Showing posts with label 5 star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 star. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Restore Me by J.L. Mac

5 Stars

Even the screwed up, damaged people in the world need someone to love and rely on.

J.L. Mac freaking did it again! Thank GOD!

I am a big fan of Wreck Me and was crushed by the cliff-hanger ending, so I did not hesitate to pick up Restore Me and I am happy to say that all of my expectations were met.

I’m one happy gal right now.

Disclaimer – There is a cliff-hanger ending, HOWEVER, I would describe this cliff-hanger as closed, as opposed to Wreck Me’s open one. So, if you haven’t pick up the series… stop what you are doing and do it now! This is the perfect time.

Restore me picks up right where Wreck Me leaves off. Jo is a big ball of mess and you just feel super sorry for the girl. Damon is a complete arse and I can’t help but say I LOVE IT. Usually I hate cold men, but this just adds to the delicious writing.

It makes me abundantly aware that loving him can be painful as hell, but being without him is hellish agony.

I feel for you girl!

So Jo and Damon are having major issues. Jo is dealing with a cold Damon and Damon is dealing with guilt and personal issues. I feel like Wreck Me mostly dealt with Jo’s problems and Restore Me focuses more on Damon’s struggles. I really enjoyed this. The tension coming off of Damon is brilliant. Jo tries really hard to be there for Damon and I like it.You feel for Jo.

The need to save Damon from his personal hell is a self-preservation in its purest form.

Oh the side characters are just hilarious. I simply adore GRAMs and we are introduced to Andy. I feel like we will be seeing more of him in book 3. There were a few steamy scenes, but mostly I would say this was a Damon-finding-himself book. The last chapter kind of leads you into the next book and I just can’t wait for Accept Me

It’s not always the most wonderful relationship, but it’s mine and I wouldn’t give him up for the world.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wounded by Jasinda Wilder

5 Stars

I need your kisses to make the memories disappear

OMGAH, where do I begin?

Disclaimer - I finished Wounded while I was on vacation, which was over a week ago, I usually like to write my reviews the day or day after I finish a read so it’s fresh on my mind so… I promise I’ll do my best to write a justified review.

First off, if you haven’t done this, PUT JASINDA WILDER on your list of Authors to watch out for!

I absolutely loved Falling Into You, and I was a little hesitant with Wounded, only because I usually don’t like modern WAR stories. I like to read about WWII or historical romance fiction, BUT I needed to see if Wilder was a one trick pony and SHE IS NOT. She’s the real deal and if you haven’t read any of her books, STOP what you are doing and read them!

Okay, enough gushing… on to the review, let’s start with the summary


I really don’t want to give a detail summary because I think it’s best to just go into Wounded with little information, to me, the read will be more epic and shocking.

This is Hunter and Rania’s story. Everyone in Rania’s life has left her. She’s all alone and doesn’t know what to do for income. On the brink of starving to death, Rania becomes a prostitute to earn money for food. Hunter is an American soldier who doesn’t have anyone either, prior to leaving for Iraq, Hunter and his longtime girlfriend break-up.

Hunter becomes wounded in an ambush and Rania recuses Hunter by bringing him back to her home to take care of him. Despite the language barrier and dire circumstances, Hunter and Rania form a bond.


Wounded is not for the faint of heart, it’s RAW.EMOTIONAL.SHOCKING and so much more. Yes, it’s highly unrealistic; HOWEVER, it’s my fictional fantasy, which makes me LOVE IT MORE!


I LOVED Rania. I.FELT.FOR.RANIA. You just wanted to reach through the book and give her a big hug. I wouldn’t change anything about her. Rania was the perfect Heroine. I loved how damaged and multi- layered her character was. There was one part, where your heart just breaks for her. I loved how there were two sides of her. There was the strong Rania who had to put up a front to deal with her situation and then there was the venerable side and let’s just face it, I love the whole damsel-in-distress character, so I was all for this.


Hunter is a great Hero. Who doesn’t want an alpha-male to protect you? I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of the whole solider thing, but oh my gah, Hunter is just too yummy. You felt for all the wounds he endured. Yes, most of the tragedies are Rania related, but I liked how Hunter had his issues as well. I loved reading his internal struggles and how he just wanted to do the right thing.

I’m in battle mode. Shut down. Hard. I’m not Hunter anymore. I’m Lance Corporal Lee, USMC. Semper Fi, bitches.


Wounded was just a fantastic read and I say that because I do not like modern War stories, but I could not but love it! Also, I am a HUGE fan of titles with double meanings or being referenced in the story. I thought Wounded was titled perfectly, in the sense, there was no explanation needed. We all know wounds are not always internal and I loved how it was used as a double meaning (at least for me).

Wounded is a beautifully written intense love story.

This is a can’t-put-it-down read and I 100% recommend!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wreck Me by J.L. Mac

5 delicious and steamy stars!

Delicate lace panties tear easily, especially when they’re damp. He’s a dirty scoundrel. I love it.

I am really surprised on how much I enjoyed Wreck Me, Despite the CLIFF-HANGER!


Josephine became an orphan at a very young age, because of that, she hasn’t has the best life. She’s almost homeless, poor and only has a GED. Working at a bookstore, she meets Damon. Damon is super successful, good-looking, dominate alpha male and is very interested in Josephine. Because of Josephine’s hardship and tragic past, she isn’t looking for a relationship, but it’s hard to say no to a bossy and pushy Damon.


First off, the book starts with a BANG and it just grabs your attention. This was a very short read, so I knew a lot of things would form quickly and I was okay with that.

Josephine is pretty much a bad arse chick and usually these girls are hit or miss with me. At first I wasn’t really feeling her, but throughout the book, Josephine really warmed up to me. She’s confident, a little sassy, somewhat slutty, but she owns up to it.

Oh Damon, what can I say… is he the typical male Hero I look for in a read? Yes. I know it’s nothing original, but I don’t care, I LOVE IT! Damon is really a dominate male and it made the steamy scenes very enjoyable. Wreck Me has a lot of steamy scenes and usually this would put me off, but because of Damon’s character was written so likable (for me), I liked the steamy parts.

I feel like my world is crumbling beneath my feet but Damon walks in and I have something to grab onto. It’s frightening and comforting all in the same.

