Paranormal Belief Scale
There are no right or wrong answers. This is a sample of your own beliefs and attitudes.
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The Survey
Please choose a response for each item to indicate how much you agree or disagree with that item.
Use the numbers as indicated below.

1=Strongly Disagree 2=Moderately Disagree 3=Slightly Disagree 4=Uncertain 5=Slightly Agree 6=Moderately Agree 7=Strongly Agree

Thank You
1 The soul continues to exist though the body may die. *
2 Some individuals are able to levitate (lift) objects through mental forces *
3 Black magic really exists. *
4 Black cats can bring bad luck. *
5 Your mind or soul can leave your body and travel (astral projection). *
6 The abominable snowman of Tibet exists. *
7 Astrology is a way to accurately predict the future. *
8 There is a devil. *
9 Psychokinesis, the movement of objects through psychic powers, does exist *
10 Witches do exist. *
11 If you break a mirror, you will have bad luck. *
12 During altered states, such as sleep or trances, the spirit can leave the body. *
13 The Loch Ness monster of Scotland exists. *
14 The horoscope accurately tells a person’s future *
15 I believe in God *
16 A person’s thoughts can influence the movement of a physical object. *
17 Through the use of formulas and incantations, it is possible to cast spells on persons. *
18 The number “13” is unlucky. *
19 Reincarnation does occur. *
20 There is life on other planets. *
21 Some psychics can accurately predict the future *
22 There is a heaven and a hell. *
23 Mind reading is not possible *
24 There are actual cases of witchcraft *
25 It is possible to communicate with the dead. *
26 Some people have an unexplained ability to predict the future. *
Any comments regarding the survey in its current form (we have NOT yet modified it)
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