


Note: these are not the only instances showing Hovind’s ethical compass may not be pointing true North.  

See also Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire for more examples.


Darwin anti-Semitic?  I don't know that to be true, it may be. [...] I'm not aware of anything anti-Semitic, he could have been.
Truth Radio 31 August 2006 @ 24:40 (Tape 2)


If a soldier goes out and kills a hundred people in a village, is he a mass murderer?  No.  Is the guy who dropped the atomic  bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, were they mass murderers?  No, its war time.  Different story.
Truth Radio 18 August 2006 @ 22:10 (Tape 1)

I think the reason capital punishment is not the deterrent it should be is that it is done at midnight when nobody is able to watch, you know.  Put the thing on nation wide TV, you know, that would work.
Truth Radio 9 August 2006 @ 11:45 (Tape 2)

If you read the rules God gave to have a perfect society, they are phenomenal. [...] Whenever somebody commits the following crimes they are to be executed, publicly.  And whoever is the offended party gets to throw the first stone [...] There is just the relief when you get to throw the rock at the person who offended you, or harmed you, or raped you, or stole from you, or something.  I think Man is designed to need that satisfaction, that relief of taking vengeance.  I think that is way God - I think that is the way human nature is. 
Truth Radio 9 August 2006 @ 12:20 (Tape 2)


I debated [Dr Stephen Meyer] once.  He is a legend in his own mind.  My understanding is he got a doctors degree from a university he started just to grant him a doctors degree.  It's a university with no students and he's the president. [...] I would be glad to debate him again if we could get him to stick to the topic of Creation/Evolution but it is always ad hominem attacks. 
Truth Radio 2 August 2006 @ 14:00 (Tape 1)


It kind of frustrates those who hate me because the Lord kind of got a hedge built around us, you know.  And if anybody does evil to us it is because God allowed it.  Only reason.  They can not get through God's angels.  One of God's angels wiped out 180,000 Syrians in one night.  Just one.  I've got several guardian angels - according to Corinthians - so bring it on skeptics.
Truth Radio 13 June 2006 @ 6:15 (Tape 1)


This guy comes home from work, "Hi Honey, what's for supper?"  "Whatever you're fixing."  You know, she just got back from one of those meetings, those femi-nazi meetings.  He said, "Honey, the house is kind of a mess, have you been busy today?"  She said, "If you don't like it you clean it up."  This went on for ten minutes.  And finally he said, "How would you like to not see me for a week?"  She said, "That would be fine with me."  And sure enough on the the seventh day her left eye started to open just a little bit. [laughter]
Truth Radio 15 June 2006 @ 18:00 (Tape 2)


HOVIND: There is surprisingly little if any proof of global warming.  It may be warming, I don't know, but the evidence is really shaky.  What would happen with global warming is probably the ice caps would melt raising the ocean level maybe, I don't know, thirty feet.  That's perfect.  We are in Pensacola, Florida, sixty feet above sea level.  If the ocean came up thirty or forty feet we might get beach front property.  I mean by the time the waves are done eroding everything away.  Do you know what the value of this property would become if it was on the beach? [....]

ASSISTANT: You know, I've thought of this already. But there is one big problem, floating dead bodies in your front yard


HOVIND: You would have floating dead bodies [but] only for awhile. [...] Oh yeah, I'm in favour of global warming.  Go for it.  Start the car, just let it idle.  Burn the fuel.  Heat up the ozone or whatever they are going to do to it and let's have it.  Increase the value of my property.
Truth Radio 17 May 2006 @ 47:00

I did not call Rosie [O'Donnell] fat.  I read what somebody wrote on the back of their van.  What they had on the back of their van was, "Blaming guns for Columbine is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'Donnell being fat."   That's not me calling her fat, that is me reading what is on the back of the van.  
Truth Radio 5 May 2006

