"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
Designed for students who will work with families, but not necessarily continue with advanced family therapy training, the text features engaging case studies, end-of-chapter exercises, illustrations, and graphics to help students master ...
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
Designed for students who will work with families, but not necessarily continue with advanced family therapy training, the text features engaging case studies, end-of-chapter exercises, illustrations, and graphics to help students master ...
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
This text provides beginning students with the knowledge and skills necessary for family social work.
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
This masterly text is a classic in its field and will be a reliable companion throughout the course of your studies and your career as a social work practitioner.
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
Specifically, the book gives clear examples of the elements in a strength-affirming assessment and engagement process; explains the theoretical framework and treatment techniques of major treatment models and treatment programs for specific ...
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
This engaging book satisfies statutory requirements for training and continuing professional development. It will therefore be an essential study guide for all students, practitioners and managers in social work settings.
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
This engaging text gives readers a practical guide to the many ways in which social workers effect change in their communities and the world.
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
In addition, this book highlights certain group phenomena that have been given only cursory attention in many group textbooks, including women in authority, group metaphors, regressive groups, and the transpersonal potential of small groups ...
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
"An Introduction to Family Social Work" from books.google.com
These wide-ranging essays cover everything from selling blood for grocery money to the culture shock of "jumping" class. Contributors include Dorothy Allison, Bee Lavender, Eileen Myles, and Daisy Hernáez.