GOP Strategist Rick Wilson Asks Coulter if Trump Pays for Anal


GOP consultant Rick Wilson has been in a flame war with recently over the website’s editorial support for GOP candidate Donald Trump. The battle got so ugly that Wilson eventually alleged he received rape threats towards his daughter.

The most recent feud took off after Wilson said on CNN that approximately 25% of Republicans were “low information voters,” to which, Breitbart wrote a response suggesting that antagonizing such voters is not how the GOP could win elections. In the midst of questions regarding whether Wilson sought the advice of the police and whether putting this notice online was a good idea, Wilson went on a blistering Twitter rant, blaming the conservative news site for the threats of its readers and defenders:

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Wilson later took the tweets down and conceded that Breitbart’s John Nolte wasn’t responsible for his trollish readers:

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And on Tuesday, Wilson went on the offensive again after Ann Coulter tweeted the initial story and called his “meltdown” over the rape accusations “hilarious”:

Needless to say, Wilson did not take that well:

Coulter later told Breitbart that Wilson’s only remaining way forward would be to “[use] the Anthony Weiner ‘MY TWITTER ACCOUNT HAS BEEN HACKED!’ defense.”

UPDATE – 6:56 PM E.S.T Wilson took to Twitter later in the day to express his regret for his tweet to Coulter. He apologized while saying that he failed to hold himself to his own standards, and that his comment was a combination of parental anger and his reaction to the vitriol:

[h/t Breitbart]
[image via screengrab]

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