Just get everyone of our soldiers over there in Iraq right now, dip your bullets in pigs blood.  Let it be known, "Guys, we're here to help your country, we really are.  We're not the bad guys.  We'd like to help.  You guys have a problem.  We got rid of your evil dictator and we would like to see you rebuild a decent country so you can enjoy life.  However, if you're going to shoot at us, we're going to shoot back, and you're not going to get to go to Heaven and forget those 72 virgins because they are not going to be there because we've got pigs blood on all of our bullets".  Get your hollow point bullet.  Put a little pigs blood inside and fill 'em with wax and just carry them with your from now on.  And if anyone shoots at you shoot back.  And I guarantee it would stop the violence in Iraq in thirty seconds. 
Truth Radio 8 May 2006


[Regarding instructions by God to kill enemies of Israel in the OT] God, in His infinite wisdom, knew the Children of Israel should go into Canaan and kill everyone of these tribes because they were so involved in practices - they were disease ridden.  They practiced bestiality, they had different diseases.  It was all through the culture.  And God said, "This is for your good and their good.  We have to wipe these people off the planet for humanity's good."  You just have to trust God's wisdom to know those things.
Truth Radio 1 May 2006

Osama bin Laden [....] probably hiding in a 7-11 someplace. (with attached picture)

Source: Seminar Part 2 (2003) @ 58:00


If a woman goes to have an abortion, the nurse there will have a jar of marbles to have a lottery to decide who dies.  One marble for baby.  One for mother and one for father.  One for doctor [audience laughter].  Governor [audience laughter].  And put several in there for the last President (Clinton) [Applause] 

Source: Seminar Part 4 (2003) @ 1:17:35


One of the major problems in America is caused because we have a welfare system.  The Bible's welfare system is really cool; if you don't work you don't eat.  That solves a whole lot of problems, okay.
Source: Truth Radio 31 August 2004 @ 43:30


The threat of stoning if someone is not a virgin, I mean, if girls had that today they would be much less likely to be promiscuous.  How many problems are caused in our society simply because of the immorality we have?
Source: Truth Radio 8 June 2004 @ 22:30


You see, people don't understand capital punishment is a great deterrent. Especially if it is public and you take your kids down and you watch someone get stoned [.....] and your kid says, "Daddy, what did they do?."  "Oh, he was a bad person. He did this, this, this."  You're going to impress on that little kid - he's never going to do that.
Source: Truth Radio 8 June 2004 @ 21:25 


Abel's [animal] sacrifice pleased God simply because it involved death and blood.  And that's the only thing that will pay for our sin.  The purpose of the sacrifice was to have the sacrifice take our sin. [.....] God is not interested in your work to pay for your sin.  It requires death.  Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, the Bible says.  So without the blood you can not be saved. [....] Cain's offering of fruits and vegetables, as wonderful as it may have looked, was not impressive to God.  Just by the same token, your good works and my good works are not impressive to God. The only thing He is looking for is the blood. 
Source: Truth Radio 4 May 2004 @ 32:15


Hovind: If I was God I would have killed everybody


Assistant:  Several times


Hovind:  Several times (laughter) a long time ago. I wouldn't put up with them, man.  You, (gun shot) you're out of here.  So you guys can be very thankful I'm not God.  I'm very thankful I'm not God

Source:  Truth Radio 8 January 2003 @ 37:35

I told you about the Philippines - the Muslims - they had an insurrection a hundred years ago.  Some Muslims were attacking, you know, people over there, yeah.  And so they captured 50 of these guys - the American general did - and he tied them all up to poles.  Right in front of 'em he slaughtered a couple of pigs and dipped all the bullets into the pig blood and shot 49 of them with bullets dipped in pig blood. [.....] [According to Muslims] if you taste a pig or touch a pig or if you eat pig meat, man, you're damned forever, you have no chance of going to Heaven.   So they dipped their bullets in pig blood - shot all these guys - dumped them in a hole and poured the pigs guts all over the top of them.  And then let the 50th guy go.  And we never had any trouble out of the Muslims there. [laughter]

Source:  Truth Radio 30 December 2003 @ 26:30


There's no question there are some bad guys with diapers on their heads that want to come over [to the USA] and blow everyone up.

Source:  Truth Radio 30 December 2003 @ 15:55


When women don't understand that men have this [sex] drive.  It causes great frustration in marriages and relationships because, you know, women just don't understand - and men do of course.  If you have an understanding wife who says, "Honey, this is something God gave to you and my job is to be your wife and fulfil your needs [.....]"

