
Hippo Embraces Apache Jetspeed's Revival

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Hippo Embraces Apache Jetspeed 2.2

The open source ECM vendor Hippo, in an effort to develop a closer relationship with the Jetspeed community, has been busy contributing to this Apache project and even released its own product and support package  for Apache Jetspeed 2.2.
Hippo seems to be on a mission to re-establish Jetspeed's position as the top choice for performance-oriented enterprise portals.
Can this be a huge comeback for Jetspeed?

Hippo and Jetspeed: It's Mutual

Hippo is quite known for its commitment to the open source industry and the Apache Software Foundation, so the news doesn’t come as a surprise. For Hippo, the benefit of working with Jetspeed is quite obvious.

What about Jetspeed you ask? Jetspeed is also on the receiving end of this mutually beneficial deal.
When was the last time you’ve heard about Jetspeed? When was the last time the interest in it spiked?
Hippo/Jetspeed relationship may be exactly what Jetspeed needs for its revival in the open source enterprise portal scene.
“It's going to be a strong comeback for Jetspeed with a range of new capabilities… It's a leap forward towards the next generation of enterprise portals," says David Sean Taylor, Apache member, founder of the Jetspeed 2 project and VP of engineering at Hippo.

Background on Apache Jetspeed 

Apache Jetspeed is an open source Enterprise Information Portal. Individual portlets Jetspeed portal can be combined to create a page, where each portlet is an independent application. Jetspeed only facilitates management and delivery of data from multiple sources.

Learning Opportunities

Jetspeed is available in two APIs: Java and AJAX. The Jetspeed XML AJAX API is an XML-based API for AJAX clients to be able to make asynchronous requests to Jetspeed-2 services.
Jetspeed 2.2.0 is the first release conformant to the Java Portlet 2.0 Standard.  
Features include:
  • Security based on standards, ACLs
  • Single Point of Entry (SSO, federated)
  • Personalization (customizers, skins)

Overall, Jetspeed is one of the solutions on the portals market, if your requirements include enterprise application integration with various integration points, dynamic web components (such as portlets) and scalable architecture.

Jetspeed is available from the ASF for free under the very liberal Apache license.
Hippo’s attraction to Jetspeed stems largely from Jetspeed’s open source nature and a track record of performance and stability. It’s a match for scalable collaborative intranet and web architectures built on Hippo's products, they say. For more information on Hippo CMS open architecture and its components and integration points, check out our coverage on Hippo 7.0

What's the Value in Hippo Using Jetspeed?

While the news is good for Hippo, we wonder what will Hippo customers get out of this new offering?

According to Hippo, this release allows them to bring training, consulting and 24x7 support for the new version straight to the market. They can also offer upgrade package and full support for Jetspeed 1.x and 2.1 users.
Hippo says their own product range is the first to feature full integration with Jetspeed 2.2, including Hippo CMS 7 (that we covered not so long ago), the Hippo Site Toolkit and the integrated ECM suite. The release also supports the Portal 2.0 specification.
What’s the value for customers? Cost-effective solutions for content management and online collaboration, says Hippo.
According to Taylor, "There's been a build-up of excitement behind the scenes, as the open source community has been gearing up to complete and release Jetspeed 2.2.”

Jetspeed 2.2+Hippo Features

  • Portlet API 2.0 support and compliance, built on Pluto 2.0
  • New pluggable and extensible security model with LDAP
  • Integration support for popular web development frameworks (Wicket, Spring MVC, Struts and JSF)
  • Interportlet communication through standards-based eventing and shared state management
  • Improved usability with new administrative portlets and new skins
  • Customizable portal project templates with Maven-2 support
  • Improved documentation

Hippo and Jahia (Together and Apart) Under Jetspeed Covers

Hippo is not alone in the Jetspeed ecosphere from the commercial open source standpoint.

Jahia, another open source enterprise content management vendor, has been tapping into Jetspeed powers as well. This match also seems to be made in Apache heaven.
Jahia focuses on web content management and portals as well, and in Jahia 5.0, the CMS included a Corporate Portal Server based on Jetspeed-2. It was built purely in Java, with Jahia source code available under a collaborative and community source license (=Jahia’s contribute or pay paradigm).
However, in the latest product version -- Jahia 6.0 -- the vendor moved away from “the more complicated Apache JetSpeed previously used” in their portal implementation. The technology is now based on Apache Pluto 2.0 and supports the portlets standard JSR-286.
What would be interesting to see is Hippo and Jahia collaborate on Apache Jetspeed. Surely, the two vendors can join forces to benefit the Apache community. Or, should we be less optimistic about Jetspeed and friendly rivalry?

About the Author

Irina Guseva

Irina Guseva is a seasoned enterprise content technologist with 15+ years of experience, with roots in various types of media including print, radio, TV and digital media. She specializes in web content management, digital asset management, enterprise content management, digital marketing and customer experience management. Connect with Irina Guseva: