("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
The objective is to develop structural equations and hypotheses as to why the measures of hospital utilization vary across communities, and to estimate these equations and test these hypotheses.
("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
One of the fundamental facts of the environment hospitals face is uncertainty over demand for their services.
("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
The cost of excess capacity in the hospital industry has reemerged as an important policy issue.
("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
This report helps policy makers better understand the issues and challenges around geographic variations in health care provision and considers the policy options.
("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
... occupancy rates and hospital capacity in hospitals in the area and in neighboring areas . • The availability and accessibility of ambulatory care and long- term care in the area and in neighboring areas . HSAS may use the data for a ...
("occupancy rates" OR patient occupancy") AND (hospital OR hospitals) AND (statistics OR data OR demographics) from
This edition has a special focus on the health impact of COVID-19 in OECD countries, including deaths and illness caused by the virus, adverse effects on access and quality of care, and the growing burden of mental ill-health.