The ASN Commitment... "To provide the tools and resources to  change and improve peoples' lives".

The ASN Philosophy... "You can get anything out of life you want, if you help enough others get what they want".

ASN Financial Services

The Fountain of Youth?!

Find it Here!

No Down Home Loans

Free Foreclosure Lists

Mortgage Reduction

No Down Investments


Do You Need a Will?

U Pay 2 Much Taxes

Credit Repair Service

Free Credit Repair Kit


Free Bankruptcy Forms

Loans in 24 Hours!

ASN Financial Services

A world of Services for

a World of Issues


Here's what our 1000's of Customers and Members are Saying...

Kimberly R writes

Your help has saved my life!  The weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

I am so amazed that a random internet search found me the help I needed in the form of and YOU!!!


Mortgage Reduction




Business Loans...

Up to $150,000 dollars!


Shouldn't you know who you are dealing with??

Click Below to find out!

 Check public records





Michael M Writes:

Hey Bruce this site is really Great! I've already called all my family.  I'm so glad i found your company, its awesome
your the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for setting up this site!









Need Cash Right Now!? Less than 24 hours to your bank!

Click Here!

No Credit Personal loans

Home or Auto Equity Loans

Student Loans

Business Loans up to $50.000 Dollars!

Annuity FYI






























Copyright © 2004-2016
Last modified:
12/09/2020 03:01 PM

ASN Servicing Any and All Your Needs...

We are is a Nationwide Network of Real Estate, Financial, Legal and Credit Professionals who are committed to providing needed life changing services at affordable costs. 

Our overriding philosophy is simple...

A service you can't afford...  Is not a service!

Do you know someone who needs help?  Share!  You not only help them... You Get Paid!  Even if it's for YOU!


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For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists,

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

When calling please reference Service ID Code WB122956 

A Few of our many services.

Low Cost Bankruptcy

Tax Secrets

Bad Credit Personal Loans

Save Your Home

Because we are an integrated multi services company, we can afford to OBJECTIVELY ANALYZE your situation and provide THE BEST solution to your issue... not just THE service we happen to provide.

The point is, we have no financial incentive to recommend any service over another.  We do not have the normal bias that leads to a "Our one solution fixes all of your problems" mind set.  We have only one bias-- only one goal...  To provide you with the best service, the most comprehensive information available on the realistic options for your situation and then let you decide which is best for you.

We Have But One Goal...    to Serve You!

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

When calling please reference Service ID Code WB122956 

Do you  have an issue?... We have the Solution!

A Solution You Can't Afford... Is Not a Solution!

Our commitment is to solve problems...

Our fees are not JUST reasonable... we GUARANTEE they are affordable.

Are you in danger of losing your home?

See Mortgage Reduction

Are you being suffocated by debt?

See Bankruptcy Services

Do you have Tax issues?

Lower or Resolve Tax Issues

Are Wage Garnishments Looming?

See Bankruptcy Services

Are Credit Problems holding you back?

See Credit Repair and Free Assistance

Could you use a No Credit Check Personal Loan?

See Personal Loans

DID YOU ANSWER YES to ANY of These Questions, WE CAN HELP!

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists,

call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

When calling please reference Service ID Code WB122956 

  • SOLUTIONS THAT WORK did you know?... 

    • Bankruptcies effect loans...

    • which reduce Taxes,

    • which can impact Credit,

    • which effects mortgages and negotiations, etc... 

The timing of one and how it is handled will usually impact the result of the other.

  • Each of our professionals understands the interplay and relationships between these important issues.  We know how to handle each in order to achieve the outcome you want. 

Our goal is to provide the service you need... NOT what we want to sell!


  • Does your Bankruptcy preparer understand how your bankruptcy will affect your taxes or potential Mortgage Reduction?

  • Do they understand how bankruptcy will affect the home purchase you are planning?  (AND YES: with our programs you can still buy a home with Nothing Down even with a one day old bankruptcy).

  • Is your Mortgage Lender educated in the creative financing techniques that will allow you to buy with nothing down, regardless of your credit situation?  We do.

