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Open Your Eyes

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Shattered and disillusioned after separating from her domineering husband, all Natalie wants, is a peaceful Christmas vacation in New York City, with her 21 year old daughter, Olivia. Uncomplicated. No pressure. Fun.

What she didn’t expect, was meeting a dangerously handsome stranger in an art gallery. He is charming, sexy as hell, and does funny things to her insides. Her frozen heart slowly melts as he seduces her, awakening her deepest desires, showing her that the kind of love she craves is very possible. She wants him as much as he wants her.

Battling his demons from the past, famous photographer Nicholas Gallagher has successfully evaded serious relationships, earning him the title of the world’s most eligible bachelor. But from the moment he lays eyes on Natalie, she stirs something in him. Compelled to chase the sadness from her vivid blue eyes, Nick is captivated by the spirited Australian beauty.

Hot romance.
Steamy sex.
Absolute perfection.

Until Natalie gets a call from home – one she can’t ignore. In a fateful moment the game changes and throws her life into chaos. Gabriel, her jealous ex, wants her back. Two powerful men want her. She is forced to make a choice that will tear her apart.

Will Natalie make the right choice? Is it possible to love more than one person deeply? Will she finally find her soul mate, the one person who can look into her eyes and see deep into her soul, everything she is and everything she desires… will she finally open her eyes?

Adult contemporary romance novel, standalone. Warning: 18+ Contains sex scenes and explicit language.

291 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 27, 2013

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About the author

Jani Kay

28 books1,859 followers
Jani Kay

Jani is a voracious reader and would spend her last dollar on a book - always fascinated that for the mere price of a book, she can escape her world for a while and see through someone else's eyes.

Besides reading, her favorite 'thing' is traveling - she has traveled the world, learning about the ways people live and has come to the realization that no matter where we live, we all ultimately want the same things. Her hobby - Scrapbooking - keeps her up till way after midnight and her usual subjects are her family and her travels.

Ever since she can remember, Jani wanted to write stories about people, about their lives and loves. Relationships and Happiness - arguably the most difficult things to master in life and yet exactly what everyone ultimately desires (in her humble opinion).

She would love to hear from you, please email her at janikaybooks@gmail.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews
Profile Image for Tara OG.
361 reviews58 followers
November 22, 2013
4.5 amazing stars

I had to sit on this review a few days just for the fact that this book had me in fucking knots.So before I start this lets go over a few things.First, the INCIDENT will be what I use to not include any spoilers.Secondly,I started in this book and found myself messaging the author begging her to tell me I would have my HEA, because yes I'm needy.Her Reply


I don't think I have ever wanted to swipe my finger so bad to take me to 96% of the book so I could see how it would end.Knowing what I do now I'm glad I didn't because just when you think this story was over BOOM welcome to mindfuck land and a Epilogue the leaves you mouth open and asking "Why the hell did you do that to me."


The story starts out in New York when Nat and her daughter take a getaway from life vacation leaving Australia behind.While there she meets Nick..Oh Nick I loved him instantly he was loyal,sweet and determined to get what he wants.He meets Nat and in that moment he knows she is the one he has been looking for.What I loved about Nick was there was no doubt he wanted a relationship with Nat no pushing her away, just a guy trying to get a girl.Nat was strong minded she was fiercely loyal to her family and the people close to her. I loved her during the first part and about half way just when I wanted to hate her I couldn't.I know that if I was in the same place as her I would do the same thing.Now let's meet Gabe the over protective,jealous husband.I hated him! That is all he came in like a damn storm and interrupted my blissful happy moments.After a tragedy strikes back in Australia Nat is forced to head back to the pain and confusion of her past.This my friends is where it all changes.Once the first INCIDENT happens I was like "Hell NO" Im done.Yes,its funny how the writer can play with my emotions to the point I just couldn't continue.I felt like most of the time I needed to have my hands over my eyes reading through my fingers.I pushed on and after the first INCIDENT I settled back down started getting comfortable with decisions made then BOOM another mindfuck.The second INCIDENT had me rereading the last paragraph going Holy mother of turnabouts didn't see that mofo coming.