Source: Truth Radio 1 January 2004 @ 31:55


Karl Marx was a looser.  Never worked a day in his life.  He had six kids, three of them died of starvation.  He couldn't feed his own family.  Two others committed suicide.  So when he died only six people attended his funeral. He was an absolute looser.  Karl Marx was a bum.  Skid row bum of the worst kind.  He is [sic] a dangerous skid row bum. 

Source: Truth Radio 27 June 2003 @ 42:20


I've been to Costa Rica [....] absolutely gorgeous country.  Most of the people are a bunch of thieves down there. You've got to lock everything up because they will steal you blind. 

Source: Truth Radio 29 August 2003 @ 19:30


Did you know the Jewish Talmud - which is not the Old Testament, that is the Torah - the Talmud teaches that non-Jews should be exterminated?  According to the book Yebamoth - or however you pronounce that -  98a "All gentile children are animals." This 'Rule Ten' says, "Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed."   If you want more on the Talmud, get hold of Michael Hoffman [a self described Revisionist] hoffman-info.com and see how dangerous that religion is.  Now somebody says, "Now Hovind are you anti-Semite?"  I don't even know what a Semite is.  I'm pro-Israel.  I think America should support Israel.  I believe in Genesis Chapter 12, "Those that bless you [Israel] you'll be blessed."  We ought to support Israel.  I'm not sure who these Semites are but we ought to support Israel. 

Source: The Dangers of Evolution Part 2 @ 5:25 [August 2003]


...... for those who say, "God is cruel by killing the infants of Sodom and Gomorrah," let's follow this through now.  Suppose that God knows that city [sic] is full of diseases - including the children - because of their just horrible practices with all sorts of things they were doing.  Incest and homosexuality and things filled that society with diseases.  God's people are going to move into this area.  God says, "I want you to kill the whole population for their own good and for your good so this disease is wiped out off the Earth." Then the guy is a smart god to command the execution.  It's like me pulling weeds out of my flower garden. 

Source:  Presentation at University of West Florida  @1:59:55 [August 2003]


Okay, next question [.....] "Why is the genealogy of Genesis different in the New Testament? [.....]  I'm here in Baghdad and I do not have the resources to find the answer.  Your brother in Christ, Specialist Aaron Rummet."  Well Aaron, I hope you go over there and, you know, find the guy with the diaper on his head.

Source http://www.darwin.ws/contradictions/diaper.mp3 13 August 2003 [August 2003]


Be sure to read PROTOCOLS OF ZION [sic] call [sic] my office if you cannot find a copy.

Source: Part 5---Evolution: the Foundation for Communism, Nazism, Socialism, and the New World Order Video @ 0:13:35 [June 2003]


What difference does it make?
When asked "if you ever got a real degree of any sort from a legitimate institution as opposed to the diploma-mill "Patriot University", 'accredited' by yet another phony organization." [Oct. 1998]
Source: http://holysmoke.org/hovind0.htm


[children] will learn about the obstacles the missionaries face as they try to bring the gospel to the natives.  

Source: Promotional video for Dinosaur Adventure Land  http://www.dinosauradventureland.com/dal2.asp?pg=video @3:30 [May 2003]


You know during World War II, some of the [Great Barrier] reef was damaged and destroyed by ships and anchors and bombs and stuff like that, so the environmentalist wackos went out there to see how fast it grows back.

Source: Seminar Transcript [no longer available]


I'm not beholden to anybody.  I don't care what Henry Morris thinks [of my arguments].  I don't care what Ken Ham thinks.  I don't care what you [Stephen Meyer] think.  I don't care what anybody thinks except Jesus. 

Source Meyers/ Hovind Debate April 2003 http://bibleandscience.com/index2.htm @42.55 [April 2003]


If the burden of proof is on me is to prove it [the Biblical account of the Flood] scientific I’d have to say, “Wait a minute, how can I prove that?  I wasn’t there.”  Nobody’s going to prove that scientifically. If …[inaudible interjection] … Pardon?  That’s my job?  Well I guess I didn’t catch that, if this is a trick question in, ah, the way he [Till] designed the question for me to have to prove something, you know, prove, ah, that animals change from amoebas to people, you know, prove evolution.  We’ll debate that sometime, you know it can’t be done.

