Partying with the Students

We invited all of the missions students and their families to our house for a good ‘ole southern-style BBQ. It was a total of 30 people … and it was a great time of fun and fellowship.

We were so thankful that the afternoon rain showers held off and we were able to play in the park for a while. Then we cooked the burgers and ate. I forgot how hungry students get … they wiped out everything! I cooked Peach Cobbler and made cupcakes with my Grandmother’s famous fudge icing. These are things that are NOT common here so it was a great hit.

These students are such an inspiration to us. They are all so sold out to go to the most needy areas to proclaim the gospel. They are willing to go without knowing how they will survive financially and fully aware that it is dangerous to be a Christian in these areas. Yet, here they are, soaking up all the teaching and encouragement we have to give until it is their time to go.

It was really nice to have some fun time together.

One Response to “Partying with the Students”

  1. Hola Familia Lynch, muchas gracias por copartir con nosotros, esa noche fue una noche muy especial para nosotros. Que Dios les Bendiga y les siga usado en la expansión del evangelio a todas las naciones.

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Project M:25 Missions is a project of Church of God World Missions, Cleveland, TN.

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