These are the questions I asked myself.Do you believe in more than one true love? Can you love more than one person? Does fate really hold all the cards in this life we live? You will be thinking yes to all the above after reading this book. I still cant believe the Epilogue, because after reading it I loved GABE..YES alright you heard me I loved him.Here is to broken hearts,picking up the pieces and finding love twice in life..
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,932 followers
September 22, 2013
“Was there such a thing as only one true love for every person? Or were we capable of loving more than one person deeply?”

Jani Kay has written a painfully heartbreaking and well-crafted story of love, loss, and healing. I went in expecting a hot, smoldering love triangle romance but what I got instead was so much more. Truly a stunning debut novel!

The book follows Natalie, who lives separately from her domineering husband and is on a holiday vacation in New York with her 21 year old daughter. Natalie has suffered tremendously from her suffocating marriage with Gabriel and as a result, she is shy and insecure about her appearance.

“Stripped naked and bare. Vulnerable. Exposed to the eyes of the world. But – nobody sees me. They look right through me. Invisible.”

A chance encounter places her with Nick Gallagher, a mysteriously handsome man who turns out to be one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. When they first meet eyes he sees her, sees her sadness she tries to cover up with her smiles. Words may lie, but the eyes reveal the truth, and he sees that.

“Look at me. Your eyes don’t lie. They tell me all I need to know. I came all this way to see your eyes, Natalie. Your eyes are the lens of your soul.”

Nick and Natalie embark in a passionate relationship, and of course, I was swooning with Natalie the whole time. Keep in mind that these two characters are both in their forties. To find romance and then love is truly a rare incident so I was really pulling for them as a couple the entire time! I mean, how could I not after reading Nick’s heartfelt wish?

Give me a real woman. A wholesome woman to cherish with all my heart – to take care of and protect. I wanted a woman who loved me unconditionally for who I was, not only for what I could give them.”

Awwww! Too bad good things don’t last forever…all of sudden –whoosh – Natalie receives a devastating phone call from home and everything changes. She packs her bags and faces a heartbreaking dilemma: choosing between her family and her heart.


jeofjlasfjsdlfkldsfdksmfhreihfiaosfjdskfjkaslflsfjsdkjfslfhdsfjhfikfjsdk <----- me venting out frustration that’s always attached to love triangles. Ok deep breaths…


It would have made my life sooooo much easier if Jani Kay had just made the husband Gabriel into a big bad wolf, but he wasn’t. I mean, he definitely had his issues and the way he projected his anger onto Natalie was unwarranted, but I could understand why he did so. Gabriel’s past is extremely dark and coupled with, um, some medical conditions, his ego and pride is completely destroyed. Experiencing death in the face really slapped some sense into him and he wants his wife back, in a true and loving marriage. Natalie truly amazes me…her capacity to give love is bottomless and the choices she made were admirable.

“Both men loved me, of that I had little doubt. It wasn’t something anyone could feign. And the weird thing was I loved them both too.”

“I was at a crossroad; I had to make a choice soon. Too many hearts were dependent on my decision.”

There were a couple of times I wished there could have been more here and there, and the ending was a bit rushed, but it did not derail me from loving this story! What truly clenched my rating for this book though was the epilogue…I weeped, I wailed, and I weeped some more. Great job, Jani. Thanks to you I have an epilogue hangover and I can’t get his words out of my mind. I went through the book thinking how much Natalie gave up but in truth? He gave up more…so much more.

Profile Image for Dawn.
1,461 reviews282 followers
October 7, 2013
Holy emotional rollercoaster..WOW! Full review to follow..

5 Beautifully Broken Stars

When I finished this book last night I was wiped..emotionally! This story takes you on a journey and leaves you with an exclamation mark of an epilogue.

When done right a story about a couple over their 40's is just some of my favorite stuff to read..did I lose the kiddos already? This romance is written in dual POV's which is my favorite way to connect with a book. And as we all know I am always looking for the connection.

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This book spoke to me on many different levels. For one finding love after feeling neglected and unworthy for years. To go from feeling self conscience and shy to beautiful and enraptured is a true testament of what the love of a good man can do for ones soul. Natalie was a mother and wife her whole life and when her husband decided she wasn't "good" enough anymore, she was resigned to live the rest of her life as a mother. Then a trip to NY over the holidays changes everything. A connection that can't be denied and wakes a part of her that may have never even been. The spark led to more and right when the story was going my way..