  • Does your Tax Preparer, take the time to ask the questions that can save you hundreds? Sometimes even thousands of dollars? Ours do!

  • Does your Credit Specialist know (or for that matter even care) whether credit repair, based on your unique set of circumstances, is really a better option than a bankruptcy or debt negotiation?  Sometimes Credit Repair is better, but often it is not...  Our Professionals KNOW the difference and will always give you an honest opinion of what's best for you, based on your circumstances.

  • Does your Mortgage Negotiator know how to potentially use the LEVERAGE OF A POSSIBLE BANKRUPTCY to negotiate a better deal?  Or how to use a combination of these options to let you to live in your home rent free for up to a year or more? 

    • As a home owner, you have MANY options, and most service providers aren't aware of them...  And even if they are it may not matter because...  

  • Are they willing to lose a sale by telling you that what you actually need is something they can't do??    Many will... many won't... Can You Afford To Take That Chance?

    • Realize... Because we do it all, ASN has no financial incentive to recommend any service over another...   Our goal is simple... to serve you.

    Call Toll Free 877 604 6636  EXT 3

    When calling please reference Service ID Code WB122956 

Unlike companies that provide only one particular service and therefore have a compelling financial interest in convincing you that THEIR service is THE answer to YOUR problems... ASN provides all relevant services and options to credit, debt, real estate, taxes and many other issues...

Consequently, we can afford to give you nothing but the truth.

The point is, we have no financial incentive to recommend one service over another.  We do not have an "Our one solution fixes all of your problems", bias.  We have only one bias-- only one goal...  To provide you with the best service, the most comprehensive information available on the realistic options and then let you decide which solution is best for your circumstances.

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists,

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636

When calling please reference Service ID Code WB122956 

ASN Solutions for Today!

We are THE One Stop Source for solutions to the most pressing financial

issues faced in today's tumultuous society... 



Back Taxes?  No Problem!



Stop Foreclosure

Stop Garnishments

Eliminate Back Taxes

Extinguish All Bills

Get a fresh start.

Find out, is Bankruptcy Right for you?

Click here for details of...

  •  What Bankruptcy can and can't do for you

  • Frequently asked questions

  • Mistakes to avoid

  • Want to do it yourself?  We even provide Free Bankruptcy Manuals and Bankruptcy Forms.


Business Loans...

Up to $100,000 dollars!

If you or someone you know is in danger of losing their home for ANY of the following reasons...

  • payments too high,

  • balance is too high

  • payments are behind

  • property is in foreclosure

  • or any other reason...

If they would like to find a solution that involves...

  • the lowering of payments

  • lowering the balance

  • stopping foreclosure

  • living rent free for up to 1 year or more.

  • then get paid if and when you actually DO move?...

Contact our Mortgage  and Foreclosure Specialists.  We can do or prevent all of this and more... and we can do it for a fraction of the cost of other companies. 

Click here for details


No Down Home Purchases

In spite of what you've heard about the real estate market.  There is still a way for you or anyone to buy a home, for no money down... No Matter What The Credit!

Contact us to See How!


Chrissy in OH

You rock!! Thanks so much for your help. I wasn't sure what to expect but you have been great!!!


From Roger in MI

you did a SMASHING job of reading what I wrote and turning it into this very organized and beautifully written petition--Thank You

Consumer Credit Counseling

We are often asked why we DON'T offer Consumer Credit Counseling services.

The reason is simple...  Quite frankly, usually, usually it does not work.  We can offer and do virtually anything.  But, we offer only services that we know will have a positive outcome for our clients.  About 40% of all our Bankruptcy clients are people that prior to coming to us, paid hundreds, if not thousands, for Credit Counseling services... only to find that nothing was accomplished.  They further discovered that after a year or more of throwing away a small fortune, they realized that they then had little choice gut to file Bankruptcy.

Don't get me wrong.  I've seen a few people and situations in which CCC created a positive outcome.  But they are so few and far between that I will not take the chance of subjecting a client to this uncertainty.

If you feel that you need, Consumer Credit Counseling, I suggest that you do some additional research and visit our Bankruptcy and/or Credit Repair pages.




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