Monday, October 12, 2009

What is Twitter?

Do you know what Twitter is about? Twitter is a free social networking service in which people can post quick updates on their Twitter site. Many people are taking advantage of this because it’s a way to get to know other people that have the same interests as you.

In order to start, you have to sign up for a free account. It is simple to do and only takes a few minutes to set up. In order to get traffic to your Twitter website, you have to send “tweets”.

Tweets are short posts that you send to your account for others to see. You are only allowed to write your tweets with using 140 characters. Other people that see your tweets are called followers. If they are interested in what you have to say, they in turn, will tweet back to you.

You can tweet on Twitter about different things. Some of the topics include sports, advertising, cooking, weight loss and the list goes on and on. There is no set way as to how you should tweet.

However, when you do tweet, it’s better if your posts are meaningful and have substance. People like to read about things that interest them. With 140 characters to work with for each tweet, you are hard pressed to send something that will peak your follower’s interest.

Twitter can also be used for marketing and promoting of your business. However, you must be subtle about it when you are doing this. You don’t want to start out promoting your business as soon as you sign up for an account.

Your motives will be easily discovered and you won’t have many followers. It’s better if you establish a relationship with your followers and then promote your business. They will appreciate that you thought that much of them not to take advantage of the situation.

With Twitter, everyone is not going to reciprocate when you send out a tweet. Whenever you are tweeting, it’s important not to complain or gripe about other people to your followers. They get turned off very quickly and will not come back to your site.

Twitter is a good tool for networking and cultivating relationships. People like it because they are able to connect with others in ways that they may not be able to do otherwise. You will be able to make connections all around the world by continuing to tweet posts that are of interest to others. It has become the new way of effectively communicating through social networking.

For tools on how to use twitter to market CLICK HERE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Master the Internet's Most Potent Marketing Tool!

Learn how to get 1000s of Twitter followers in just 7 days and watch your sales explode.

Twitter Tools and much more

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting others to follow you on twitter

Building a following in Twitter is easy and will help you grow your business-no matter what you do.

First you want to build a list of followers to your Twitter site. Twitter traffic depends on getting followers. Followers can help you get exposure and vice versa. Take time to build your list of followers and cultivate a relationship with them. Get to know them and allow them to get to know you. You want their trust just as much as they want your trust.

Click on this link and learn how: Twitter

Monday, June 15, 2009

Make Money with Twitter

How To Get Twitter Traffic

One of the newest ways in social marketing is Twitter. It is the newest craze that a lot of people are using now. Not only is it a way to get to know more people, it can also be used to get traffic. Getting Twitter traffic can maximize your exposure in ways you may have never imagined.

If you don’t have a Twitter account, then you will need to sign up for one. It’s easy and it only takes a few minutes. The best part about having one is that it is free. In order to get Twitter traffic, you must follow proper etiquette. There are things that you should and should not do in order to make your Twitter site effective.

First you want to build a list of followers to your Twitter site. Twitter traffic depends on getting followers. Followers can help you get exposure and vice versa. Take time to build your list of followers and cultivate a relationship with them. Get to know them and allow them to get to know you. You want their trust just as much as they want your trust.

When you are posting tweets to your Twitter site, provide the posts with substance and meaning. Your followers will be interested in what you have to say and will continue to come back for more. You can get more Twitter traffic as long as you are sincere and honest with your posts.

Continue to participate and observe your followers. If you don’t post tweets, then your followers will think that you are not interested anymore and will stop tweeting at your Twitter website. Getting the most out of Twitter traffic hinges on whether or not you participate in engaging with your followers.

To keep the relationship going, you can tweet on comments that were sent to you from previous tweets. This way, you can post your tweet again and include your link. This is a subtle way that you can use to promote your business. It would not be considered spam because your purpose was to comment on the tweets. If you have a lot of followers, then your chances are greater for people to visit your website.

One thing that you should not do is to overtweet. If you send too many tweets, followers will be turned off and go elsewhere. Also, if your tweets are not interesting, followers will not stick around. It’s important to keep the momentum going if you want to continue getting Twitter traffic.

Order Twitter Tree here!