Source: Hovind/Till Debate Part 1 “The Genesis story of the World Wide Flood is scientifically accurate in all of its details.”@ 84:20, September 1993  http://www.sermonaudio.com/ [March 2003]


He [a hypothetical preacher] grabbed the atheist around the neck, and grabbed his nose, and began twisting his nose back and forth [...] Pretty soon the blood was pouring down the guys face.  He [atheist] said, "Man, what are you doing?" He [preacher] said, "I was proving the Bible. It says the ringing of the nose bringth forth blood."  

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/theory1.mp3  @25:40 [January 2003]


Maybe the real issue is certain criminals ought to be publicly executed.  They were dragging this guy up to the guillotine in France, you know, going to chop his head off years ago.  Somebody said, “You think this is going to deter crime?” They said, “It will for him.”  It certainly will, won’t it?

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 29:35 [March 2003]


If nobody’s irritated at you you’re not a good Christian.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 108:50 [March 2003]


A simple trick you can do.  Suppose someone is getting married and going off on their honeymoon, you can pull out the coil wire [of the car engine].  Stick a door bell wire under there, pull it back, bring the door bell wire through the fire wall, and weave it through the fabric of the seat.   They get in there all excited going on their honeymoon, you know, hit the key.  Bam!!  Ohh, ahh.  Ha, ha, ha.  I can give you lots more ideas but we’ll stop there.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 29:35 [March 2003]


By the way kids, if you go to a secular school and you ask your teacher to debate me and they won't, send me their name, what they teach, what school they teach at, and when they refused.  We are keeping a list, we just started two weeks ago on our web site, of teachers who refuse to debate.
Thankfully Hovind has decided to only annoy University faculty.
Source: http://www.cbbc.net/RS/ 6 Jan 2002 Session #2


And kids, you won’t have to go to school very far, especially through college, and you will probably get at least one professor that has a mocking attitude towards God’s Word.  How many of you had one when you went to school?  See, they don’t seem to be able to get an honest job, picking peaches or changing tires, so they have go to work in some university destroying the faith of the next generation of kids coming through their class.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books1.mp3 @ 16:45 [March 2003]


There was a book written called The Protocols of Zion [sic].  Now, it was written by the rich guys, but they said, “If this book ever gets found we want to blame it on the Jews.”  So they called it Protocols of Zion [sic].  But it’s actually the plan of how to control the world.  It’s about seventy some pages, you can, I don’t think you can print it off my website but you can get it in a lot of places.  And some people saying, “Hovind, Hovind mentions The Protocols of Zion [sic].  That means he is anti Jewish.”  No, I’m not anti Jewish, okay.  I love the Jews.  But The Protocols of Zion [sic] was written to explain how to control the world, I mean, it lays it all out.  But it’s really carefully done so that if it is ever discovered the Jews take the blame for it.  Interesting.  Well, read the book and see what you think.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/danger2.mp3 @ 16:10 [March 2003]


For the last six months we have been adding energy to that guy with the diaper on his head [Osama bin Laden] and we haven't organized anything over there [Afghanistan]

Source: Kent Hovind, January 2002, Creation Evolution and Dinosaurs session #1


I get these environmentalist whackos coming to my seminar all the time.  They'll say, "Well, trees have rights.  Animals have rights".  And I'll say, "I think oxygen molecules have rights too and you oughta quit breathing".
Source: http://www.cbbc.net/RS/ 6 Jan 2002 Session #2


Blaming guns for Columbine [school shooting] is like blaming scones [sic] for Rosie O'Donnell being fat.
Said while commenting on Rosie O'Donnell's gun control position.
Source http://www.cbbc.net/RS/ 6 Jan 2002 Session #1


Hovind: See, the problem you have, Hugh, is you’re stuck with this uniformitarian assumption. [.....]  We see the moon dust in 1960 and 1970 and 1980.  We’ve checked the dust today and assume, well, that’s the way it has always been.  This is uniformitarianism. This was Charles Lyell’s problem [....]