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Some readers will not understand the choices that Natalie made. I however am not one of those people. When you all you know and have loved forever is right where you have always wanted them it's hard to walk away. Choices made not only for your own self preservation but for the heart and souls of our children. As a mother my choice would most likely look the same..
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"Open your eyes so I can see what you're feeling. It's OK I won't hurt you."

"For a moment there I thought you didn't want me, little one. But your eyes tell me everything I need to know."

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Nick has never been lucky in love. Always cheated out of the full experience. He has given up on the notion that a future with the love of his life lives on the horizon..until he sees a beautiful woman with eyes filled with sadness and heartache. Drawn to her in a way that he has never been before, he approaches and his life will never look the same.
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"I want my dessert now, I want to taste your sweet nectar."

"So fucking wet," he growled as his tongue licked over me."


The sexual chemistry was spot on with Nick and Natalie and the way that can't seem to catch a break was so perfect. When you are constantly sneaking around trying to grab a quickie you tend to get good at it. This I know from experience..

The way this story developed made absolute sense to me..did I want to throw my precious Kindle at times? Um hell yes..but like I said sometimes in life the road to finally get to our HEA is paved with what we have to do. It just makes the journey that much more of a life adventure.
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Profile Image for Cristin Boykin.
393 reviews7 followers
October 29, 2013
5 gut wrenching stars!!! I have one word for Nick Hot. I fell in love with him and it was a deep love for me. This book brought out so many emotions for me and I wasnt sure my kindle would survive till the end. Let me tell you that under no circumstances did I want Natalie back with Gabe. That man just seriously rubbed me the wrong way. I think that he had his chance with her and blew because he was a selfish man. Now When that first bomb was drop I was like oh crap I can work with that and things will be alright. Well then things started to go down hill fast and I was all holy bulll balls I didn't see that coming even though in the back of mind I knew it was the only way for me to get the ending I wanted. I know I feel bad that I even had those thoughts. Especially after that freaking epilogue that I didn't see coming. i was like what the hell was that that was a jacked up ending!!! Then I felt bad for all my horrible thoughts toward Gabe and I didn't hate him so much at the end. I think this book was amazing and it really pulled a lot of emotions from tears, laughter, hatred, and just all out confusion. Do I believe that you can move 2 people yes I do, but I believe that you will only have one great love in your life. add this book to you TBR list you will not regret it
Profile Image for Feisty Girls.
102 reviews72 followers
August 31, 2013
~Joni’s Review~

I am at a loss for the words that I need to actually do this book the justice I feel it deserves. Open Your Eyes was different for me than anything I have ever read. I love a book that grabs a hold of your emotions and owns them from them beginning.

Jani Kay did an AMAZING job of owning my emotions. It was like I stepped inside this book and lived it right along with Natalie and Nick. I don’t think I have ever connected with a book as much as I did this one. When they felt pain I felt it as if it was my own. I sat here and sobbed through so many parts absolutely heartbroken.

I completely understood the turmoil Natalie was facing and the decisions she made. That doesn’t mean I liked it or it hurt any less. I adored Nick and Natalie together and knew what they had was beyond special and meant to be. But things don’t always go as planned.

“Sometimes we are stuck in our own reality; we don’t see the options open to us. We are stuck in our way of thinking believing that is the only way our loves can be.” ~Nick~

Now that I have bared my emotions to you all here goes the review…
Natalie is in New York with her daughter, Olivia. When Natalie decides she’s had enough shopping for the day her daughter convinces her to go back to the hotel and they will meet up later. Natalie finds herself in the Museum of Modern Art where she meets a tall, dark, and handsome stranger.

Nick was drawn to Natalie from the moment he saw her and he was determined to get to know her. She was just the type of woman he had always wanted and Nick always gets what he wants.

They spent every day together it was so sweet and beautiful at times. All Natalie wanted was to be seen and Nick saw her unlike anyone else ever had.

When everything seemed to be absolutely perfect in their world, Natalie gets a call that changes everything. My heart hurt so much through this part, for Nick and Natalie.

Natalie and her “husband” have been separated for two years he went on with life and lived it up while she stood still. She wanted to fix her marriage even though he told her he no longer wanted her. That is until he found out that she was moving on with Nick. Now Gabe wants it all back.

