrape, sweep, gag, sweep, scrape scrape scrape...
PAUSE.... It's so freaking cold even the 125,000 BTU heater can't get the temp above 45 in the garage! that's cold. I look towards the garage, and say NO FREAKING WAY!

But even with that... got some more done last week with the wife's help (She's awesome and understands my stupid obsession)....
Here is a shot of her stripped bare (the boat silly, not the wife)...

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/23/2013 :  06:39:21  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
I have my concerns now that the 8ohm speakers won't be nearly loud enough on the marine radio... so I'll be testing that before I hang speakers. I don't need it to blare across the water, but some background music, perhaps Wagner? while crossing the finish line racing might be fun.

Today's payday, time to order some keel fairing compound, a VHF termination, and probably some fiberglass wash and barrier coat... plunk down another 100.

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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/30/2013 :  10:13:32  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Update - Interprotect 2000e arrived... whohoo...

Scrape scrape scrape (almost done scraping!)... Then next... SANDING.
New connector for the VHF arrived. Ah the joys of purchasing stuff...

now if only I had time to install it... this weekend I promise!
Oh and watertight filler arrived.

Oh got the depth sounder (to replace the IN-hull sounder I had - stay tuned might have one for sale cheap)...

This kind of transducer:

Edited by - shnool on 01/30/2013 10:17:13
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 01/30/2013 :  10:18:03  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Anyone else here bored with this thread... I am getting tired just reading it.

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Response Posted - 02/02/2013 :  15:00:55  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
More actual work done... Both port and starboard are completely scraped now. Started sanding... Got a temporary basement floor jack to stand in for the trailer pads... so I can scrape around them. It's strapped to the trailer via a come-along (1000# variety)... the floor jack is rated to #14,000.

Pad is dropped, showing what's underneath (after I scraped it). (2) 3/4" bolts hold the pad, as well as a small allen set screw.

I sanded under the pad, light pink is remnants of the first bottom paint, white was the barrier coat, light blue gelcoat (ugh)... anything darker than any of those layers is where I ripped gelcoat off (ugh).

Edited by - shnool on 02/02/2013 15:05:20
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Former Capri-25 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 02/02/2013 :  15:07:26  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
I was tossing around the idea of making this a tech article... I upgraded the original clam cleats on the boom (did this on my 22 as well, and it was a god-send)...
Here's the original cleats on the boom.

3/16" drill bit, pops off the heads of the rivets.

Once the heads are off, remove the cleat, and you have to clear out the remnants of the rivets with a punch or awl. Try very hard NOT to make the holes any bigger, drill them a bit, and pry them out, if stuff stays in the boom, no worries, pull the caps off the end, and cump out the garbage...

The holes are now clear

The old cleat, the new ALL aluminum one from Catalina Direct.

Load up your Pop-Rivet Tool (from a hardware store or from Cat Direct, I noted the prices are the same from either). Make sure to slide the rivets all the way into the tool, not like this picture...

One rivet done, other getting ready to go in:

All done! Now, this is about the simplest project you can do, that'll make the MOST difference if your original cleats were like mine (not holding the lines anymore, seriously! I was tying knots in the lines to hold position of reef/flattener/outhaul).... These you'll note also have the nice roller at the front, makes them a lot easier to use. They are all aluminum, and should hold up to lots of wear. I loved it when I did the ones on the 22, so can't wait to try these out.

Edited by - shnool on 02/02/2013 15:16:35
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Response Posted - 02/06/2013 :  20:16:04  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
More work done... FM/STEREO/RADIO SD/USB/AUX... installed. Speakers installed on the bulkheads near the chainplates (chainplates still easy to get to)...

The Uniden VHF antenna switcher (between VHF and FM) worked flawlessly and had JUST long enough cables.

Then I proceeded to drill a 2" hole in the bottom of the boat... for a transducer.

Ok, transducer is in and sealed with 5200. I like the location even though it's behind the keel. The knotmeter is also, and works nicely... that's the flattest spot on the hull so it made sense. On the list of things to get is a bilge pump.

Edited by - shnool on 02/06/2013 20:19:52
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Response Posted - 02/13/2013 :  04:58:28  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Just snapped pictures of the radio install...
These are bolted port and starboard up under the deck further out than the chainplates, to keep them out of the way...

This is under the port quarter berth (location was so that I could use the remote from the cockpit without having to lean into the cabin (glad to say it works that way):

Edited by - shnool on 02/13/2013 05:00:39
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Response Posted - 02/20/2013 :  09:42:58  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Really, you want more pictures? OK!
Boat's finally sanded (keel fairing on):

Transducer installed, and finally dry:

Rudder sanded and faired

Here's a shot of her all sanded... note behind the keel, the transducer for depth/temp to starboard and wheel for sumlog to port.

Here's a shot of last weeks parts... Note, new fixed gooseneck, and new bow eye, rudder bushings... rivets, and blocking for the bow eye.

Boweye is installed (used 4200 for this):

Ok, rudder shims I have no pictures, but boy what a bear. The bolt was bent, had to get another couple, the old install used lock washers, I used a shorter bolt, and a lock nut. I had to compress the bushings a bit to get it all to align right. No wobble now in the rudder (lubed it all up nicely too)...

This weeks "stuff," fairleads for coach roof Harken 150 cam cleats, turning blocks for the Harken 1624 traveler (backordered from APS, but came in), more watertight filler (great for filling in coach roof holes, and cracks), and a 4th can of VC-17m... I now have 2 quarts of red, and 2 quarts of copper (original)... My hope is to layer 2 colors of VC-17m over the barrier coat, so I can see where its wearing off by color. Anyway here's next weeks projects toys:

I'll add only a few of these up to the gallery... mostly the ones that show something interesting fixed, or painted.

Edited by - shnool on 02/20/2013 09:44:18
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Response Posted - 02/21/2013 :  18:58:27  Show Profile
How hard was it to install the bow eye. I need to do that on my C25.

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Response Posted - 02/22/2013 :  05:05:22  Show Profile  Visit shnool's Homepage
Gary, took me about 15 minutes. In my case my winch is very low, and raising it would put it in the way. So the holes had to be drilled through from inside the v-berth JUST above the berth level. The parts are easy to get from Catalinadirect, and very reasonable. They also make a plate that is supposed to match the curve of the bow. I did not get that. The plate would require a significant amount of bending for the Capri 25... on the Catalina 25, they say it'll take only a little so it might be a good addition...
This is just the block of plastic:
This is the UBolt:
This is the shield that may work (there are notes for the C25) for you:

Oh and use 4200 to seal it, not 5200 (I hear nightmares about 5200 for anything but permanent installations, permanent meaning you'd have to jackhammer it off).

Edited by - shnool on 02/22/2013 05:06:52
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Response Posted - 02/23/2013 :  10:07:26  Show Profile
Thanks for the info John!

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