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I believe that this story is about David hiding from King Saul's men, based on Jewish tradition/an Aramaic version of Psalm 57. I certainly remember being told this story at school or Sunday school.

I found the following references to it:

The rabbins tell a curious and instructive tale concerning this: "God sent a spider to weave her web at the mouth of the cave in which David and his men lay hid. When Saul saw the spider's web over the cave's mouth, he very naturally conjectured that it could neither be the haunt of men nor wild beasts; and therefore went in with confidence to repose."

The Targum curiously paraphrases this clause: [from Psalm 57 v2] "Who ordered the spider that wrought the web, on my account, at the mouth of the cave;" applying a later historical fact, which, however, may have had its prototype


Listen to the words of David when he was fleeing from King Saul.

Psalm 57:2

I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

Notice the words: God that performeth all things for me.

The Jewish Aramaic Translation of the Psalms - The Targum - has a note on this verse of the Psalm.

David was in the Cave of Adullam.

He had fled from King Saul, his remorseless foe and had found shelter in the clefts of the rocks.

He cries out in Prayer in his Psalm:

Be merciful unto me, O God!

King Saul with armed men was close on his heels seeking his life!

Would they find him?

The Targum tells us that a spider spun its web over the door part of the cave where David was concealed.

Seeing the Spider-web King Saul did not enter the cave because he thought that David could not have entered it without breaking the spider's web. Thus David was saved.

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