Now Natalie faces a decision that could rip her to pieces. She must choose between what she sees as her responsibility and what she really wants and needs.

“I was at a crossroad; I had to make a choice soon. Too many hearts were dependent on my decision.” ~ Natalie~

Nick wants Natalie, would give everything in his life up for her, will she give him the chance?

“She thinks I’m strong. That I can survive this. Jesus fucking Christ! Doesn’t she realize she is my life?” ~Nick~

There is so much I cannot tell you about this book without taking a chance of ruining it for you. I absolutely refuse to spoil this one!! I lived this book if I could give it more than 5 stars I would it’s that great. Not only is it heartbreakingly beautiful it’s hot as hell!!

Download it, read it, live it!!
Profile Image for Momoftwins02.
149 reviews7 followers
October 31, 2013
Wow, this book really took me by surprise. I absolutely LOVED this book! Such a sweet love story between Natalie and Nick. Natalie comes to New York with her 21 yo daughter to get away from the soon-to-be-ex-husband Gabriel who doesn't love or want her anymore. Enter Nick, the steamy, drool-worthy, world famous photographer. He's instantly drawn to Natalie and a sweet love story, with some hot sex of course, develops. Then ... WHAM!!!! That DANG PHONE CALL!!!!! Natalie rushes home to care for Garbriel and then she has to choose between these two men. You think it's a no brainer, right? NOPE!

This is one of those books you'll find yourself saying ... NO! NO! NO! and then WHAT THE HELL IS SHE THINKING .... and then, PLEASE DON'T DO IT! Then, when you think the book is going to end and your heart aches for Nick ... WHAM AGAIN! The book takes so many unexpected turns towards the end you just can't put it down. You just HAVE TO KNOW how it will end. Although it was truly sad what happened, I was SO HAPPY the book ended the way it did. (I don't want to give away too much because you really should READ THIS BOOK!)

Now, let me say, the epilogue is like no other epilogue I've ever read before. I like a big fat HEA with a bow in my epilogues. This is NOT that type of epilogue. After reading it I sat there for a few minutes and then went "Don't make me actually like HIM!" Read the book and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
457 reviews19 followers
November 19, 2013
Please check out my full 5 star review here

I was asked by Jani to read/review this book for her, and Wow I am pleased I did as this is frikkin awesome on many a level.

Nicholas has been hurt terribly before at the hands of his cousin Jonathan, can he let go of his emotions and relax enough to fall for the little lamb who has befriended him.

Although he is named as one of the most eligible bachelors, in truth he is to afraid to have any emotion, as his heart breaks to easily.

Their by chance meeting at an art gallery lifts the lid on lots of hidden emotions for both Nick and Natalie, and their relationship forms as naturally as getting out of bed each morning, and he loves to see that he is able to wash the sadness finally from her eyes, as that seemed to accompany her always, he knew she had been terribly hurt also but until she trusted him enough to confide in him, he would not push her to reveal her secrets.

Nick is Natalies tour guide while she is staying in New York, he is her lover and confidante and their relationship is just taking off the ground, where true feelings and emotions have been exchanged.

You can't help it, you just fall for Nick, he bends over backwards to make Natalie's stay absolutely the most special time that she has experienced.
He has wealth and contacts and she has not much in life to look forward to, and he treats her like a princess and walks the red carpet for her.

And then the inevitable call from home comes and sends everything into turmoil,

Natalie must fly back home straight away her estranged husband has had a sever heart attack and her children need her.

While she is home, she finds she has to be the sole carer of her husband while he recuperates, will this be a hindrance or will it awake sleeping feelings for them both.

Gabriel has had time to reflect on life and decides he wants Natalie back at all costs, but what will those costs mean to her.

This is about the time you want to put on your most pointy stilettos and kick her right up the jacksie, for the decision that she makes, it is absolutely infuriating you want to just throw your kindle against the wall and say you

Stupid F***N Bitch Wake The F**K Up.

Or at least be given access to her phone number so you can txt bomb her phone until she finally sees sense or at least listens to the points you want her to hear you, your prepared to scream if she will just connect with your thoughts.

Her actions will now play out to build gaps, will it be good for her, will it not, we will have to read more and see.

