Own .yourname/ on the Internet

We make it easy to buy, sell, and use Handshake domains.


How it works

01Buy HNS
You can purchase Handshake coins ($HNS) with BTC.
02Buy, bid, or make an offer
Bid on new names that have never been registered before or negotiate to buy a name in the marketplace.
03Use or resell your name
Use your name as your decentralized username or website, or resell your name in our marketplace for a profit.
An iPhone with the Namebase website open, displaying the Handshake domain NFT marketplace

top sales

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Handshake is decentralizing the $100bn DNS industry

HNS market cap
DNS industry revenue per year
Handshake marketcap as a percentage of the DNS industry yearly revenue
ChrisSmith/ 🚀

$HNS TLD’s are going to be a crucial element in Web 3.0 / dWeb. Your TLD will be your user name on socials, your website address, your digital identity, your Defi address, your email/chat id, your NFT vault and much more (plus they’re scarce, valuable and just good fun to own).