Former Pilot and Abel Danger Member Field McConnell on Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen [audio]

March 30, 2015

Thank you, Field, for dropping by Starship Earth to let us know about your discussion with Patrick yesterday about the Germanwings/Lufthansa Airbus A320 crash. (Flight 4U9525)

Field is a former pilot and comes in at the 1:27 mark to dispel the absurd disinformation and lies spouted by the media to cover up this unprovoked attack on Humanity.

His meticulous details cut through the dross of the fairy tales already spun about this event, and past acts of terror.

Patrick’s monologue up to that point is excellent too, by the way, and he shares a lucid perspective on several events and developments the corporate media purposely distorts to shape public opinion and protect the globalists.

Click here to visit the Sunday Wire Radio Show page for more details.