Seen a Ladybird? Tell us!
Ladybirds were once a common sight in Singapore in the 80s, but in recent years they have not been as frequently sighted. This project aims to find out how many species we have locally, their relative abundance and where they hang out. As such, all sightings are important information, and we would appreciate it very much if you could let us know when and where you've seen ladybirds in Singapore!

Sometimes, other beetles may look like ladybirds as well. As long as you think what you're looking at could be a ladybird, just send us a record! We will get back to you as soon as possible regarding it's identity :)

We would LOVE to receive photos of course, and if you have any, please send them to
If you do send photos, please include your name, the date the photo was taken and the location.

Your contribution is tremendously appreciated, thank you!

Sean Yap
National Biodiversity Centre
National Parks Board
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Contributor Details
Name (In full) *
It would be great if you could provide your name for attribution if we cite your record
E-mail address
This will allow for verification and follow up if necessary
Contact Number
Optional, will allow for verification and follow up if necessary
Sighting Details
When and Where?
Time of Sighting *
If unsure, it would be helpful to provide the best estimate
Date of Sighting (DD/MM/YYYY) *
If unsure, it would be helpful to provide an approximate date
Location of Sighting *
Please provide as many details as possible e.g. street name or blk no., postal code, landmarks in park etc.
Surrounding Vegetation
Any plants nearby? If so, what type (e.g. flower stand, shrubs, fruit trees etc.)?
Record Details
How did it look like, what was it doing?
Number of Ladybirds Seen *
How many individuals?
Physical Description *
Size, Colour, Pattern etc.
Will you be sending a photograph? *
What was it doing? e.g. Resting, feeding, mating etc.
Any Other Remarks?
Thank you for letting us know of your sighting! Your help is very much appreciated!
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