I understand the reviews and I can see how this wouldn’t be a knock-out read for some, but I get all mushy inside with the whole “damsel-in-distress” story line. Rich boy meets poor girl and basically turns her world upside down. Yes please! Give me a credit card with my name on it!

The twist is obvious, but that’s just a side plot. I really enjoyed Josephine and Damon’s relationship forming (even if it did formed quite quickly).

If you like a no-fuss, super steamy read with a very swoon worthy likable alpha-male, then Wreck Me is for you.

I need book 2, Restore me ASAP!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Real (Real, Raw & Ripped #1) by Katy Evans

5 SWOON-tastic, underwear-dropping, jumping-for-joy STARS

Take a moment to fan yourselves ladies because Remy = HOTT

I want to be your f&cking REAL. You get that? If I f&ck you, I want you to belong to me. To be mine. I want you to give yourself to me- not Riptide!

Oh, I LOVE Remy. I want to make babies with him. I want to lick him from head to toe, flaws and all. He’s my top top top boyfriend, yes, he’s with the Travis, the Will, the Gideon… do I need to say more?

Okay, so I read Real on vacation and I wasn’t able to write my review the day I finished the read, so it’s many weeks later and I just can’t do justice. I mean, look at the other reviewers… those are some fantastic reviews and it pretty much sums up everything I feel.

So… this is me just telling you HOW MUCH I LOVE REAL

If you are on the fence with this book, I’m here to slap you in the face and to tell you to stop what you are doing and read REAL NOW!

I can honestly say you do not need to know anything about the story. Nope, just open the freaking book, or turn on your eReader and just READ! I swear Katy Evans could be writing about growing flowers and I would still have loved this book. She’s just that good. Katy Evans is an excellent author and I am over the moon to add her to my list of favorite authors.


I was reading on the train and I didn’t want to get to my destination because I just needed to find out what happens next. OMG I was savoring every single word.

I lived my entire life without him, but we made this crazy connection, and I just feel empty without him.

List of things I loved…

1.) Remy – duh

2.) Remy + Brooke (the ups, downs, and all around)

3.) The title, which was perfect and I LOVED the references!!!

4.) Remy’s issues (jaw-dropping!)

5.) The songs… OMG, every freaking single song mentioned

6.) Climatic –ending (and we all know what part I am talking about, I just about fainted with swoon overload at that very moment)

REAL is an EPIC read


REAL is Perfection


You’re going to want to leave me again…You can’t, Brooke, you can’t leave. You’re mine.

**FAINT and LICK**

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Own the Wind (Chaos, #1) by Kristen Ashley

5 Stars

May feel like you’re fallin’, Tabby, but remember, I’m at the bottom ready to catch you.

I am pleasantly surprised how much I LOVED Own the Wind. I haven’t read all of Kristen Ashley’s (KA) books, but Knight and Mystery Man were my favorite reads and I am happy to add Own the Wind to that list!

Own the Wind is a spin off from The Dream Man Series and this is Tack’s daughter’s story. Off bat, I like that Tabby and Shy are young. As much as I love reading about strong older men, sometimes I like to read about twenty-somethings falling in love.

I was hooked from page one. I really liked Tabby and I just felt for her. Something happens in the beginning and it kind of presents the tone and feel for the rest of the story and it was a really perfect plot in my opinion. Sometimes KA books don’t sit well with me because of the lack of drama. However, I am very happy with the mild-tension tone of the book.

Shy isn’t my favorite Hero, but I did like him. He just didn’t stand out on his own to me. Of course he’s domineering, bossy and sexy, but I felt like I was more connected with Tabby and probably because most of the book is in her POV. I really enjoyed everyone being leveled headed. Yes, there’s some banter (we all like that right?) but mostly it’s a story between two people forming a friendship into something more.

I absolutely love character development and I got that with Tabby and Shy. I didn’t want to start out with them already having sex. Instead, we got to see how they interact with each other over the course of several years. I really liked this (usually I don’t), but I was getting the perfect foundation I needed to get into the story.

If you wanted to know more about the club Chaos, you got that. I enjoyed the back story, and I loved the character references from KA other books. I am sure I missed a few, but I got a little bit here and there.

I wouldn’t call Own the Wind super steamy, but it really wasn’t necessary. Overall, it was a pleasurable read. I recommend!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Walking Disaster (Beautiful, #2) by Jamie McGuire

You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you in my bed. You’re the one thing I’ve got right.

5 Freaking-Fantastic-Fanatic-Stars!

Maybe together we were this volatile entity that would either implode or meld together. Either way, it seemed the moment I met her, my life had been turned upside down. And I didn’t want it any other way.

I must warn you, there will be a lot of Travis quotes…. So be prepared to SWOON, SIGH, and FAINT!!!

One of my favorite Travis quote…

I’ve been drinking, all right? Your skin was three inches from my face, and you’re beautiful, and you smell f&cking awesome when you sweat. I kissed you! I’m sorry! Get over yourself!

I’ll be honest, I didn’t have high expectations for Walking Disaster because I’m not a fan of re-reading the same story. I LOVED Beautiful Diaster and when I heard another book was going to be released but in Travis’ POV, I was excited, but not overly so, does that make sense?


I was very wrong on my expectations, I LOVED Walking Disaster I don’t have many book boyfriends, but Travis would be one of the top contenders. Who doesn’t want their name tattooed on a guy’s wrist?!

You love me? - Travis

It’s the tattoos - Abby

I really enjoyed the beginning and ending, mostly because I really got a glimpse of what went on in Travis’ head when he wasn’t with Abby. I felt like Travis redeemed himself even more than he already did in Beautiful Disaster. It was interesting to know what went on his head when Abby was dating Parker or how bad he felt when Abby walked out on him after they had sex. You felt Travis’ pain during the rocky parts

I know we’re fucked up, all right? I’m impulsive and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then you need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don’t deserve you… but I fucking love you, Abby.

I couldn’t put down the book and yes at some parts, especially towards the middle where it’s mostly dialogue I was kind of re-reading Beautiful Disaster, but I loved the original story so much that I’m not complaining. I felt like Jamie McGuire was just giving us reader an extra taste of our beloved story.

