5. Further reading

Day 567, 15:42 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
4. Further reading

i- articles
ii- wiki
iii- tools

i- articles

Here are some articles that might help you along the way : GM Course - Part 1 by corny-ratbag, Running a company 101 on the eUK forums, and Monter son entreprise, pourquoi, coment? for the google translators 😉

ii- wiki

The eRepublik wiki is like an eRepublik library maintained by eCitizens all over the world. It contains tons of knowledge.
Listed are the wiki articles that might be of interest : company page, general manager, productivity and the economy index.

iii- tools

There are a few tools that are useful for general managers: Gecko Ltd eRepublik tools company productivity page and the eRepublik tools company profit calculator (costs 3 gold).

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