Any more information will spoil the storyline for you, but If I'M honest I would of taken the exact same path as Natalie had, we think alike in that respect.

This book took me through so many emotions, it had me crying, it had me laughing and it also had me in a rage, and I really did want to txt bomb Natalie or at least shake some sense into her, so it is a definite 5 star book for me as it hit me emotionally.
Profile Image for Shaz X.
401 reviews17 followers
August 31, 2013
Sharon's Book Nook - Review of Eyes Wide Open

*Copy of book provided by Author in return for an honest review*

I loved this book!!!

Open Your Eyes centres around characters that are in their early forties and fifties. It is full of emotion that reels you in and enables you to feel it all, ranging from sadness, lust, love, happiness, loss and grief. It really does have it all.

The writing is fantastic, the story never dies down and you’re constantly entertained by this book. I also loved the Australian-isms that have been included. In particular the mention of knocking over a ‘tall poppy’ being an Australian sport. Loved it!

The characters are fantastic and are very easy to like. Natalie, the Australian woman torn between two men is adorable. She has been separated from her husband Gabriel for approximately 2 years and goes on a holiday to the USA with her daughter where she meets Nick. You’re able to sympathise with her completely and understand why she makes the decisions she does always putting her family’s happiness before her own. Nick, Natalie’s American fling/lover is completely in love with her and will do everything he can to keep her. He is a famous photographer and is extremely swoon-worthy. Then there’s Gabriel, Natalie’s jealous ex-husband who left her two years earlier and broke her heart. I did like him as well but it took me a little longer to warm up to him as I was expecting him to hurt Natalie again.

I found this story refreshing and liked that it involved older characters rather than the twenty somethings that are in most romance novels that I’ve read. The love scenes in this book are very steamy and it is a fantastic read and is definitely worth checking out!
Profile Image for Kim.
800 reviews3 followers
October 29, 2013
SPOILER and Recommend 18 and over

At first when I started reading I wasn't to sure about it. But I found that I got sucked right into this book.
Natalie and Olivia mother and daughter win a trip to NY. The weather was bad so Natalie decides to go into the art museum. While waiting for the bad weather to stop she starts talking to a stranger name Nick who was a famous photographer. The go on a date and end up in each others arms.

Jonathan Nick's brother has it out for Nick always has been. Always stole Nick's girlfriends and now he is out to hurt him again.

New Years changes everything for Nick and Natalie when Olivia hands the phone to her mother. When Natalie and Olivia rush home due to Gabe having a heart attack their whole lives change again. Nick and Natalie end their love affair so Natalie can stay with her husband. Gabe the once controlling husband changed his tune since his near death experience. Gabe and Natalie work things out and talk like husbands and wives should seems they never did that.

Toward the end of the book I was getting bored just kinda waiting for the book to end. I really enjoyed the whole story and I love how things turned out.

Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,822 reviews363 followers
September 8, 2014

This was a journey of a woman separated from her husband who is very domineering. So she goes with her daughter to New York, her daughter is 21. Her mother wasn't looking for love.

There she stands in an art gallery when a very handsome alpha male appears, she isn't looking......is she! WOW what a specimen of a male.

Working on from that, they hook up, she wasn't looking for love, but the desire in both of them was too much to ignore.........
she gets a phone call from home, HE wants her back.

Two men wanting her, who will she choose? the father of her daughter? the sexy hunk of a dangerous liason?

What about her past?

There's a lot in this novel to keep you interested from one page to another, from one chapter to another.

This isn't just HOT, its scorching!

A very well thought out story from Jani Kay, well written and held my attention throughout.
Profile Image for Keri.
562 reviews17 followers
September 6, 2013
What a book! I was so upset when she made her choice. Although I understand why. I wish I would have had a little more about her end story too. Great book all the way. I know my comments are vague but I don't want to give away any spoilers. Let me just said the epilogue blew me away!!!!! I didn't know what to feel. Mostly it was sadness and some anger(for the kids) and mostly nauseous lol that someone could do that for someone else. I felt bad that she would never know the truth as to what happened and what he did for her although it would have probably killed her. Especially him doing it for her. Blows my mind!
Profile Image for Migdalia Gerena.
25 reviews2 followers
August 10, 2013
" All I want is for you to be happy. In the end who you choose to be with is up to you. But I still think you are making the biggest mistake of your life. I can't come and watch you do it. But I do wish you happiness."

