
clearchannel or not

this is a good show


[17:53] K7Lim: i like the notion that mrs loehr had a big crush on you
[17:57] stanlin2021: i asked her to go surfing with me


Link to milosz site on ibiblio, includes audio READINGS :)




12/5 9 PM
Bottom of the Hill...
Tix still available.

Rhymes with the Italian money.

A Poem for the End of the Century by Czeslaw Milosz

When everything was fine
And the notion of sin had vanished
And the earth was ready
In universal peace
To consume and rejoice
Without creeds and utopias,

I, for unknown reasons,
Surrounded by the books
Of prophets and theologians,
Of philosophers, poets,
Searched for an answer,
Scowling, grimacing,
Waking up at night, muttering at dawn.

What oppressed me so much
Was a bit shameful.
Talking of it aloud
Would show neither tact nor prudence.
It might even seem an outrage
Against the health of mankind.

Alas, my memory
Does not want to leave me
And in it, live beings
Each with its own pain,
Each with its own dying,
Its own trepidation.

Why then innocence
On paradisal beaches,
An impeccable sky
Over the church of hygiene?
Is it because that
Was long ago?

To a saintly man
--So goes an Arab tale--
God said somewhat maliciously:
"Had I revealed to people
How great a sinner you are,
They could not praise you."

"And I," answered the pious one,
"Had I unveiled to them
How merciful you are,
They would not care for you."

To whom should I turn
With that affair so dark
Of pain and also guilt
In the structure of the world,
If either here below
Or over there on high
No power can abolish
The cause and the effect?

Don't think, don't remember
The death on the cross,
Though everyday He dies,
The only one, all-loving,
Who without any need
Consented and allowed
To exist all that is,
Including nails of torture.

Totally enigmatic.
Impossibly intricate.
Better to stop speech here.
This language is not for people.
Blessed be jubilation.
Vintages and harvests.
Even if not everyone
Is granted serenity.

so hooked!!!

skipping trivia night, for this!?

from MeFi
"Media Mammon is the latest edition of stock market simulation...with a very kind UI. Instead of 'buying' stocks, you are 'buying' words and phrases that can cover anything...as long as its reported on Yahoo! News. The more frequently a word is used, the higher its value.


super geek-sleuth!!!!!!!!!1

bwa ha ha ha
this is twice i've been on the boingsaurs



glorious link


yo la tengo

i've always wondered what the band Yo La Tengo are referring to in their name.

I mean the obvious is "I have her."
Which kinda gives this guy the willies. I mean the phrase "I want her" is tossed about by every mook with testosterone (see "I want her so bad," referenced to vapid cover model du moment.

But to HAVE, to possess is strange, when it comes to a person. I mean I guess Thomas Jefferson HAD some black women as house slaves (heh heh heh in more ways than one), but... I hestitate to think of any person having another. SO I propose the following objects to be the La in Yo La Tengo.


That is all.

nerdiest expression of arrogance ever.

me - awesome == 0

if only being a hero were always so easy

1. woman at work hates dark chocolate
2. a coalition of the willing (me) frees her from the dark chocolate dove minis in the basket.
3. *burp*
4. <falsetto> my heeero </falsetto>

and scene!


ha ha ha lyrics

"You're just one of those kids who posts lyrics! nyah nyah nyeeeah"

Come on let's go, come on let's go, c'mon let’s go
We can be leaves pushed by the breeze
Towards the mountains or toward the sea
Or just out to eat
Please leave your notebooks at home
You can write all about it in the morning
Not today


she doesn't realize

by lonesquid