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Cambridge Coop Application - 2022
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Cambridge Cooperative Club Member Application

This text file is for accessibility and if you want to work on your questions offline before pasting them in the online form. If you’d prefer to speak rather than write your answers, you may send an audio file to 

Questions are numbered below. A * indicates the question is required.


Hello! We look forward to hearing from you.

  1. Email *
  2. Name (that you go by) *
  3. Pronouns
  4. Address
  5. Phone number *

Living Together

Being part of an intentional community requires house members to commit to being present and active in the life of the house. It is a commitment in time and energy toward building our community and maintaining our home. The regular monthly commitment is comprised of:

Browse the Cambridge Cooperative Club site or our Facebook page to learn more about our community.

  1. How do you envision co-op responsibilities fitting within your current commitments and priorities? What is your comfort level with various chores? *
  2. Why are you interested in living in a community like ours? What do you want to get out of your co-op experience? *
  3. When are you available to move in? How long do you intend to live at the coop? *

Who are you?

We want to know what makes you who you are and what life is like for you. That includes interests, hobbies, values, and demographics. We invite you to share whatever you want about yourself with us!

  1. Demographic information and other social categorizations have a huge impact on how we move through the world. To whatever level of detail you are comfortable with, let us know some of the ways you identify (age, politics, religion, race, disabilities, gender, etc.). Read some of our current housemates’ answers on our website!
  2. The people in this community are committed to fighting systems of oppression such as white supremacy, patriarchy, transphobia, xenophobia, capitalism and incarceration. What is your commitment to this work? Are you particularly passionate about any of these issues?
  3. What are some of your skills, interests, hobbies, and talents (whether or not they're relevant to community living)?
  4. Please, add anything you’d like to share about your life, which could include passions, links, art, quotes, etc. *


Our household is dedicated to prioritizing the health and safety of our community, including the most vulnerable members of our household. The large size of the house also makes that risk comparatively greater. With covid case rates changing frequently, due to vaccinations and new variants, we are continuously monitoring and reevaluating our house policies to ensure they align with the latest data. You can review our current practices, but note that our practices are subject to change with the changing covid situation.

  1. What thoughts do you have about aligning your own practices with our current policies and how this may affect your daily life?
  2. If you move into the house, you will be expected to work with your housemates to update covid guidelines as necessary, using consensus-based decision-making. Are you ok with potentially changing your practices to account for other people's comfort levels and vulnerabilities?
  3. Have you chosen not to get a covid-19 vaccine for a reason other than a recommendation from your doctor? (If you have a known severe allergic reaction to a component of the vaccine, just mark no.) [yes/no only]

Final thoughts

We would like feedback on our application process, to help us continually improve.

  1. Do you have any feedback to share about these questions or the application process so far?
  2. Where did you hear about the current openings?