I love you more than my life, Pigeon

That’s exactly what I mean. That’s crazy talk.

It’s not crazy. It’s the truth

Yes, give me more crazy talk, give me more passion and dramatic actions, I need it and crave it! I have to say, the epilogue was Phenomenal! I have so many questions! Originally I thought Jamie McGuire was going to write spin-offs from Travis’ brother’s POV, but now I question if the series will continue, I will have to ask Jamie at her book signing tomorrow!

Leaving my finally quote I love…

I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.

UK Version is beautiful too.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Listed: (Listed serial novel, #1 through #6) by Noelle Adams

Overall 5 Stars

I finished the series and here is my overall review...

What a fantastic read! I have to say, I am fairly impressed with Noelle Adam and I am so happy I took on a risk and decided to read Listed

When I first read the summary I was a little impressed, but kind of nervous because of the lack of reviews, but I figured since there’s 6 novellas it wouldn’t hurt to start with one.


Emily has 3 months to live. She has compiled a list of 14 things she wants to do before she dies and one of them is to get married. Paul wants Emily to testify in his father’s trial because she overheard incriminating evidence that would help put Paul’s father in jail. Emily tells Paul she will testify if Paul helps Emily complete her list, including marrying her. Paul agrees.


Okay, so you are probably thinking is this going to be a sad book? Yes and no. Yes because Emily is dying and no because the story is so unrealistic. I basically read it as a fantasy. I am a huge fan of the whole damsel-in-distress story line and Listed is so there.

One of the most important things I look for in any romance novel is character development between the Hero and Heroine and you get that in Listed . I love there is no insta-love. I didn’t want Paul to look at Emily and magically fall in love with her, but I also didn’t want Paul to dislike her either. Paul treated Emily on a business-like level in the beginning and it was just really nice seeing the friendship form.

My favorite part is when Emily started to get symptoms and the story kind of shifted. You felt bad for Emily, yet it was really nice seeing Paul take care of Emily and going crazy with the fact that the girl is dying. Tragic I know, but it makes for a great read. There are a few steamy parts, but overall the story is pretty mild.

I really liked the writing style and flow of the book. Everything worked for me and I’m going to keep Noelle Adams on my radar.

The ending will leave you happy, so no tears. If you want something light and you like the “save-me” theme kind of book, then Listed is for you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Falling into you by Jasinda Wilder

5 Stars!!!!!

I’m not just falling in love with you, Nell.

I’m falling into you.

Falling Into You is a Fabulous. Fantastic. Swoon-Worthy. Emotional. Incredible. READ!!!

I want to kick myself in the butt for waiting so long before I picked up this book. One of the reasons why I waited so long was because I wasn’t a fan of the blurb. Even though lately I have been liking depressing reads, I just didn’t want to get into the whole brother-death thing, but Falling Into You was JUST.SO.MUCH.MORE.


The summary is basically everything you needed to know and after finishing my read, I realized how perfect the blurb was. Nell fell in love with her best-friend, Kyle and then one day he dies. Nell is having a hard time grasping Kyle’s death. Kyle has an older brother, Colton, who Nell hasn’t really interacted with since Colton moved away years ago. Because of similar pains, Colton helps Nell heal her wounds.

[My review]

Falling Into You was perfectly written. I really loved the writing style because Jasinda Wilder wrote in chronological order and there was ZERO FLASHBACKS. I can’t STRESS how much I love that. Because Wilder wrote it in chronological order, I really did get to understand Klye’s and Nell’s relationship.

A lot of times when you read a book where the Heroine has to deal with a past pain, it’s usually a big mystery and when you do find out what it is, you can’t really empathize because you as the reader ,didn’t get a chance to feel what the Heroine is feeling. However,I.FELT.NELL’s.PAIN to the fullest.


Many readers don’t want to read a book where a guy dies, I get it, but Falling Into You isn’t just about that. Yes, you do like Kyle and yes, it’s sad, but you are so consumed with the story, his death is just a side note. I hope that makes sense, because I don’t want Kyle’s death to be a deterrent to why people don’t pick up this book.


I 100% LOVED Nell. She is beautifully damaged and a perfect Heroine in my opinion. I get her, I understand her, and like I said, I feel for her. Wilder paints a wonderful, yet broken picture of Nell and you see her starting out as this young teenager and slowly growing into a woman but still trying to figure out what to do with herself.

There’s darkness in this girl, now. I almost don’t want to get involved. She’ll hurt me. I know this. I can see it, feel it coming. She’s got so much pain, so many cracks and shards and jags in her soul, and I’m going to get cut by her if I’m not careful.


I 100% LOVE Colton, yep, he’s up there in my book boyfriends, next to the Travis, next to the Christian and next to the Gideon. Yes, bring on the tattoos, bulky built, dominate, ruff-around-the-edges, scruffy, alpha male PLEASE! In the beginning you don’t really get a clear picture of who Colton is, but slowly as his character develops, you form an attachment to him and yes, fall in love with him.

Taking a moment to **SWOON**

[My version of Colton]

I don’t deserve her, but I’m an asshole, a selfish bastard, so I take what I can get from her, and try to make sure I give her the best I’ve got.


Falling Into You is written from both Colton’s and Nell’s POV. The read is very fast pace and at times I wonder if it could have been a little longer, but overall, I think the length and tone was just right for me. There’s plenty of character development and a lot of emotional baggage that comes out. If you aren’t into emotional books then this isn’t for you.

There were no annoying points and almost everything that needed to be said was said at the right time. Overall the dance between tension and emotional revealing was (and I’ll say it again) perfect. The book is pretty steamy, but it doesn’t take away from the story, in all honestly it enhances it.

Compassion and pity are not the same: pity is looking down on someone, feeling sorry for them and offering nothing; compassion is seeing their pain and offering them understanding.

I’ve never dealt with the loss of anyone that close to me, but Nell’s and Colton’s emotions seem very realistic. I simply couldn’t put the book down.

I loved Falling Into You, it’s a type of read where I’ll definitely read again (I kind of wanted to after I just finished it). I recommend this book for those who like emotional, yet moving stories that will make you appreciate life.

