Provide funding to the Sunshine Coast Council to acquire Yandina Creek Wetlands and intervene to prevent the wetlands being drained

Provide funding to the Sunshine Coast Council to acquire Yandina Creek Wetlands and intervene to prevent the wetlands being drained

4 July 2015
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Petition Closed
This petition had 1,034 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by Greg Roberts

Yandina Creek Wetlands is a nationally significant wetland, according to federal government guidelines. It provides habitat to rare and endangered bird species and large numbers of migratory shorebirds, protected under international treaties. The 200-hectare wetlands have great value for flood mitigation and substantial potential for an ecotourism destination. The wetlands have been created by tidal water inundation through broken floodgates on land where sugarcane was once grown. Work to repair the floodgates was recently completed and the wetlands have been drained, leaving large numbers of nesting waterbirds stranded. The landholders plan to re-establish cane farms on the area; eventually they will be filled for cattle pasture and property development. The Sunshine Coast Council has insufficient funds to acquire the wetlands. The Commonwealth can assist with funding and ensure that federal law regarding endangered species and migratory shorebirds is not breached. It can act now to order that the floodgates be opened to allow the wetlands to be replenished.

Petition Closed

This petition had 1,034 supporters

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Decision makers

  • Greg HuntMinister for Health
  • Greg HuntFederal Minister for Environment