Sunday, 9 June 2024

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Council and Democracy

Information about Swindon Borough Councillors and Meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: West Swindon Library, The Link Centre, Whitehall Way, West Swindon

Contact: Paula Harrison (Locality Lead), 01793 466418, Email:  Gail Light (Locality Facilitator), 07795 256532, Email:

No. Item



To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2013.


Of the meeting held on 11 November 2013


Noted incorrect numbering and incorrect date of the minutes at that meeting, this should read 9 September 2013.



Green Waste Collection Update


Cllr Bray indicated that the Council had undertaken a local consultation on proposals to change green waste collection.   More than 5,000 responses were received and all of them were carefully considered and analysed.  A significant concern raised in many consultation responses was the level of cost to access the service. To address this, the original £70 charge in the first year has been reduced to £40, which includes a wheelie bin or annual supply of bags, for those properties considered by the Council to be unsuitable for a wheelie bin, and a fortnightly collection throughout the year (except at Christmas). So there is now a flat-rate annual fee of £40, which means each collection costs the equivalent to around £1.60.


You only pay for the service if you choose to receive it.


You can take unlimited amounts of household green waste free of charge to the Household Waste Recycling Centre, in Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, where it goes on to be composted. This facility is open every day except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Alternatively, you can compost at home as many already do. For more information please see information on the website:  recycling


Question - Green Waste Collection – will this result in people dumping their waste in other people’s bins or in public spaces like hedgerows?


Answer - This may be the result, however, there wasn’t a significant problem when the Council previously did not collect green waste.  Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and we take this matter seriously. We will be monitoring the situation closely and take action where appropriate.


Question - How is this a saving? It is currently part of the household Council tax and these costs represent a 2.5% increase on the tax for an average Band D property.


Answer - The fees are the same for all households however, in response to residents’ feedback in the consultation, the first year charge has been significantly reduced to make the service more accessible for people.  Council Tax is just one of the sources of funding that the council has to meet the cost of services. Of the council’s annual expenditure of £301million, £850,000 is spent on collecting household green waste. In order to reduce the need for cuts to other frontline services, the service will no longer be funded in this way. Residents who want to continue receiving a green waste collection service will pay for it separately.


Question - Why should I take grass cuttings to the tip when it isn’t recycled?


Answer - It’s up to individuals to dispose of their waste appropriately.  We remain very much committed to recycling.


Question - How will you collect the fees? Wont this result in more administration and reduce the estimated saving? 

Answer - This has been taken into consideration with the annual fee.  The current limited green waste service costs the Council £850k per year; the proposed new service will save £720k based on an estimated initial take-up level of 20%  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Public Question Time


Question - With unspent funds from developers, how could this be used to improve subway flood prevention?


Answer - Martin Hambidge advised that the Council has 1 gulley sucker and 1 road sweeper for the whole Borough. With the excessive rainfall, it is difficult to spread the resources around sufficiently.  All residents should report drains or areas of concern to Streetsmart on tel: 445501. 


Question - Is there a timetable for roads maintenance and clearance?


Answer - No direct timetable although roads have a regular inspection.


Question - What progress is there on allotments for Saltway?


Answer - Discussion is underway to consider a fenced community garden.


Question - What progress on reducing noise to the Muga fencing on Saltway Field?


Answer - Martin Hambidge reported that the Muga noise related nuisance had been reported in recent months.  The trial was underway with additional supports to reduce the ricochet but is not as successful as hoped.  Will try and see if there is another solution but probably costings will need to be done – currently work is restricted on site due to ground conditions.


Question - Concern about fallen trees


Answer - Pass to Councillors or report to Streetsmart on 445501.


Question - As the S106 balance is £18 million and the road repair back log is £4.5m – can we expect to see the backlog removed?


Answer - Section 106 funds is preallocated. Developers are making a direct contribution to necessary infrastructure such as schools, new roads, health services etc. although in some circumstances it is possible to move funds.


*Request for a presentation on Section 106 Developers Funding to the next meeting*



Standing Agenda Item

·       Ridgeway Farm

·       Purton-Iffley Relief Road


  • Ridgeway Farm

No comments.

  • Purton-Iffley Relief Road

Cllr Williams indicated that a transport meeting was planned to be held on 29th January which should enable an update to the next meeting.



Update from West Neighbourhood Police Team


PC Tom Turner reported that the last 2 months had covered Christmas and New Year and therefore included a number of town-wide initiatives. Drink driving testing had been successful with no over the limits.


Some drugs related action:

Male arrested with possession of £35,000 of cannabis, he is charged and likely to be evicted.

Two males arrested with intent to supply methadone and cannabis.

One local male arrested with three others with intent to supply.

Area is performing well, with a spike in criminal damage mostly due to a spate of car tyre slashing.


West Swindon Local Police Priorities:


  • Retain Priority: Tackling Anti Social Behaviour in village centres and shopping areas
  • Retain Priority  Reducing theft in West Swindon
  • Retain Priority  The use of drugs and dealing of drugs


Tom Turner indicated that he would be leaving the sector and thanked everyone for their support.


Councillors and residents joined together in a vote of thanks for the hard work and  positive impact made by Tom across West Swindon.


Email:   Call: 101 for minor issues.




Police and Crime Commissioner, Precept Presentation pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Presentation given by Chief Executive, Kieran Kilgallen – see Appendix A.

Residents invited to participate in the consultation regarding the police and crime with a proposal to increase this element £3.15 per household (band D property).


Consultation runs to Monday 3 February. Leaflets available in the Link Library or via


Question - What proportion of the annual budget goes on civilian staff?


Answer - It covers 1060 officers, 140 police cso’s, 565 civilian members of staff.  Cost of the commissioners office is in the region of £900,000 and includes a range of responsibilities.


Question - If you put the precept up, how can you be confident that the grants funds wont be reduced accordingly?


Answer - This could happen and we’ll need to look at the figures again if this should happen.



Locality Report - Including Skate Park Consultation - Presentation pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


Paula Harrison gave a presentation on the Skate Park Consultation see Appendix B.


Residents and Councillors held a discussion on the outcomes of the consultation. Views and concerns were considered in regard to the robustness of the views of pupils as part of the consultation, access, and, social and environmental impacts.  Cllr Cindy Matthews expressed concern about the isolation of the Rivermead site and how this would impact on children’s safety.


8.1. Councillors recommended that :

Rivermead is the preferred location for the West skate facility subject to technical assessments

This recommendation would also be subject to a Cabinet Member Decision Note.


8.2. Councillors agreed the allocation of StreetSmart operational hours for January to March 2014 as set out in the Locality Report.


8.3. Councillors agreed the allocation of £500 Air Cadets from 633 (West Swindon) Squadron


8.4. Councillors agreed the allocation of the West Highways Fund for 2013-14 as follows


a)        For carriageway maintenance (subject to joint funding from SBC Capital

2014/15) Area 1 of Westlea Drive (between Thornford Close and Rivenhall


b)        Subject to assessment and site suitability – use the Locality Fund to

improve pedestrian crossing on Swinley Drive at the existing pedestrian


c)         If funds allow, contribute to Area 1 of Worsley Road (off Liskeard Way to





Any Other Business


Question - With plans to lease out the Link Centre, what happens to the land at the end of the lease agreement.


Answer - The land is identified for leisure use so would need to have similar use/provision on that site.



Date of Next Meeting

·       Monday 17 March 2014


Monday 10th March 2014

   West Swindon Library at the Link Centre


Tea and coffee from 6.30pm. 

Formal start at 7.00pm.

   All welcome.



Please note due to local elections, the West Swindon Forum usually held in May will be postponed to Monday 12th June




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