View all my reviews

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pieces of Lies (Pieces of Lies, #1) by Angela Richardson

5 Stars

100% Spoiler Free (I’m NOT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY)

There are moments in your life that can change you forever, and you Norah, you are my forever moment.

I JUST finished Pieces of Lies and I’m an Emotional Wreck…. OMG what a freaking fantastic roller coaster!!!

There is just so much that goes on and I don’t want to give anything away so I will tell you my version of the summary you should know…


Norah is in her senior year in college and just transferred schools from NY to Morewell. Off bat, we know Norah is rich, she has a lot of issues, but we don’t know why she’s rich or what her issues are (this is super interesting for me). Norah has a best friend Josh who is trying to get into a secret society called “Lappell”. Josh brings Norah as his date to one of Lappell’s parties and there Norah meets the group leader, Clint. Clint is very rich, arrogant and seems to be interested in Norah, but continues to push her away, but doesn’t tell Norah why. So, Norah has to deal with Josh and Clint, but also her past is starting to creep up on her.

[My feelings]

At 1%, I liked the beginning and just hoped the tone would continue

At 28% I was just hooked, COULD.NOT.PUT.IT.DOWN – HOOKED

At 62% I screamed “WHAT?!” I.DID.NOT.SEE.THAT.COMING!!!

At 63%-98% My heart was racing, and I didn’t know who to trust (it was crazy awesome intense)

At 99% I was screaming NO! CLIFF-HANGER ENDING …but secretly happy b/c I WANT MORE!

[The Players]


Straight out, I’m going to say it…. Norah is one badda$$ Heroine. I LOVED Norah. Norah is confident, doesn’t play games, owns up to sh!t AND even when she was emotional (because she is a girl), I STILL LOVED HER! Yep, Angela Richardson created a girl who was not only, awesome, cool, but complex and muti-layered. Having Pieces of Lies written completely from Norah’s POV was perfect for me.

I don’t think being polite for polite’s sake makes you a better person. I try to be as genuine as I can afford.

When he kissed me, the darkness in me lifted and I felt light.

I cannot tell you how many times I read novels about undeceive Heroines and how much they annoy me, so when I read Pieces of Lies and faced myself with a love triangle I was waiting for those resenting feelings to surface, BUT I NEVER GOT IT!

Every time Norah faced an obstacle, that I didn’t understand, she would ask those questions and faced them. It was like I was part of her character. It’s so refreshing to read a smart girl with a no-fuss attitude.

Josh and Clint

Let me just say this, there’s no clear bad or good guy, both Heroes faces his own issues, which yes, usually pisses me off. I LOVE a clear cut Hero and I LOVE a clear cut villain, but somehow (and this goes to show Richardson’s awesome writing) she made me want to root for both guys.

Throughout the whole book, you do not know who you can trust (and this makes me love the title). I love how not obvious the writing is and how you go up and down with all of these conflicting emotions between Josh and Clint.


YES, Norah picks a guy in the end. I think it’s very valid I make that point.

Norah, you are not just the girl I want to marry but you’re my every aching desire


[The story]

SO.MUCH.GOES.ON. There was never a dry moment. Every time I turned the page I was constantly saying “WHAT?!” And when you find out Norah’s secret…. alI can say is that it’s GOOD!

The writing is fabulous and yes there’s over the top cheesy sayings, but I squeal with delight, b/c I think they are freaking amazing! I was highlighting so much. Yes, tell me declarations of love, yes tell me you love me, yes fight for me!!!

To me, real love fights to survive. It endures pain and finds light when there is only darkness.

I just can’t get over my feelings and emotions right now. I need book 2 Pieces of Truth like yesterday.

I recommend if you like awesome Heroines, intense love triangles, and revealing crazy awesome secrets.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lana by R.K. Lilley

5 Stars

Even if the world ended tomorrow, I thought I could be okay with it, after having watched this perfect sunset, and after, a perfect sunrise with the love of my life.

I am not a fan of novellas, but I do read them if I am a fan of the series and I am a HUGE fan of the “Up In The Air” books. (books listed below)

Book 1 --- > In Flight --- > Review Here

Book 2 --- > Mile High --- > Review Here

Book 3 --- > Grounded --- > Review Here

Lana is Lana’s story and I LOVED reading about her when she was first introduced in Bianca’s story. So when I found out R.K. Lilley released another book that’s just about Lana and Akira, I was giddy with excitement and my only complaint…


To refresh your memory…. Lana has a crazy intense relationship with Akira. Akira is ten years older than Lana. Akira is a family friend and cares for Lana deeply. Lana has a huge crush on Akira and loves him. Lana wants to have a relationship with Akira but Akira doesn’t want that for many reasons (to list a few), age difference, family and personal insecurities… etc. Lana leaves the island broken hearted. We fast-forward eight years later and Lana is back because of a business trip, but the island is too small to not run into Akira.

So the story begins…

I enjoyed this read so much! **SIGH** Lana is too adorable and I love her crush on Akira. Akira is so sexy, kind and sweet, but still very manly. Reading was effortless and there was just so much that went on. I even liked the little flashback (and I usually hate flashbacks).

You even get a little excerpt in the end that leads to Tristan and Danika’s story, which I.CAN.NOT.WAIT to read!!!

I LOVE R.K.Lilley!

I recommend Lana and all the Up In The Air books. Basically anything by R.K. Lilley!!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Me Before you by Jojo Moyes

5 Stars!!!

I laughed… I cried… I’m in an emotional state Me Before You was one of the most moving, soul-searching, epic reads… my hands are still shaking

I am going to tell you my version of the summary because I feel like more should be explained. I was fully aware of what Me Before You was about and I believe in order to appreciate this beautiful tale you have to know what you are getting yourself into.

[My VERSION summary/blurb]

Lou is twenty-seven years old and still lives at home. She has a very safe and normal life. Will was on top of the world, very handsome, successful and with a beautiful girlfriend, until one day he has an accident and it took away everything. Will becomes quadriplegic and has no movement in his legs or arms except for some feeling in his fingers. Will’s mother has been taking care of Will for two years, but decides to go back to work and now needs a care taker for Will. Lou recently got laid off from her job working at a café and with limited skills Lou regretfully takes the job as Will’s care taker.

