Session Submission Summary

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Learning in the Making: Studying, Understanding, and Designing Makerspaces

Mon, April 7, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Marriott, Floor: Fourth Level, Franklin 13

Session Type: Symposium


In this symposium we will share the results of our NSF Cyberlearning project, Learning in the Making. In the first year of our three-year study, we have conducted ethnographies of three unique makerspaces with the goal of understanding what is common across these environments as well as how their unique configurations yield different learning arrangements, roles, goals, and roles. Our session will include three papers and a discussant: 1) A macro look at the maker movement through a meta-analysis of MAKE magazine; 2) An understanding of the range of practices and learning arrangements present across makerspaces and; 3) An exploration of the micro-practice of Google group communication for asynchronous community building and making-from-a-distance.

Sub Unit


