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Is it legal for the county commissioners to start charging county homeowners via a Local Improvement District for $57.6 million, which will be added to the county contribution of 20 percent of the total “estimated cost” of $72 million, without getting bids first? (According to a staff member, they have not yet put the project out to bid.)

If the county had put the project out to bid first, gotten a minimum of three solid bids, and preferably chosen the least expensive bid, then perhaps they would already have enough money to cover the cost of the repaving, without having to charge us this huge amount of money via the LID.

Also, it is my understanding that built into this “estimate,” for which we are already being charged, is an “administrative fee” which is to cover a salary of over $100,000. Can’t the current staff administer the program? If not, why does the salary need to be so high?

If the bids come back much lower than this “estimate,” what will the commissioners do with all the extra money they will collect from us?

Who monitors and controls how the county commissioners spend the taxes they collect from us?

Pam Allen