HUGE Disclaimer

Yes this is a love story, but Me Before You is NOT your typical love story. I don’t want to give everything away, believe me, there’s plenty of twist and turns and I had a few jaw dropping moments, but don’t expect a sweet story with hearts and flowers, there’s none of that. It’s simply a story of two people of not liking each other at first (for different reasons) to forming a deep bond.


I have a lot of books on my tablet and I have been itching to read a story that will just get me stewing, you know that kind of story that just leaves you speechless, a story that you think about days afterwards and makes you really question things…. yeah Me Before you delivers… in ten-folds.

When I first read the full blurb and I knew what the story was about, I was very hesitant, even though I have much admiration for intense slightly morose kind of reads, if it’s not done properly it can leave you feeling like crap, however, the glowing reviews speak for themselves and I had to see what the fuss was about.


I LOVE LOU, I.FELT.FOR.LOU, I wanted to jump into the book, wrap my arms around her and just give Lou a hug Could Moyes created a more PERFECT Heroine, and yes she was Perfect. Me Before You was told in Lou’s POV and there are a few chapters here and there when you read another character’s POV, which usually would annoy me, but it didn’t and it was much needed. It was such a delight watching Lou change and grow from the character she was from the first to the very last page.

I would rather be with you- even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with everyone else in the world


Oh, words can’t describe my feelings toward Will. I felt every emotion of the rainbow towards Will, I was angry with him, I pity him, felt elated for him, laughed at him and very briefly loved him in my own way Will’s character was such a strong, yet beautifully damaged soul. You question what you would do or feel if you were in his situation. To sum it all up, I have a love/hate relationship with Will, but ultimately I understood him.


From page one I was hit with a BAM! And from there it just leads to something so wonderful, so witty and almost charming at some points. I love the writing style, the flow and it’s a long book, but every word was needed.

The one thing I love in novels and epic reads are slow developing relationships. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to being a part of the story instead witnessing it. I was there with Lou, I was there watching Will, I was simply a part of the story.

I am not sure Me Before You is for everyone and it’s hard for me to explain why. Like I said before this isn’t a typical romance book, but there is love, as much love two people can managed under a dire situation.

If you want an epic read, a read that will leave you with shivers, then you must read Me Before you, but just understand it’s not your typical book and there will be many great moments and many sad ones, but it’s real and RAW and sometimes (like this one) those are the perfect books to be CONSUMED by.

I recommend!!!

View all my reviews

Monday, March 4, 2013

Wait for you (Wait for you, #1) by J Lynn

5 Stars

I usually give out 5 stars for dramatic reads and it’s rare for me to like a light slightly intense book so much, but Waiting For You deserves 5 stars

…He was failing-in-love-with material. And I couldn’t let that happen

Something happened to Avery five years ago and she goes to college thousands of miles away to start over…to get a fresh new start. Cam is the hunky player on campus and has a class with Avery. Cam is very intrigued by Avery, but because of her past, Avery is guarded. Despite Avery’s reluctance towards Cam, he still pursues her.

Three main things got me excited over Waiting For You

One: Jennifer L. Armentrout (J. Lynn)

Two: The summary/blurb

Three: The Cover (I know, I shake my head in shame)

I like Arementrout and no, I haven’t scored any of her books a five star rating (until now), but I came very close a few times. I am a huge fan of the LUX series and Cursed and Tempting the best man were equally decent enjoyable reads. I am very surprised that I liked Waiting For You so much and it goes to show Authors really do listen to the readers, because I believe Arementrout hit the mark.

Aspects I enjoy and look forward to in a read

One: Tension (Mild to hard)

Two: No flashbacks (even though there’s a past issue referenced)

Three: Title referenced within the story

Four: Well-rounded, yet somewhat damaged, but equally balanced Hero and Heroine.

You coming back over?


Okay. I’ll wait for you.

I was instantly interested within the first six pages, I remember starting my read and thinking, I need to allocate the next four to six hours of my time so I can finish because I would not be stopping (I had to eventually b/c I had work the next day). There are few books that draw me in within the first few pages, but the writing style was a no fuss kind of way that just drew me in.

This isn’t a deeply intense book, but the mild tension was enough for me. I loved the slow character development and it wasn’t like Avery and Cam just got together, no, the relationship formed quiet beautifully. I liked Avery, although she did annoy me towards the end and I was close to considering a 4.5 star rating, but all that was changed within the next few pages (it wasn’t dragged out). Cam is the easy, strong, pursuing guy I love to read, reminds me a lot of like The boy who sneaks into my bedroom window and a little bit of Beautiful Disaster to a certain extent.

Kissed me like he was a man starving for oxygen and I was the only air he needed to breathe… Cam devoured me.

The underlying issues were a little obvious, but I was still shocked at the end (that was a nice touch). I wasn’t really interested on what happened to Avery, I was more involved with the Avery / Cam dynamics. The threaten phone calls and emails were added for dramatic effect, but like I said again, Wait for you was more of a love story of two people trying to overcome issues to be together.

I gave five stars because I was 100% intrigued from page one, I loved the characters and I was left with a warm fuzzy feeling when I finished.

You’re a good guy Cam

No, I am not… I’m only good with you

My only complaint … I wish it was a series, please, write another book, referencing Beth, Jase or Ollie, I don’t care who, I just want more!

I recommend.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sempre (Forever, #1) by J.M. Darhower

5 Stars


There’s a movie deal and a sequel in the works, OMG, PLEASE …. YES!!!

I <3 Sempre

I <3 Carmine

I <3 Haven

I <3 Vincent

I absolutely love finishing a good read, I feel like I am on such a high. I want to do diligence and convey all of my emotions properly, so let me take a *breath* and here it goes…


The blurb is fantastic and you don’t need to know anything else, but I will paraphrase. Haven is a second generation slave and is purchased by the wealthy Dr. Vincent DeMarco. Carmine is the son of Dr. Vincent DeMarco. Carmine is sort of the “prince” of the mafia. Although Haven and Carmine are from two completely different worlds, they use past pains and experience to help each other …. heal.

My summary doesn’t do justice, I mean, you read it and you’re probably thinking meh? BUT do not be fool…. it’s all in the writing.