Open your Eyes was an amazing good read from the beginning to the end! I was so emotionally and mentally invested in the storyline that I experienced sleep deprivation. Natalie is caught between a rock and a hard place in deciding to either stay with her first love or take a chance and risk it all for a new relationship. The intimacy is quite hot! The epilogue was heartbreaking.

Thank you Jani for an amazing love story. <3
Profile Image for Submit & Devour.
120 reviews154 followers
October 7, 2013
Recently separated, Australian native, Natalie and her daughter take a trip to New York. There Natalie meets and falls for rich, handsome photographer Nicholas Gallagher. A sudden turn of events leads her back to her estranged husband, who realizes he wants to rekindle their marriage.
Open Your Eyes is not your typical love triangle story because I wasn't sure exactly who I wanted her to end up with...the husband who should had history with and children or the man who quickly showed her that she was important and cherished.
It is a sexy, beautiful love story...with an AMAZING epilogue!!
Profile Image for Michael.
Author 3 books64 followers
January 28, 2014
This is the first book I've read by this author and my emotions are all over the place. It was slow to start and at times I wanted to just shake Natalie. I thought this would be your typical plot line for a mildly angsty romance novel. I thought I had everything figured out halfway through the novel, but I was so wrong. I give you fair warning to have a box of tissues ready. I finished the story 20 minutes ago and am still crying. This is definitely worth your time to read and I will be checking out her other books as well...after I stop crying.
2,527 reviews5 followers
April 16, 2014
When I first started this story it was great. A new start for Natalie in New York with Nick, or so I thought. I wanted to scream because I did not want her to go back to Gabriel. But it seemed that things worked out and she seemed happy. What a surprise towards the end! The epilogue was the ultimate ending, never even saw that one coming. What a wonderful and sometimes challenging life for all. Loved all the emotions, intimate moments and surprises. Kept my attention! Way to go! Thank you for a fantastic story!
Profile Image for Julie Reveles (Juls ~ ILST BLOG).
852 reviews10 followers
April 8, 2014
Wow! Lets just start there. This book was an emotional roller coaster for me.. I loved Nick.. It's so hard to say my feelings without spoiling it but let's just say at the first change in story I was like .. What the hell! But as story went on I understood it.. And then the next roller coaster happened so suddenly and I was like.. What the hell! Lol... But in the end love concurred all! And let me just say .. That epilogue ... Omg.. It made me cry!! O-man.. Just heart wrenching ..
Profile Image for Lisa Miller.
167 reviews3 followers
October 3, 2013
Wow doesn't even begin to explain this book. This book grabbed me from the beginning and took me through an emotional roller coaster that didn't end until the last word at the end!! I have never read a book that grabbed me this way. This is one of the most beautiful, heart-wrenching, breathtaking, best romances I have ever read!! I would recommend this (have recommended this) to everyone!! Thanks Jani Kay for a superb book. I would love to see a second book!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
552 reviews43 followers
July 31, 2014
I was given an ARC of this book from Jani Kay

This is the first book I have read from this author and I will be reading her other books without a doubt.

Open your eyes is a spell binding story that breaks you heart and sends you on a rollercoaster of emotions. I fell in love with Nick and Gabe alongside Natalie.

This story was very well written,grabs you deep within and made me cry at the end.

Five Stars + from me - A must read
Profile Image for Michelle Friedhoff.
238 reviews6 followers
August 4, 2013
The first thing that I said when I finished the last sentence was WOW. This book didn't go at all like I expected. On one hand you have the love of a husband, years of a shared life & children. Then you have a love that is weaved deeply within your soul. Now choose one and walk away from the other, forever. It's not as easy as you'd think.
Profile Image for Tracy Lundy-Munn.
1,483 reviews
August 23, 2013
Holy Hotness.....every woman needs a Nick:)) Loved this book...I was a emotional mess by the end of this book. I was definitely rooting for Nick...not that I didn't appreciate the history and family that Gabe and Nat had, but he didn't treat her right until he thought she found someone else. Loved this storyline and the characters. I think Jani did a great job and it was very well written!!
Profile Image for Hilda.
116 reviews10 followers
November 19, 2013
KILLER! Optimum word here. Yes a fairytale romance and predicatable at times but WOW! Loved the fact the main characters are over 40, ...yes it can happen to us too. The seduction was powerful and HOT! I could not put this story down anticipating the ending, and WOW what an ending. This author pulled all the stops with a perfect epilogue that will melt your heart. Don't miss this one!
337 reviews2 followers
September 4, 2016
This is a very well thought out story. I liked the way Nick and his family were inter-woven with Nat and Gabe's family. Although I knew how I wanted this book to end, expected it to end, I really wasn't sure if me and the author were on the same wavelength!!!

