Friday Flashback #30

The noIcon_pic shorts demo from the SIGGRAPH 2004 User Group:

Some background on how the noIcon shorts came to be:

Interview With Mark Schoennagel
by Raffael Dickreuter, Bernard Lebel, Tülay Tetiker
September, 23rd, 2004,

What about those noIcon boxers at the Siggraph 2004 User group? Any chance we can get some of these? Tell us how you came up with that idea.
How was that for ridiculous? Dropping my pants on stage… I never thought I’d do that… well, while working anyway! Actually Gino Vincelli’s wife made them. Gino works for us in Montreal and is the voice on many of the training materials we make. His wife works as a fashion designer and can print just about anything, so they made these boxers! I hadn’t really decided if I was going to actually drop through on stage, or how, but somewhere during the second demo I thought “heck, just use primitive man and put the “no icon” texture on it.. then … well.. drop your pants.” So that’s what I did. Nice ass I got there huh? I think Chinny thought so, because he forgot to play the next video clip. Maybe they’ll be on the web store by popular demand, or maybe a limited tradeshow edition – we’ll see.

From an interview with Gino Vincelli (ATC Manager and Senior Instructor of Softimage)
by Raffael Dickreuter, Will Mendez, Bernard Lebel
February, 10th, 2005

Can you tell us how you got the idea for the no-icon shorts?
Well when you work at Softimage and within the 3D community, you’re generally surrounded by weird people and it rubs off on you! Ha! Ha! In XSI, as you know, if you forget to save your images when creating a new database you will end up with characters or objects “wearing” the no-icon default texture. I just thought it would be cool to produce real no-icon clothes such as the shorts as if whoever was wearing them had forgotten his or her textures at home. I know… way too much time on my hands… I got a real kick out of seeing Mark Schoennagel drop his pants to show off the no-icon shorts at the Siggraph user group. The guy is gutsy!

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