I’m going to use this word a lot, so be prepared to see it sprinkle throughout, I LOVE Darhower’s writing style. The writing is 100%, completely, absolutely how I LOVE to read. Sempre is character and dialogue driven. Some people may equate “character-driven” with slow writing, but it is not, I PROMISE you.

530 pages is a long book and I had my doubts prior to reading and although I love a long book, it always worries me reading something that has so much hype, but you will not want Sempre to end. 30% into the book, so much has happened, I questioned if there was enough story to go on and there was. There was just so much to uncover, when I didn’t think there was and just bam, I’m hit with another reveal.

[Dr. Vincent DeMarco]

I usually start my reviews with an opinion on the heroine, but I have to say, my heart goes out to Dr. Vincent DeMarco. I know the story is about Carmine and Haven, but I was completely involved with Dr. DeMarco’s story. He’s the complete alpha male, who is loyal, lovable, completely whole-heartily passionate and major swoon-worthy in my opinion.. Dr. DeMarco is a complex character and just when you think he’s figured out, he kind of surprises you.

On to the Heroine and Hero…


Oh sweet, lovable, timid, shy, slave-girl, Haven. Let me just explain, this isn’t a BDSM or sexual story, but it’s 100% die-for-each-other romance. There are some mild scenes, but that’s about it and it’s perfect really. Haven is a great character, at first we see this sad, scared, small “child” and slowly as the layers peel off, we really get to know Haven’s inner struggles especially with past issues and her current situation. YOU.FEEL.FOR.HER.


Then there’s Carmine, what can I say, I LOVE bad-boys who are well let’s just say it, act like a$$holes. Carmine is melt-your-panties worthy. Oh the Italian terms of endearments he uses and Italian poetry he rephrases, anything Italian coming from his mouth was making me combust. Carmine is a complex character with deep rooted issues and not all is apparent at first and of course he gets into trouble, but as Haven and Carmine interact with each other, a lot more is revealed.

[Overall Opinion]
I love dialogue-driven books, but what I love most is when authors create unique voices for each character and Darhower did that 10-folds. There’s no question who I was reading because each character had his or her own unique voice.

Let me talk about the title reference (something I ALWAYS look for in a book), I don’t speak any Italian, so at the 50% mark and the title is finally referenced, I think almost fell off my couch, because I was so ecstatic when I found out how Darhower references “Sempre”. You will not be disappointed.

About 70% in, there’s a lot of drama, action, deception and pull-your-hair-out, I’m stressing, need-to-calm-the-F-down moments. It was the perfect shift that was needed in the story.

Sempre is a sweet read and has mild tension in the first half, but overall, there’s plenty of OMG, did-that-just-happened-situations. It is also not your cookie cutter book, but because of that, it makes it more emotional, real and RAW.

I CAN.NOT.STRESS how much I LOVED Sempre and completely utterly recommend!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Unwanted Wife by Natasha Anders

5 Stars!!!

”You’re the sun I revolve around…”

From page 1… I absolutely, jumping-for-joy LOVED THE UNWANTED WIFE!!!

Theresa has been married to her cold husband, Alessandro, for over a year and half and finally she requested a divorced. Alessandro refuses to divorce her until he gets a son. Theresa doesn’t understand why Alessandro won’t divorce her and Teresa is tired of being the quiet “doormat” wife. As Theresa finally voices her opinion, Alessandro sees a different side of Theresa and doesn’t quite know what to do about it.

Okay, so the summary/blurb is okay right? I’ve read the summary so many times and every time I read it, I thought to myself, it’s just not my thing, BUT I kept on going back to the raving reviews and just decided to give it a go, if anything else, I could pick up another book.

Within the first page, you are hit BAM with jam pack drama and I was tingling with excitement. I was really shock with all the intensity, especially reading from the first chapter. I actually was so upset I started late at night knowing I couldn’t finish until the next day.

THE UNWANTED WIFE was written in Theresa’s POV and she really is the perfect Heroine. I didn’t think Theresa was weak nor a doormat, I truly felt she just had enough. Realistically, I am not sure if any sane women could be in an emotional abusive relationship for a year and 8 months, but it’s a story and I went with it.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Alessandro, mind you I shook my head when I read his past mishaps, but really he’s my ideal Hero. He’s very angry, aggressive and wears his heart on his sleeve. Even though everything was from Theresa’s POV, I understood and saw Alessandro’s frustrations. I really enjoyed his character from page 1 to the ending.

There was a lot of character build up and I am so glad a lot of the questions were answered in the beginning of the story. The main story is simply about Alessandro and Theresa’s relationship. I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoy these kinds of books.

Even though I wish it was longer and I wish I could read from Alessandro’s POV, there were so many things I look for in a book and got ten-folds in THE UNWANTED WIFE. I loved reading the story in chronological order (I can’t stand flash backs). I LOVED the HEAVY DRAMA and high tension, especially the back and forth banter. I loved the character development and having my ideal Hero and Heroine characters.

I truly believe the reviews would have given a 5 star rating if it wasn’t for the grammar mistakes, but this is a self published book, so it’s something I’m very okay with over-looking. I look at the writing style and plot, not necessarily if it’s grammatically correct.

THE UNWANTED WIFE is a GREAT read and I recommend!!!

View all my reviews

Monday, January 14, 2013

Charade (Games, #1) Nyrae Dawn

5 Stars

"I Pull her close. Wishing she could climb inside me or me her."

I can’t believe Nyrae Dawn wrote What a Boy Wants AND Charade. I gave What A Boy Wants a very low rating because I thought the writing was awful, but I am absolutely in love with Charade. I just hope from here and on Dawn mirrors the style of writing and story more like Charade.


Cheyenne goes to the same college as her boyfriend and she doesn’t know anyone. Cheyenne’s boyfriend has been at college for a few years, so when Cheyenne finally is able to go to college, she realizes she has been cheated on. The break-up is a bit messy and Cheyenne tells her, now, ex she has someone else already, so Cheyenne needs to find a boyfriend. Colt is dealing with his dying Mom and needs extra cash to help with caring for his Mom, when Cheyenne strikes a deal with Colt by asking Colt to be Cheyenne’s fake boyfriend, Colt accepts.