Ross: You’re misrepresenting the field.  What geophysicists and geologists believe is that it’s a combination of catastrophism and uniformitarianism.  It’s not either/or.


Hovind: Here you are speaking for all geologists again.  You do this consistently and I wish you’d stop and think about what you’re doing.
From a debate between Hovind and Dr Hugh Ross.
Source: http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/_PDFArchives/science/SC3W0801.pdf


I am not in trouble with the IRS; they are in trouble with me!  They broke the law and I am suing them for it.
Hovind defends his ongoing campaign of not paying personal tax
Source: Hovind, 2000, How are evolution, Communism, the new-world order, and the IRS connected? http://www.drdino.com/FAQs/FAQmisc12.jsp [mid 2001?]


Our decision to build [a "science center and museum"] without permits from the county was based on our understanding of the Bible and, to a lesser degree, the constitutions of the united [sic] States and the State of Florida.
Hovind trying to justify a request for donations to continue his $100,000+ court campaign to avoid official building inspections.
Source: http://www.drdino.com/?pg=help [Feb 2002]


Ross: Can’t you understand how that just closes down discussion when you say, “Hey, if you believe in long creation days you’re a heretic and should be rejected from the church”?


Hovind: I didn’t say that.  I said if you believe there is death before sin.  Now, that doctrine I would put in the category of heresy.  Believing the days are long periods of time....


Ross: But you can’t disconnect that from long creation days.


Hovind: Well, you’ve got a good point there, so you better consider what you believe.  Titus Chapter 3 says I’m supposed to warn you twice and then reject you.  So here’s my first warning.
Debate between Hovind and Dr Hugh Ross.
Source: htttp://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/_PDFArchives/science/SC1W1001.pdf


There has been research that indicates nearly all homosexuals come from families that have a weak father figure, and a dominate [sic] mother.  I believe that research shows that there is a social link where the children are raised to be wimps or whatever.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Boys, don't touch the girls until you're married to them.  Now, if you don't want to touch them, you stay away from me please.  I saw your kind in San Francisco.
Source: Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 3a from


There are those who really object to nationalities.  Part of the globalist movement is to get people to think globally instead of nationally.  Nationalism like, "I love America!" is really offensive to the globalists.  They want to get you to get rid of the "I love America!" and get you to say, "I love the world! ".  They want to get all the children involved in the "Save the Planet," "Plant a Tree," "Go Hug a Tree."  Watch out for the globalist movement, and the ridicule and the eventual persecution of nationalist [sic], the people who love a country instead of the world.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


The third heaven mentioned in the Bible is in II Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul in this chapter is telling a story about the time he got rocked to sleep - I mean stoned to death - and he was caught up to the third heaven
Source: Hovind, 1999, Seminar Transcript 1b from


You can demand that your school cut out the pages with false information.  Get the textbooks down; show them where the information is false, the horse evolution, the gill slits, and all this kind of stuff.  See?  Look, just cut the pages out.  How many of you would help cut the pages out so it wouldn't cost the school a thing?  You would do it for free.  Go to your school and help cut the pages out.  Would you do that?  Come on, put your hand up.  Let me see if you are willing to volunteer.  Doesn't cost the school a thing.  Right?  Now, textbooks are expensive.  They don't need to buy a whole new textbook.  Just cut those pages out.  Very simple!  Won't cost them a thing.  Or you can do like a principal in Georgia did: glue the pages together.  He got all of the pages where they teach evolution and glued them together.  One summer he did that.  He didn't ask any questions, he just did it.
Source: Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 3a from


I have been complaining for the past couple of weeks about the nude art in the Pensacola airport gift shop.  The owner called me and said, "You're the only person that has complained."  I said to him, "Six nude women in the shape of a skull?  That's not art, that's pornography!"  The man at the airport has done nothing about it.  The police have done nothing about it.  If people don't stand up for what is right, corruption will take over.  It's always been that way.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind4.htm [no longer available]


We ought to execute criminals for certain crimes.  The prisons are overcrowded because a lot of them should have been executed.  If everyone that should have been executed was executed it would do wonders for detouring [sic] crime and lowering the prison population.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind4.htm [no longer available]


Kids, if you are a goof off, a troublemaker or a problem student or getting straight F's on your report card don't tell them [teachers] that you're a Christian.  You're not helping.  Okay?  Shut your mouth.  Sit there.
Hovind's advice for "fighting the war" against evolution in public schools
Source: http://www.lanset.com/crknudson/hovind.htm Questions About Creation - Part 2

Timothy was a half-breed between a Jew and a Greek.  They weren't supposed to marry each other but God used Timothy in a great way in the Bible.