This book will have you up all night reading it until it's finished as I know I couldn't put it down!! A definate 5 star book!
Profile Image for Crystal.
17 reviews
September 10, 2013
What a great love story. I couldn't put it down, read it in a day. Was on the edge of my seat just wanting to know what was going to happen. The characters seemed so real. Might just have to make a trip to New York City for Christmas.......
Profile Image for Robyn Dejamaer.
11 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2013
I usually don't write reviews but this book is really really good!!! It tore at my heart strings.. I can't wait to read more of her books. ❤❤❤ I definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Michelle Preece.
105 reviews
August 2, 2013
this is one of those books that draws you in from the start, I loved how it was so real, I have to say Nick was by far my fav out of the characters. Thank you for creating such a wonderful read. <3
Profile Image for Jennifer Gauthier.
416 reviews29 followers
March 10, 2017
DNF Sorry just can't do it
Guess I'm truly not a fan of instalove
Insta everything in this book

Made is to 51% I can;t finish Ive tried
Profile Image for Holly Shields.
202 reviews2 followers
October 23, 2014
Oh Lord! I just finished reading this and I am not sure my heart can handle it. I thought I knew where this book was going, but I was so, so wrong. It’s pretty rare for a book to really sneak up on you. I mean there is always something that gives it away and if you pay attention, you can see it. That was totally not the case for me here. Maybe I was just blind to it. I’m not sure, but there were two times that I was shocked. I gasped out loud at the first and whimpered at the second.

I need to voice my feelings, so my book description will be short. Natalie is a 40 year old mother of 3 adult children living in Sydney, Australia. She’s been separated from her husband, Gabriel, for 2 years, but they were more or less roommates long before that. Gabe really did a number of Natalie. After zoning in on her like a heat-seeking missile when she was at the ripe old age of 17 (10 years his junior), he knocked her up and married her. He was jealous, needy and dominating and he wanted her all of the time……until he didn’t anymore. He told her often how little he wanted her and made her feel totally unattractive. Natalie’s daughter, Olivia, won a trip to NYC over Christmas and New Year’s and decided to take her mother with her. Shortly into the trip, Natalie found herself at the Museum of Modern Art, but the best art was the super attractive man striking up a conversation with her. Enter Nicholas Gallagher. He is the wealthy, famous photography artist known to be an eternal bachelor. Natalie is positive that Nicholas doesn’t want her, but she is very wrong. Nicholas is drawn to her and he truly sees her…all of her. After a whirlwind romance, Natalie gets a call from home that Gabe has had a heart attack. She rushes home to be there for her kids and she finds out that Gabe wants her back and he’s pulling out all the stops to make that happen. He even has a secret that he’s kept from Natalie about his past. Can Natalie forget everything she just shared with Nick? Can she forgive Gabe for all of the hurt he’s put her through? How will she react when she learns Gabe’s secret? Should she put his and her children’s needs ahead of her own? What will she do when Nick makes it clear that he doesn’t want to give up on her?

You might think you know the answers to those questions. You might think you can see where this story is headed. Gabe’s secret shocked the shit out of me. It was unexpected, but the honesty and realness of the situation is what really brought it home to me. Every once in a while you read a story that’s just grips you front the very beginning. Open Your Eyes had me gripped from the Prologue. If you can read that and not be interested, then I will be shocked. I felt like Jani Kay was just toying me while I waited for the truth to come out. I expected the shoe to drop. I expected to have an ‘Aha!’ moment and watch Natalie break down from her decisions. I expected and expected, but I never expected what happened.

