Popup Blocker Update – Quick Dismiss Integration

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Popup Blocker Popup Blocker, an application that allows you to control the popups on your iPhone and/or iPod touch, was updated to version 1.1.0 and 1.1.1. The 1.1.0 update added two new features; the ability to control the Airplane Mode Warning popup and the integration of “Quick Dismiss.” The Quick Dismiss feature allows you to use your Home Button to dismiss popups. You have the option to use the Quick Dismiss feature on both the LockScreen and the SpringBoard. The update to version 1.1.1 contained a bug fix – see complete change logs below.

1.1.0 Change Log:
– Added support for Airplande Mode Warnings.
– Integrated “quick dismiss” feature to allow home button dismissing of unblocked popups.

1.1.1 Change Log:
– Fixed issue with “Continue Trial taking user to Mail app instead of letting them use the trial.


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