Monday is the new Friday

Planet Quest got second place at the Big Indie Pitch! We are over the moon!!!! For those who aren’t familiar with the Big Indie Pitch, it’s basically speed dating with the press, but more awkward, because you need to explain what you’ve been slaving over for the past 6 months in 3 minutes. After the horn goes you move on to the next. At the end of the day the journalist’s all get together and decide the best 3 games they were pitched that day. And we got 2nd place!


So yes, Planet Quest is getting there. The songs are all almost finished, graphics are all almost done and all the code is almost written.

Last week we submitted the new update for Briscola to Apple for review, so sometime this week it should be live on the app store!

Also, A very big thank you to all the people testing the game and giving their invaluable feedback, we really appreciate it! 


  1. outofthebit posted this
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