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Employees fired up about Ocoee sprinkler company

By Chris Kauffmann
 –  Staff Writer


One of the things, among many, that Sheryl Szollosy likes best about working for Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers Inc. is something called the "WOW" program.

That's where employees, who are referred to as team members, can recommend that someone else's name be put be in a hat for a $250 monthly drawing because that person did something above and beyond to help either the company or another team member.

However, once she starts talking, Szollosy, who has been with the family-owned Ocoee company for about nine years, has no trouble rattling off of a litany of things she likes about the company.

"It's like coming to work with family," says Szollosy, who is a contract administrator in the sales department. "We work hard, but it's a lighthearted place. They are open to suggestions and think something's wrong if you aren't giving them. It's open-door, open-book, the benefits are great -- it's all the clichés, but they make it work."

It's sentiments like those that helped the 28-year-old company score the highest in the large business category of the Orlando Business Journal's 2006 Best Places to Work contest. The company has about 450 employees, with 202 locally, spread out in seven locations -- Ocoee, Port St. Lucie, Pompano, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Tampa and Charlotte, N.C.

There isn't much not to like. The company offers profit-sharing on top of its 401(k) plan. Plus, there are bonuses. Last year, $2.9 million in bonuses were given out, while $1.4 million was spent on the 401(k) plan and profit-sharing, says Donna Doss, Wayne Automatic's human resource manager.

However, the team members talk about so much more than just the money. There are picnics and parties, and individual departments hold their own events, such as fishing trips, bowling, golf and volleyball.

"You can bring your kids to work with you if you have to, and everyone will entertain them," says salesman Chris Moss, who has worked for company eight years and has two brothers who also work for the company. "It's like a big family, I love it. I wouldn't work anywhere else. If they want to get rid of me, they are going to have to drag me out in handcuffs."

A large part of the culture of the company concerns its charitable efforts, such as its work with Camp Boggy Creek. Szollosy is particularly proud that Wayne Automatic currently is sponsoring two hurricane-devastated families for a year, providing everything they need.

Because of the environment, it's not hard to find employees who have been with Wayne Automatic for many years.

"This is the longest employment of my life (11 years) and they will have to carry me out kicking and screaming if they want me to leave," wrote one team member in the Best Places to Work employee satisfaction survey.

"I have worked many places, but I can see myself in 20 years here and still happy," another added. "The people I work with are awesome and we all work hard and play hard together. I love this place."