Source: Kent Hovind, circa 1999, Creation Seminar Online Part 7 Q29 at [no longer available]


I took one of my kids to the dentist one time when he was about six or seven years old.

The dentist said, "Mr. Hovind, this kid has a cavity."


I said, "Yes sir, I know about that.  Are you talking about the big one in his head or the one in his tooth?"


He said, "Well, just the one in his tooth.  That's the one we are going to fix today."


I said, "Okay, let's fix it Doc."  Then I said, "Now son, you've got to sit still.  The dentist has to give you a shot."


He says, "A SHOT! A SHOT!"


I said, "Yes, he's going to give you a shot.  Calm down; I've had one before."  I showed him where I had mine.  I said, "It's no problem.  When he gives you the shot, your mouth will go numb so he can drill out the bad part and fill the hole with silver."


He says, "Daddy, he's going to give me a SHOT!"


I said, "Yes son, he's going to give you a shot.  Now, listen carefully. SIT STILL!  If you wiggle, I'm going to have to take you outside and spank you, so, don't -- wiggle!"


He did his best.  He tried to sit still, but when the doctor pulled out that giant needle about twelve feet long, and poured in about eighteen gallons of Novocain, and said, "Okay kid, open up," he freaked.  [.....]  We tried to hold him still, but we couldn't hold him still enough for that kind of operation. [.....]  Finally, after a few minutes the doctor gave up and said, "I can't work on this kid.  I'm sorry, I just can't do it."


I said, "Doc, let me take him outside and talk to him for a few minutes."


We went out to the parking lot, got in the old Chevy van and sat in the back seat.


I said, "Son, listen carefully. You know that I love you."


He said, "I know daddy."


I said, "Now son, I told you to sit still. You did not sit still. What happens when you disobey daddy?"


He said, "Sniff, sniff... I get a spanking?"


I said, "Correct, bend over."  Boy, did I give him a spanking, and it was a doozy.  A few minutes later, smoke was rising off his hind end, tears were coming out of his eyes, and pearls were coming out of his nostrils -- the whole thing.


I said, "Okay son, listen carefully.  We are going to go back into the dentist office, and you are going to sit in that chair.  If you wiggle one time, I'm not going to yell at you and I'm not going to scream at you.  I'm going to calmly take you back out here to the van, and I'm going to give you two spankings just like the one you just received.  Then, we are going to go back into the dentist office, and you are going to sit in the chair.  If you wiggle, we are going to come back out to the van, and you are going to get three spankings just like the one you just got.  Son, we are going to go back and forth all day long until I get tired, and I have played tennis for years.  I have a wonderful forehand smash.  I don't believe I'll get tired for a long time, son."


I believe that he knew that, and I knew that.


We went back into the dentist office.  That kid sat in the chair.  The dentist said, "Open your mouth."  He opened his mouth.  The dentist said, "Open it wider."


He held it open real wide, and I said, "Son, sit still."  He looked over at me, then he looked at that dentist with that giant needle.  He started to shake; then he looked at me again.  As he gripped the chair, he did not move a muscle.  I don't think the kid even breathed for twenty minutes.  The doctor gave him the shot; drilled it out; filled the tooth full of silver; and we were on our way out the door in fifteen or twenty minutes.  It wasn't long at all.


The doctor then said, "Mr. Hovind, come here."


I said, "Yes sir?"


He said, "Look, I don't know what you said to that kid while you were outside, but I would like for you to work for me."


I said, "No sir, you don't want me to work for you, the Child Welfare would have me in jail in a flash."
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 3 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind3.htm [no longer available]