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Police Say To Remove Snow Suits Before Placing Child In Car Seats

By Michelle Durham

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - As the winter season approaches, local officials want to remind parents of small children that the clothing they put on their child can make all the difference in the effectiveness of their car seat.

In other words: no snowsuits in car seats.

NJ State Police Sergeant Joan Bloom advises parents not to dress their children in bulky clothing.

"Basically, when you have a lot of material underneath the car seat, it gives the parents a false sense of security as to how secure they are in the child seat, and it doesn't get as snug as it needs to be," he explains.

Parents are urged to warm up the car in advance and then place the bulky coat or blanket over the seat.

"The seat is tested on a dummy that doesn't have all those layers on," Pennsylvania State Trooper Adam Reed said. "So the safety of the seat could be compromised if the child is not fitting as snugly as it should be."

Both Reed and Bloom say the change of seasons is the perfect time to have your child's car seat double checked to make sure it hasn't shifted during all the summer travel.

For more information, visit the following links.

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