This was a suspenseful romance, but the suspense came from the emotions and the relationships. There wasn’t a serial killer or anything like that. This felt like somebody’s life. The drama associated with feelings came through here…that is what kept you on the edge of your seat. When the ending came around, I was actually happy, which I am sure makes me a terrible person on some level. The Epilogue absolutely slayed me. I felt physical chest pain. I am sure this is one of those books that will linger with me for a while. I desperately want to have a conversation with someone about it. This would be GREAT for group reading or a book club.

Reviewing on behalf of Fierce and Fabulous Book Diva – check us out at http://www.fierceandfabbookdiva.com/.
Complimentary copy provided for honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
3,042 reviews33 followers
August 5, 2014
There's a lot of different feels for this book. Natalie meets Nick in New York during the Christmas holiday season while she is on vacation with her daughter Olivia from Australia. There's an immediate connection, like soul mates recognizing the other and suddenly awakening type of connection. Nick knows this right away, Natalie is a little slower to catch on as she misunderstands his intentions, but is most definitely drawn to him. From there, they spend time together for the rest of Natalie's vacation and it's apparent that in a short period of time, their souls are intertwined in a way that they are the other half of each other. When words aren't spoken, they can still communicate through their eyes. Nick is both enamored and delighted to have found "the one." I loved Nick right from the get go. He's a true gentleman but he also pursues Natalie in a way that lets her know she's beautiful and desired. In contrast to Gabriel at that point, Nick is everything that Natalie would want in a man, the interest he takes in her life, the way he helps out with prepping meals, and how he looks at her with so much affection and adoration like she has the key to his heart - Nick is the whole package. It was obvious they belonged together. However, life isn't always that simple. Natalie may be separated from her husband Gabriel, but she is still legally married. Her holiday with Nick is cut short by a family emergency and Natalie returns home. Gabriel had a heart attack and apparently a change of heart, too. While he was very cold towards Natalie during the last few years of their marriage, being near death gave him some time to reflect and that includes wanting to be the best husband possible for her and he is willing to do whatever he can to be that guy. Now Natalie has to make a choice between Nick and Gabriel. The new Gabriel has undergone a significant transformation that is worthy of that second chance. He continues to redeem himself in spite of all the past hurts and wrong doings. Natalie's heart really knows who holds it in his hands but Natalie is also thinking with her head on behalf of her family. I honestly can't fault Natalie for who she chose (although it pained me) because she thought she was doing what was best for as many people as possible and with the least risk. Because she's a fictional character, she should have chose one guy but she didn't, but if this were real life, her choice makes perfect sense even if I didn't agree. I understood Natalie, though, she puts others ahead of herself and she is so caring with a big heart that she wants everyone to be happy even at her own expense. She was happy, though, but she could have been happier and seen for her whole self. However, life has a way of playing out such that even when one meets their soul mate and the timing is off, their time together may still come later and that union will be even better. I was conflicted about several things, but part of the story is that experiences shape a person and that second chances are possible, but there's no stopping two hearts that depend on each other to beat despite the separation of time and distance.
Profile Image for Obsession Is A Book - Terrie .
250 reviews12 followers
October 10, 2013
**Book provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

I'm not sure what I expected when I started reading Open Your Eyes and I went in to the story with an open mind. Jani did a great job of grabbing my attention.

The book is the story of Natalie and her journey of self-discovery. The book is unique, I've not read a book like it before and I read a lot of books. The twists and turns kept me engaged and the fact that nothing is as it seems.

Natalie meets Nick on a trip to New York with her grown up daughter. There is an instant attraction between the two of them and it kinda has an insta-love thing going on. Their relationship progresses pretty quickly and they do fall in love. Natalie is still married to her estranged husband even though they have been separated for quite some time.

I did like Natalie's character but she bugged me at times, there was a little too much inner turmoil for me. Nick I fell in love with and I also fell in love with Gabriel. Although the book is only told in Natalie and Nick's POV you get a real understanding of Gabriel as the story unfolds and although I couldn't justify the things he had done, I could understand the reasoning behind it.

I'm not too sure what I think about the epilogue, it was interesting and again unique. Jani has definitely thrown me for a loop with Open Your Eyes, in a good way. It's just so unexpected and thought provoking.
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