Published on Let's Talk Development

Friday round up: Visualizing financial inclusion, food insecurity, behavioral economics, poverty among urban children, and citizen well-being

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The Guardian's Global Development Professionals Network blog has created visualizations using Global Findex data.
The FAO finds in its 'The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015' report that 795m people are undernourished globally, down 167m over the last decade, and 216m less than in 1990–92.
Karla Hoff and James Walsh argue on the Future Development blog that paying attention to seemingly trivial details of policy design can powerfully affect how individuals respond.

The latest 'State of the World’s Mothers' report finds that the poorest urban children are at least twice as likely to die as their wealthier counterparts.
The Boston Consulting Group has launched a Sustainable Economic Development Assessment that measures how countries stack up in terms of the well-being levels of their citizens.

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