I know my summary really isn’t the summary of the book, but it’s enough to give you the overall feel of Charade. I originally wasn’t impressed with the summary, I found it kind of blah, but I do love the whole “fake-boyfriend” thing, so I gave it a shot and boy I am glad I did!

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Charade, it’s a dramatic read I just squeal with delight when I come across it. From the first page, I was thinking to myself, “why is this book so short?!”, I wanted to read 200 more pages of Cheyenne and Colt, I. Could. Not. Get. Enough..

Cheyenne and Colt have their own back stories and problems and for the first part, almost all is reveled and I was very satisfied with this. Charade is Cheyenne and Colt’s story and how they deal with personal problems, it’s a book, I absolutely, 100%, just-can’t-put-down, love to read. I don’t like issues being bigger than what they need to be and Dawn formed the right balance. The things that needed to be addressed were and the things that needed to be nip in the butt were.


Let me get it out there, power to the ethnic girls, I love reading books where the girl isn’t your traditional “American” gal, it doesn’t really make a difference, but it means something to me. I liked Cheyenne, sure she isn’t all that personable, but I was really interested on how she was coping with herself. The whole being perfect could have been downplayed a bit more, but overall, I was happy with her character.


I hate to say it, but I love the bad, tattoo wearing, hard-around-the-edges guy, they are just too delicious. When I found out how Colt makes his money, I was sold, I felt like Dawn was just genius because it was completely realistic. I actually stopped reading and had to talk to my husband about Charade and even though husband wasn’t reading it, I didn’t care because I needed to talk to someone right then and there. Colt is an arse, but you can’t help but root for him. Everyone wants to fix the damaged guys right?


Cheyenne and Colt aren’t perfect characters; you hate them at times and learn to love them. I wouldn’t describe their relationship epic, but very dramatic and intense. This isn’t an easy read, it’s an very emotional roller coaster, BUT not pull your hair out read, just all around RAW. There are no fillers in the book, it was as if only the meat of the story was told and it was just beautiful. I even liked the side characters and am so excited for book 2, Façade. Other than the silly cover, I have no issues with Charade. It’s not like what it seems, as you read more, you start to unravel many layers and the deeper you get into the story, you just so sucked up and wrapped with the characters, you just ball your eyes out when you realized the story is over. I.Love.That

I highly recommend.

Friday, January 11, 2013

In Flight (up in the air, #1) by R.K. Lilley

This is probably one of my favorite scenes in In Flight. **Sigh** Loved reading it from Jame's POV!

Merged review:

I want more!

Merged review:


Merged review:

5 Stars

In Flight is a deliciously yummy read. I.Could.Not.Stop.Reading.

Bianca is a flight attendant and usually works in first class. James Cavendish is a billionaire who instantly becomes attracted to Bianca on the red eye flight to New York. James is the type of person who always gets what he wants and even though Bianca is mildly interested, James doesn’t stop at anything in getting to know Bianca.

Okay, let’s just say, In Flight has everything I love in a romance book. I wouldn’t call this erotica, even though there are some steamy scenes, the back story is just so GOOD, I consider In Flight a romance novel. So, we have the pretty heroine Bianca, sexy, dominate, aggressive billionaire, James, best gay guy friend Stephen and of course Bianca and James’ secret pasts, which makes ONE.GREAT.READ.

Yes, I’ve read the reviews, In Flight mirrors a lot like 50 Shades, but do I care? Um, H-NO. In Flight was written so well, I was happy from page 1 and I couldn’t put it down until I finished. I would suggest not judging In Flight prior to reading, because that is what I did and so I was very surprised on how much I loved it.

The story isn’t 100% on the airplane; it’s just the theme of the book, because Bianca is a flight attendant. I actually like the airplane scenes because it’s so different and it makes the story interesting. The story begins with Bianca working on the flight she meets James. Within the first few pages, the story starts to steam up and I was worried if this book was going to be completely erotic, BUT it wasn’t, I think R.K. Lilley just wanted to give us a taste and punch us with character introductions.

I love Bianca, I think my only negative comment is that I hate she is 6 feet tall, but that’s just a personal preference. Bianca is a level-headed, self sufficient 23 year-old woman. Bianca’s best friend is Stephan, who is gay and how perfect is that right? I know, maybe it’s cheesy, but it’s better than the girl best-friend I am use to reading. I have a soft spot for Stephan and you will love his character too.

James is just pure Sexy. If you are tired of reading about the rich dominate billionaire, then I do not recommend In Flight, if you are like me and get tingly and excited reading about characters like James, then this is the PERFECT read for you. Stating James is a little controlling would be putting it mildly; James is wickedly controlling and possessive, which makes him even more attractive.

Bianca and James both have pasts and it’s not really the focus of the story and thank GOD, because I can’t stand that. Don’t get me wrong, there is some mystery there, Bianca starts to reveal some of hang-ups right in the beginning, but James’ aren’t uncovered until later, but it’s not drawn out dramatically.

The whole book is just James and Bianca getting to know each other, a kind of story I am going to say again and again… I. Simply. Love. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading characters developing and forming relationship attachments.

I’m not going to say the relationship is 100% roses and cupcakes, let’s just say this book ain’t vanilla, but it’s not as extreme as some other books I’ve read. In Flight has the perfect mixture of crazy and soft that works for me.

I recommend completely.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) by J.A. Redmerski

5 Stars


OMG, How I LOVED every single word of THE EDGE OF NEVER!. I am so glad I was recommended this book. I read the reviews prior to reading THE EDGE OF NEVER and of course all of the reviews were positive, except that the beginning was slow, which I completely disagree!.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE books like The Edge of Never. I love how two strangers meet by chance and the WHOLE book is simply character development. I thought the tone and pace of this book was perfect. I mean, I love fast pace books, but there’s something about two people getting to know each other moment by moment, it’s almost like a slow dance and you just want to savory each step.

Camryn is coping with a lot of issues. She is what I call dealing with a “quarter- life-crisis”, kind of like when you re-evaluate your life. She buys a bus ticket to a random state and on her bus ride she meets sexy, model, tattoo wearing, MP3 listening Andrew. SIGH Andrew and Camryn form a friendship over the trip as they both try to figure out what makes them happy and how to cope with issues.

I think it’s great that Camryn is 20 and not in high school or in her teens, it was more realistic to me. Oh, how I love Andrew and Camryn’s relationship, it’s so sweet, innocent and very endearing, you can’t help but SWOON. The only thing I would change is the whole college thing, but that’s my personal opinion and this is a fictional book, so I digress. I also didn’t understand the title and maybe I need to read more reviews to get it.

The Edge of Never has a soft pace, which works really well for me. As things start to progress towards the middle I really didn’t know what was going to happen. J.A. Redmerski doesn’t really let on anything, which is nice, but there’s an underlying feeling something big is going to happen. I was so wrapped up in the relationship I didn’t really want to know what the thing was. Usually, this would annoy me, but it didn’t.

I can’t gush on how much of a good read The Edge of Never was. It’s the perfect book to read when you are questioning where you are in life and if you are truly happy with yourself.

A definite recommend read!

Providence (Providence, #1) by Jamie McGuire

Providence (Providence, #1)Providence by Jamie McGuire
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

”I have kissed boys, some of those boys more than once, that never kissed like that.” Jared closed in and kissed my neck-from collar bone to the line of my jaw-stopping to whisper in my ear. “That’s because you kissed boys, sweetheart”

5 stars

What can I say, Providence=swoon. I judged the book by the cover and summary, I thought I was going into something dark, mysterious and kind of depressing and it’s still very mysterious, but also intriguing and entertaining.

Nina is coping with the recent death of her father and the beginning is just so sad. On her way back from the funeral, she shares a cab with Jared, who is 100% mysterious. I had no idea what direction this book was going to go, so I am glad I went into it blindly because everything was a surprise to me. The book is about Nina discovering the truth to her father’s death and who Jared really is.

It’s very rare for me to say it, but I love both characters equally. I think Nina is awesome, she’s very level-headed, passionate and at times reckless, but usually for a worthy cause. She doesn’t always do things I agree with and sometimes I just think to myself, is she really going to do that? but it just makes the book a little more intense.

Jared is pretty much the whole package and more, he’s very protective and wears his heart on his sleeve. At times Jared can be a bit emotional to the point where it emasculates his character, but I still think he’s great. There’s a slight love triangle with Nina’s best friend Ryan, this I enjoy because you want some friction, also Jared’s sister, Clare isn’t too keen with Nina. I really liked Clare’s character and it made Nina’s character a bit more realistic, because I believe not everyone should love the heroine.

As I was reading Providence, I forgot Jamie McGuire also wrote Beautiful Disaster another favorite of mine. I see a lot of same style of writing with, passionate characters, epic love story and a huge roller coaster of emotions written in the book. I like that Providence isn’t a contemporary romance novel, a little fantasy makes it different. I am ecstatic there’s 2 more books to read and I’m not going to wait a moment and begin book 2, Requiem now.

Definitely recommend read!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book Review - Hopeless (Hopeless, #1) by Collen Hoover

Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars

If I could give HOPELESS 15 stars I would. I don’t say this often and I think I am a pretty harsh reviewer, but I absolutely LOVED HOPELESS. This book was an amazing read; everything from the cover, to the title, to Sky and Holder’s characters were just pure perfection.

I don’t even want to write the summary of the book because I didn’t even read the summary prior to reading HOPELESS. In my opinion, a summary isn’t even necessary. Collen Hoover is simply a GREAT writer. I loved Slammed and Point of Retreat , both books I read in one sitting. I actually had HOPELESS for a few days, I didn’t want to read it right away because I was saving it for a day I could devote completely to the book and I am so glad I did, other than the few bathroom breaks and lunch break, I didn’t stop reading until the last page.

I wanted to read an epic, gut-wrenching, pull your hair out novel and I got that by ten-folds. HOPELESS had everything I looked for in a novel, it had romance, betrayal, mystery and drama. I was worried Hopeless would mirror a lot of Collen’s previous book, but it didn’t. I felt like I was reading something new, fresh and very RAW. I also even enjoyed the few pieces of the puzzle Collen sprinkled throughout the book. I had an idea of what I knew happened, but it really was never confirmed until later on and it didn’t matter to me because I was enjoying the ride itself to really care if my theory was correct or not.

I am on a Collen Hoover high and it makes me want to go and read Slammed again so I can get my fix. I can’t wait to see her at her at her book signing in January and I wish she had more books out so I can read them.

HOPELESS is an incredible book, I 100% recommend !


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Book Review - Undeniable (Undeniable, #1) by Madline Sheehan

Undeniable (Undeniable, #1)Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars

I don’t even know where to begin, Undeniable is a crazy story, a crazy GOOD story. I read the summary, I read the reviews and I was 100% intrigued. I have disagreed with reviews before, so I went into this book with an open-mind.

The first page of book starts off like

Mark Twain said, "The two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why"

I don't remember the day I was born but I remember the day I found out why.

His name is Deuce.
He was me "why".
And this is our story.
It is not a pretty one.
Some parts of it are downright ugly.
But it's ours.

And because I believe everything happens for a reason, I wouldn't change a thing.

I couldn’t agree more! Undeniable is a crazy epic love story and I loved every twisted gut-wrenching minute of it. There were so many times I had to re-read a phrase, or put the book down and think about what I just read.

Eva is the princess of the motorcycle club/gang called Demons and Duce is the prince of the motorcycle club/gang called Hell’s Horseman. Within the first sentence of the book your realize there’s an 18 year-age gap and this is probably the only main reason why I had reservations towards the book, however, the 18 year-age gap was very important and it fit the story.

I love the beginning of their story, Duce and Eva meet at different age points in Eva’s life, once at 5, 12, 16, and 18 years old. After 18 years old, the story really kicks off. There’s a lot of love, hate, messed up crazy stuff, but like the beginning of the book says, it’s their love story.

There really wasn’t a good or bad character in my opinion, Duce and Eva are hardly perfect, some of the stuff Duce’s does you are kind of like “wft”?!, but I get it, he’s a guy, in a motorcycle “gang”, it makes sense. Eva has her own faults, but one of things I love about her is the fact she owns up to it.

Unedniable is no princess fairy tale, it’s a one big crazy, messed-up journey and one deliciously yummy read. You will not be able to put the book down until you’re done.

100% recommend read!